2021-02-02 Meeting Page

02, February 2021  — 11:00 PT, 14:00 ET, 19:00 UTC, 20:00 CET

Send an email to utility-foundry-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).

RECORDING (North America / Europe)



  • Assign action items for next meeting
  • Establish work plan for WG deliverables and workflow guidance
  • Gather agenda suggestions for next meeting

Antitrust Policy

Agenda Items

1 minWelcomeA. Kudra
2 mins

Antitrust Policy Notice

A. Kudra
5 mins

New Introductions

A. Kudra
  • None
2 mins

Review / Approve minutes from last meeting(s) (19-Jan-2021)

A. Kudra
  • Approved via consensus
10 minsAnnouncementsA. Kudra
20 minsUtility Project Status UpdatesUtility Representatives
5 minsTask Force SOSM. Glaude
10 minsDecision PointsA. Kudra
10 minsDiscussion TopicsA. Kudra
10 minsReview Action and Open ItemsA. Kudra
10 mins


A. Kudra

Announcement Details

Utility Projects

  • Bedrock
    • Nothing to report.
  • IDunion
    • Formal papers submitted to Federal Ministry for funded project by consortium partners. Test network in operation.
  • Sovrin
    • CI/CD Pipeline being refreshed. HL Indy work with impact on Sovrin.
  • Indicio
    • Test network in operation. MainNet being worked on.

UFWG APAC Interlock

  • Meeting of APAC group on Jan-26 2021 not held due to public holiday in India.

Task Force SOS (Scrum of Scrums)

TF NameMissionMembersStatus

Utility Project Implementation Guide Task Force

Create the getting started guide for prospective Utility Projects.

IG0029: Utility Project Guide

A new repo has been created and the TF has been issued its first objective.

TF is discussing outline and questions to be answered for prospective projects. 

Best Practices Task ForceAnalyze Project Interviews, establish list of Best Practices and submit each BP using ToIP Deliverables Process.
  • Drafting framework for evaluating public identity utilities (BP0014) (v2)
  •  Drafting v1 of three BP documents (based on feedback from interviews with decentralized PIU conveners/providers)*
    • BP0015 - Assessing Sustainability of a PIU (v1)
    • BP0016 - Determining Affordability of a PIU (v1)
    • BP0017 - Assessing Alignment to a PIU
  • Backlog
    • Dashboard Health / Network Monitoring (Example)

*At future point, consider consolidating all best practices into one comprehensive document

SUGGESTION: Interlocking with Saturn-V TF as a first user of these Best Practices.

Decentralization Task Force

Submit a BP deliverable and a design principle for what it means to be Decentralized. 

Jessica Townsend  (lead) 

Dan Gisolfi 


Glossary Task ForceGenerate a UFWG Glossary in collaboration with the CTWG.RJ Reiser (lead) Still pending CTWG process.

Decision Points

  • Utility Project List
    • Nothing Pending.

Discussion Topics

  • Presenting in GSWG monthly meeting (Scott Perry's Slack note) → mathieu will take "ambassador role" for GSWG

Action items

  • UFWG deliverables moved from task force to regular action item. Drafted presentation available here.
  •  Call-for-Projects
    • All Layer 1 Project Stories need to be documented in GitHub
    • Any new projects? → See Discussion Topics
  • Education Topics for Presentations to be Scheduled
    • None
  • Set Agenda for next meeting

Open Items

Low priority items that failed gain volunteers to champion cause.

  • UFWG Sandbox Utility
    •  The members of the UFWG need to gain experience before writing guidelines and best practices.
    • Challenge: Create a Sample Utility comprised of 3-5 nodes for testing purposes using the Blockchain Automation Framework (BAF)
    • Goal: Leverage this research exercise as a way to create BAF artifacts for Hyperledger Indy
    • Tools: Bootstrapping Node Hosting - Learn BAF