2021-04-14 Paper Based Credentials Drafting Group Meeting Notes


  • Tony Rose, 
  • Travis James
  • Rich Eicher
  • David Janes
  • Vitor Pamplona
  • Justin Dossey
  • Julian Ranger
  • Erica Frenkel
  • Bart Suichies
  • Paul Knowles
  • Jamal Dorsey

Agenda Items

2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeTony

Paths Between Credentials & PassesTony / Vitor

CodeReader Presentation

Rich Eicher

3 minWrap upChair 


Presentation Link 


Topic: Good Health Pass - Paper Credentials
Start Time : Apr 14, 2021 10:57 AM

Meeting Recording:


1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy


Review of last meeting Vitor went through W3C Credentials specification. The spec was defined a few years ago - 

  • Idea was proposed to them - is there opportunity to think about paper going forward. 
  • URI based syntax - could they become compliant with the spec. 
  • Drummond has updated the hierarchy diagram between credentials and passes 

Paths between Credentials and Passes:

Three paths between

  1. Selective disclosure
  2. Rules Engines - Delegated work to automated agent 
  3. Digital Notary/Secondary evaluation

Question: Re attributes are you following with Data Group

Generally neutral around the payload. 

Invitation to hear from Code-Reader before discussion on QR codes

  • Rich speaking
  • Look at things differently and have a presentation
  • Instead of minimum viable - what is best that can be done / ideal ways. 
  •   Printing - needs to be clean if it is very high density and QR codes. 
  • Limited Size and limited character QR codes ¼ inch or ½ inch square
  • For Camera - easy to use low end camera’s to scan simple QR codes. What we have seen so far 
  • Articulate why we made choices we made will be key. 
  • David Janes 
  • Something called batch-mode within a camera view called smart scan. Within one camera view up to 100 bar codes captured them all. 
  • Can’t do anything like that with pre-scan engines. 

Print QR Code Considerations

  • Physical Handling
  • Camera processing
  • Processing speed

Factors affecting focus

  • Stillness
  • Focus Distance
  • Angle/Orientation
  • Surface reflections
  • Bright ambient conditions
  • Low ambient conditions
  • Damaged codes
  • Poorly printed barcodes
  • High backlight brightness

Millions of Events

  • How set up - efficient flow of attendees to point of verification. 
  • Pre-event instructions e-mail
  •   Onsite visual guides

QR codes

  • Embed with the fewest characters possible
  • High contrast printing
  • Low glare paper
  • Rule based capture (smart scan)
  • You won’t scan anything unless it is correct
  • Highly accurate decoding engine - Option PDF 417
  • Preference Its the orientation 
  • 1400 characters can be encoded

Large number event organizers 

  • Can’t control - what VC presented at event 

Key Points

  • If we in this group - come up with “a format” 
  • Choosing multiple options. 
  • Strongly believe that we should define THE PREFERED option. 
  • At least all verifiers - people at gates - then towards maxim interoperability
  • Preferred option - most data in it but not over load
  • One signed - one not signed. 
  • Our health pass from DigiMe will implement both. 
  • Strongly urge to pick a particular one. 
  • Our job is going to be allowing our customers to validate as broad a range of credentials or passes that are presented to them. Opportunities can say “you must come with this credential” most access control applications will need to be able to verify an validate against a large number of them. 
  • Verifying VCs via a different medium. 
  • NFC and QR code. 
  • Access control Speed is really important. The better you handle a line the more satisfaction from attendees.
  • Able to use either NFC or QR code.
  • Verifying Access criteria
  • Verifying Ticket ID and Health Pass - both valid - then in. 

Duplicate Checking - screenshot. 

Bart commenting in chat 

  • there's no way this is going to be adopted in Europe.. would be a huge regulatory issue for organizers, cafe's, airlines, etc
  • I would not be in favor of recommending this because 'seamless' -> this makes every reader a data processor of medical data.
  • identity binding to a healthpass is something different than ALSO combining that with ticketing issues       

Action Items

  1. TBC