2022-12-12 TSWG Meeting Notes

Meeting Date

  • The TSWG meets bi-weekly on Mondays at 08:00-09:00 PT / 15:00-16:00 UTC. See the ToIP Calendar for meeting times and logistics.

Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Main Goals of this Meeting

1) Task Force reports
2) 2023 Q1 planning

Important links:

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
5 minGeneral announcementsAllUpdates from TSWG members of general interest to the group.
2 minReview of Action Items from the previous meetingChairs
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to add to the Technology Architecture Task Force agenda on Thursday the topic of revising the conceptual diagram of the ToIP stack to reflect the work in the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification V1.
  • ACTION: Judith Fleenor to complete the process of approval of the ToIP/DIF collaboration memo to clear the way for joint meetings on the topic of Trust Registries and Trust Establishment.
  • ACTION: Drummond Reed to ask Elisa Trevino to remove the Dec 26 meeting from the ToIP Calendar.
15 minTask Force ReportsTF Leads

Technology Architecture TFWenjing Chu  Drummond Reed

  • Drummond Reed is working on a blog post about the ToIP Trust Spanning Protocol — he will post a link to our Slack channel as soon as it is ready for review. The goal is to publish it no later than Dec 19th.
  • The TATF needs to find a new meeting slot that is not the off-week for the TSWG meetings as too many folks have Monday morning conflicts (e.g. HXWG).
    • DISCUSSION TOPIC: Can we find one more meeting slot on Tue or Wed that we can alternate between TSWG meetings and TATF meetings?
  • NOTES: Where should we go next? Next thing for TATF should be to create a list for the components worked on in other organizations. Then  prioritize roadmap for ToiP TATF work. Priority in spanning layer protocol(s)?

Trust Registry TF — Darrell O'Donnell

  • The ToIP / DIF collaboration memo is now signed by both Executive Directors - we will be working to align discussions between the groups. Andor is the lead there.
  • ACTION: Darrell O'Donnell to coordinate renaming of TATF call to TRTF for Thursday's TF working sessions. 
  • Ad Hoc meetings prepared for this week: Tuesday 9am PT (US/EU) and Wednesday 6pm PT (APAC)
  • Google Doc for early (and messy) capture - re-jigging Github for more formal capture and work
  • co-leads added: Antti Kettunen and Andor have stepped up

ACDC TF — Sam Smith Philip Feairheller 

  • -

AI & Metaverse (AIM) Technology TFWenjing Chu Vikas Malhotra 

  • -
15 minQ1 2023 Planning

In addition to the Trust Registry Task Force now meeting at full force, there is a propos


  • Need of new task forces for component level development. Not all components warrant a new Task Force. How to start work on new proposals.
  • Andor
    • three main things: Spanning layer, DID Auth & Trust Registries
    • Could CTWG be used to create collective & collaborative terminology
  • Tim
    • Year of the wallet wars
    • Battle of Standards & schemes
    • Policy makers become more descriptive
    • Governments will formulate positions and become more articulate
    • Attention to the public policy level. Policy makers donot care about the tech protocol battles, but the requirements space.
    • This can be seen in EU, California, Canada, etc.
    • ToIP  to become voice of reason for policy makers.
    • Three communities: DTC/ICAO, Mobile Driver's License (esp states), Education community (national credentials).
    • Differences in approach EU (bureaucracy) vs North America  (market led)
    • New document coming for conformity assessment program for testing components from CIOSC "Objects of Conformity Assessment". https://github.com/CIOSC/CAS-Digital-Credentials/blob/main/scheme/objects/objca-table.md
  • Judith
    • TATF earlier AP's included Tim Bouma  helping create a Reference framework for Policy makers
  • Antti:
    • Next year, EU Large  Scale Pilots will be providing input for the eIDAS
  • Daniel:
    • EU has done the pilot approach before. Scytel and Intrasoft are the small IT-companies who won the EU frame contract. The wallet code is going to be relesased as open source
    • ISO subcommittee SC17 looking into digital wallets (Security devices for personal identifications). SC17 includes also other similar working groups (ICAO & mDL). First meeting of the advisory group on the 17th  of Dec. Daniel Bachenheimer is a member of this group and will report back any  news.
10 minSpecial topic #2

5 minAny other business

5 min
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

Next meeting: 

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • Sample Decision Item

Action Items