2020-09-01 Meeting Page
2020-09-01 Meeting Page
01, September 2020 — 11:00 PT, 14:00 ET, 18:00 UTC, 20:00 CET
Send an email to utility-foundry-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).
Recording (North America / Europe): https://zoom.us/rec/share/ra_UfI--t55_lZMM6eIxl3wTiUWH8eYDaDlfM3uIeNV_3b_5epef246gNBCxNpx-.rxeUPoXxMn6QpjXM
Recording (APAC): https://zoom.us/rec/share/u6_cGKT7gSADFw6gsTSukYa7imx8ZO3TWMhLOSX19zsrqRI_XmnmRIPseEYKsY7m.eZxk87RXO9YatkRV
Andre Kudra (both slots)
Vinod Panicker (APAC slot)
sankarshan (APAC slot)
Claudia Grytz (both slots)
- Adrian Doerk
- Karen Hand
- Karl Kneis
- Assign action items for next meeting
- Establish work plan for WG deliverables and workflow guidance
- Gather agenda suggestions for next meeting
Agenda Items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
1 min | Welcome | A. Kudra | |
2 mins | Antitrust Policy Notice | A. Kudra | |
5 mins | New Introductions | A. Kudra | |
2 mins | Review / Approve minutes from last meeting (04-Aug-2020) | A. Kudra |
10 mins | Announcements | D. Gisolfi | |
20 mins | Utility Project Status Updates | Utility Representatives | |
5 mins | UFWG APAC Interlock | A. Kudra | |
10 mins | Decision Points | D. Gisolfi | |
10 mins | Discussion Topics | D. Gisolfi | |
10 mins | Review Action and Open Items | A. Kudra | |
10 mins | Q&A | A. Kudra |
Announcement Details
- Indy Interop-athon Conference Sep 1-2: Agenda
- Education Meetings
- Blockchain Automation Framework: YET-TO-BE-RESCHEDULED. See Slack Channel and Mailing List for details.
- Aries DID Ledger Architecture: Scheduled for 14-Sep-2020; See Slack Channel and Mailing List for details.
- Decentralized DID Namespace Registry (DDNR): Scheduled for 23 September 2020. See Slack Channel and Mailing List for details.
- Reminders
- Terminology: All terminology suggestions should be submitted as Issues to the Concepts and Terminology WG Repo
- Technology Projects
- Hyperledger Indy: easy tasks for a new contributor to get started. Contact Richard Esplinif you want additional guidance on learning how to be a contributor.
- Moral Contract for Contributors
Utility Projects
- Bedrock
- Call for interested companies that may be interested in joining. Send email request to Dan Gisolfi stating company name and contact email address.
- Pre-Launch activities progressing with target formation of LF Utility project set for Oct 2020.
- IDunion (Network Name) - SSI for Germany (Project Name)
Test network started on Aug-21
Press release esatus as consortium member: https://www.pressebox.de/pressemitteilung/esatus-ag/SSI-for-Germany-Consortium-starts-decentralized-identity-network/boxid/1020932
Press release by Technical University Berlin: https://www.snet.tu-berlin.de/menue/news/2020/2020_08_28_ssi_for_germany_consortium_starts_decentralized_identity_network/#Identity
Video by Main incubator: - Sovrin MainNet
- KochiOrgBook - update from Vinod in APAC meeting
3 Members are working in project - Wipro, Kochi University (CUSAT), Kerala Blockchain Academy (KBA)
Wipro is identifying business use cases for Kochi university with KBA
Open Source Project ongoing
Session with local volunteers to introduce them to project
Full crowdsourcing approach based on volunteers
Local community meetup has started
Goal is to keep technology complexity to a minimum (reusing open source, shell scripting, etc.)
Everything is documented/managed via GitHub: https://github.com/hyperledgerkochi/KOBman
Local Hyperledger community established (Hyperledger Kochi)
KochiOrgBook to be covered in next Hyperledger meeting
UFWG APAC Interlock
- Vinod suggests to move schedule of US/EU - APAC meetings to alternating weeks to allow more time for absorbing information
- Agreed on holding a chair and vice chair sync meeting prior to day of call (e.g. at 8 am EST, 2 pm CET, 5:30 pm IST)
- Update on KochiOrgBook provided by Vinod (see above)
- Suggested session for KochiOrgBook presentation for everyone
- Suggested session for SaturnV presentation for everyone
- Update from Paul Knowles: Re-education meetings in MyData context
I am finalising putting together a 3-hour seminar for the benefit of the MyData Operators group at MyData Global to show them two core technologies in the Decentralised Identity community …
Core public utility technologies for a “Next Generation” Internet
Thursday, September 10th @ 9am US PT / 6pm CET
We’ll be presenting KERI (for verifiable data inputs) and OCA (for immutable semantics) during the seminar.
Decision Points
- None
Discussion Topics
- Co-Chair / Vice-Chair participation requirements
- What are the deliverables of the UFWG?
- Understanding TOIP Deliverables Version 5 (work-in-process)
- What is our WG deliverables process?
- Who will volunteer to start a proposal (intro deck)?
- Topics for draft considerations
- Recap of our objectives - with specific focus on the assistance and guidance mode that the WG
- How our GitHub repo will be used
- Utility Foundry decision tree
- Workflow swim-lanes
- Who is the audience for each of our deliverables?
- Utility Foundry Workflow Update
- Do we have enough examples of sample projects use cases to get started with our Workflow Deep Dive?
- We need to Swim-lane Deep Dives
- Assign volunteers for each swim-lane
- Triage GitHub Issues
Action items
- Education Meetings: David Luchuk to work with Dan Gisolfi to ensure these sessions are recorded and made available.
- David Luchuk to provide HOST capabilities so that we can record the sessions
- XXXX and XXXX to draft a proposal for UFWG deliverables
- Call-for-Projects
- All Layer 1 Project Stories need to be documented in GitHub
- Bedrock Business Utility: Dan Gisolfi
- Sovrin:
- IDunion: Adrian Doerk
- xxx
- New Projects
- All Layer 1 Project Stories need to be documented in GitHub
- Education Topics for Presentations to be Scheduled
- KochiOrgBook (APAC meeting)
- Set Agenda for next meeting
Open Items
Low priority items that failed gain volunteers to champion cause.
- Horizontal Interop
- Establish a list of applicable use cases that would justify research
- Draft a working definition to be submitted as Issues to the Concepts and Terminology WG Repo
- UFWG Sandbox Utility
- The members of the UFWG need to gain experience before writing guidelines and best practices.
- Challenge: Create a Sample Utility comprised of 3-5 nodes for testing purposes using the Blockchain Automation Framework (BAF)
- Goal: Leverage this research exercise as a way to create BAF artifacts for Hyperledger Indy
- Tools: Bootstrapping Node Hosting - Learn BAF
- Education Topics
- Trustbloc - no immediate need, can be re-raised if interest comes up