2023-12-13 TSPTF Meeting Notes

2023-12-13 TSPTF Meeting Notes

Meeting Date & Time

This Task Force meets every Wednesday. There are two meetings to serve different time zones:

  • NA/EU meeting: 08:00-09:00 PT / 16:00-17:00 UTC
  • APAC meeting: 18:00-19:00 PT / 02:00-03:00 UTC

See the Calendar of ToIP Meetings for exact meeting dates, times and Zoom links.

Zoom Meeting Recordings




Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
3 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • New member introductions
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
2 minReview of previous action itemsLeads
  • ACTION: Wenjing Chu and Sam Smith to prepare a "spec reviewer's tour guide" for next week's meetings to highlight particular sections and issues on which they as editors would like feedback as TSPTF members do a full-spec read-through over our 3 week holiday break.
5 minTechnology Stack Working Group IPR Transition

Below is the notice that Judith just sent to the TSWG mailing list (5PM PT 2023-12-12). All TSPTF members who want to remain active in this Task Force MUST join the new TSWG-2 mailing list by following the instructions below.

Dear Members of the ToIP Technology Stack Working Group (TSWG),

The purpose of this email is to provide final notice of the closing of the TSWG.  Prior notifications about the closing of the ToIP Technology Stack Working Group (TSWG) and the creation of the new ToIP Technology Stack Working Group 2 (TSWG-2) were sent August 25, 2023 to the All Members List and the TSWG List

Action Requested: If your organization would like to join the new ToIP Technology Stack Working Group 2 (TSWG-2), please review the Working Group Scope definition found Technology Stack Working Group – 2 charter attached to this email and then sign-up for the TSWG-2 mailing list.  Use this link to sign-up for the TWSG-2 mailing list to signify your acceptance of the new charter and desire to participate in the TSWG-2. Scroll to the bottom of the page.  Log-in using your group.io user name and password or LF ID. Then click on the blue button [+Join This Group].

Additional Information About This Notice

The ToIP Steering Committee decided to change the Patent Licensing for the work taking place in the TSWG from its W3C Mode License to the Open Web Foundation Agreement (OWFA) 1.0 Mode License and Copyright Licensing from Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License to Open Web Foundation 1.0 License.

The Steering Committee adopted this change to allow contributors to the Specification to streamline the patent claiming process during the development of the Specification.

This change requires specific action for each member company who participates in the ToIP Technology Stack Working Group (TSWG).  On Wednesday, December 15, 2023 ToIP will close the TSWG to any further contributions. The mailing list will also be closed and all specifications, documentation, and other work-in-progress will be tagged and branched in GitHub. All previous contributions made to those archived specifications, documentation, and work-in-progress remain subject to the terms of the W3C Mode patent licensing.

A new TSWG-2 has been created to accommodate the new OWFA Patent Licensing terms and a slightly revised Working Group Scope definition found in the new charter attached.  Any member company who wishes to participate in the ongoing work of the TSWG may participate in the WG by adding their delegates to the mailing lists and by making a contribution to the TSWG-2 GitHub repository.  For the sake of clarity, the act of joining a Working Group is defined in Section 18.6 of the ToIP Charters as:

Join or Joined” means that a party has entered into a Membership Agreement for this Project and that has agreed to be bound by the terms of a Working Group Charter by making a Contribution to the Working Group or adding its name to the Working Group’s member list.”

If you have any questions, please reach out to Judith Fleenor, Trust Over IP Executive Director, judith@trustoverip.org.  If you need help adding yourself to the TSWG-2 mailing list reach out to Michelle Janata mjanata@linuxfoundation.org.


Judith Fleenor, Executive Director, Trust Over IP Foundation

45 minsWorking Draft Review & Planning for Implementers Kickoff Meeting in January

This is our final meeting of 2023, so Wenjing and Sam will take us through the current Working Draft with the goal of helping all TSPTF members prepare to (hopefully) take time to review the Working Draft in detail over the 3 week break for the holidays.

This will in turn prepare us to publish an Implementer's Draft and hold an Implementers Kickoff meeting in January.

NA/EU Discussion:

Wenjing reviewed the Table of Contents to explain the overall structure of the spec. He noted that what is currently Section 5, Control Messages, will be moving to go after all the other messaging sections, so reviewers should read it in that order.

The current section 6, Routing is entirely devoted to how routing through intermediaries can be used to provide correlation privacy as well as other features including scalability, reliability, store-and-forward, etc.

Sam Smith shared that relative to the topic of selective disclosure, the TSP is the first protocol of which is aware that tackles the problem of protecting the context of disclosure rather than just the content of disclosure.

Wenjing and Drummond agreed that this benefit is important enough to mention briefly in the introductory text to the Routing section.

ACTION: Sam Smith to work with Wenjing Chu to decide what text to add to the introduction of section 6 or 6.1 to reflect the fact that the TSP enables protecting the context of a disclosure rather than just the content of a disclosure.

Tahoe Blue: "Privacy, and avoiding unintended/undesired disclosures or breaches, are greatly supported by these trust mechanisms (TSP etc), but accepting communication with a so-called trusted party (as in, *identified* ) does not solve the disclosure/privacy objective if “trusted” communication associations are formed with parties who in fact are not “trustworthy”."

Neil Thomson: "Which points to the requirement to use a trust-establishment workflow to establish trust(worthiness) before exchanging private messages."

Wenjing then went over a review of the Control Messages section (currently section 5). 

Finally, Wenjing explained that he plans to fill in the contents for sections 8, 9, and 10 over the holiday break.

Sam Smith mentioned the need to include versioning.

ACTION: Sam Smith and Wenjing Chu to discuss the topic of protocol versioning offline and come up with a proposal to add to the Working Draft.

In terms of feedback during TSPTF member review, Wenjing said his requests are:

  1. Security concerns of ANY kind.
  2. Support required for any planned ToIP Layer 3 trust task protocol.
  3. Any feedback on sections that have TBD or TODO markers.

Sam Smith felt that we are reaching the stage where the best feedback will come from implementations, even if just "on paper" using pseudocode. That's the fastest way to come up with issues, especially fine details.

Wenjing agreed.

ACTION: ALL TSPTF MEMBERS to try to complete a full read-through of the Working Draft and add any comments prior to our next meeting on January 10.

APAC Discussion:

We reviewed the progress of the Working Draft and shared the action item above.

We then talked about the third generation ToIP stack diagram and Darrell shared screenshots #1 below.

Further discussion of this topic will take place in this Google Slides deck

REMINDER: ToIP Holiday Party Zoom: 10AM PT TodayJudith Fleenor 

Don't miss it!

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

REMINDER: THERE WILL BE NO MEETINGS ON DEC 20, 27, OR JAN 3 as we take a break for the holidays. Our next meeting will be January 10.

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • None.

Action Items

  • ACTION: Sam Smith and Wenjing Chu to discuss the topic of protocol versioning offline and come up with a proposal to add to the Working Draft.
  • ACTION: ALL TSPTF MEMBERS to try to complete a full read-through of the Working Draft and add any comments prior to our next meeting on January 10.

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