2021-03-31 Paper Based Credentials Drafting Group Meeting Notes


  • Tony Rose (MedCreds)
  • Rebecca Distler (ID2020)
  • Daniel Riedel
  • Kaliya (CCI)
  • Ramesh Raskar (MIT)
  • James Blom
  • Justin Dossey (PathCheck)
  • Lucy Yang
  • Marie Wallace (IBM)
  • Nick Mason (ZAKA)
  • Sankarshan (Diway)
  • Trevor Cox
  • David (Consensas)
  • Vitor Pamplona (PathCheck)
  • Victor Radchenko
  • Sid
  • Travis James
  • Sara Facchinetti (InfoCert)

Agenda Items

2 minWelcome & Antitrust Policy NoticeChair
20 minIntroductionsAll
20 min

Review of blueprint outline and challenge area (overview, challenges, zones)

  • Identity binding important, but to be decided on by identity binding group (with cross-pollination)
  • Keep focus on technical questions around implementation of paper-based solutions


15 min 

Next Steps

  • Focus on paper credential presentation (formats we want to use initially) and see how this extends to paper passes; then think about interop between paper to digital and digital to paper
  • Brainstorm based on key interop questions

Presentations -

(PDFs posted)


1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy

2. Discussions on credential vs. pass

3. Discussions on how we can convert paper credentials to VCs (considerations around payload, compression/decompressing to ensure compliance with W3C)


Action Items

  1. Meet again this week
  2. Put together design requirements of paper
  3. Invite paper solutions to present