2025-01-30 HAVID TF APAC Meeting Notes
Jan 30, 2025 This Task Force meets weekly every Thursday/Friday. It alternates between two times to maximize global coverage:
NA/EU Meeting: 10:00-11:00 PT / 13:00-14:00 EDT / 18:00-19:00 UTC / 19:00-20:00 CET / Friday 01:00-02:00 AEST
APAC Meeting: 14:00-15:00 PT / 17:00-18:00 EDT / 22:00-23:00 UTC / 23:00-24:00 CET / Friday 09:00-10:00 AEST
See the Calendar of ToIP Meetings for exact meeting dates, times and Zoom links.
Zoom Meeting Links / Recordings
NA/EU Meeting: LFX Meetings
APAC Meeting: LFX Meetings
NOTE: This Zoom meeting link will be replaced by a link to a recording of the meeting once it is available.
@Jo Spencer
@Tim Bouma
@Jesse Carter
@Alex Tweeddale
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Time | Agenda Item | Lead | Notes |
3 min |
| Chairs |
2 min | Review of previous action items | Leads | Link to spec: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BVmciUxNsolRMknz3dws0dgYFfgwKLOTHRKuVb-Vazo/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.u9t084b0ygnz |
~ 5 mins | OID registration process |
| Move this to next meeting -tbc @Scott Perry |
~ 20 mins | Focussed discussion on X.509 to DID bridge and the different ways this could be done, review Alex’s idea in the spec |
| Tim
Jo and Tim
~ 30 mins | Review current state of spec AND updates made by Alex & Jesse |
| Needs to be some type of challenge/response
5 mins |
| Leads |