2021-05-14 Paper Based Credentials Drafting Group Meeting Notes


  • David Janes
  • Kaliya Young
  • Tony Rose
  • Rebecca Distler
  • Vitor Pamplona
  • Alex Fryer
  • Marie Wallace
  • Jammal Dorsey
  • Drummond Reed

Agenda Items

2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeChair
40 minComment Clearing (Done in Draft)David et al
3 minWrap upChair 



Topic: Good Health Pass - Paper Credentials
Start Time : May 14, 2021 11:00 AM

Meeting Recording:


1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy

2. Clearing Comments

  • Completed in google doc working draft

3. Additional Points

  • Make people aware of limitations of paper (Alex to draft, Rebecca to outreach)
  • Make note that we need to revisit this (David; problem #5)
    • Considered various strategies and haven’t decided one, but think it’s a good idea
  • Photo of QR is the credential? Reference 2.0 version 
  • Multiple options for identifiers; the more abbreviated versions you have, the harder it is to spoof - partial date or birthdate narrows it a bit

Action Items

  1. Rebecca to connect with Alex on John's team
  2. David to work on problem #5