2020-09-01 Meeting Page

01, September 2020 — 11:00 PT, 14:00 ET, 18:00 UTC, 20:00 CET

Send an email to utility-foundry-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).

Recording (North America / Europe): https://zoom.us/rec/share/ra_UfI--t55_lZMM6eIxl3wTiUWH8eYDaDlfM3uIeNV_3b_5epef246gNBCxNpx-.rxeUPoXxMn6QpjXM

Recording (APAC): https://zoom.us/rec/share/u6_cGKT7gSADFw6gsTSukYa7imx8ZO3TWMhLOSX19zsrqRI_XmnmRIPseEYKsY7m.eZxk87RXO9YatkRV



  • Assign action items for next meeting
  • Establish work plan for WG deliverables and workflow guidance
  • Gather agenda suggestions for next meeting

Agenda Items

1 minWelcomeA. Kudra
2 mins

Antitrust Policy Notice

A. Kudra
5 mins

New Introductions

A. Kudra
2 mins

Review / Approve minutes from last meeting (04-Aug-2020)

A. Kudra
  • Motioner: Dan Gisolfi
  • Second: Karl Kneis
  • Approval: Confirmed
10 minsAnnouncementsD. Gisolfi
20 minsUtility Project Status UpdatesUtility Representatives
5 minsUFWG APAC InterlockA. Kudra
10 minsDecision PointsD. Gisolfi
10 minsDiscussion TopicsD. Gisolfi
10 minsReview Action and Open ItemsA. Kudra
10 mins


A. Kudra

Announcement Details

Utility Projects

UFWG APAC Interlock

  • Vinod suggests to move schedule of US/EU - APAC meetings to alternating weeks to allow more time for absorbing information
  • Agreed on holding a chair and vice chair sync meeting prior to day of call (e.g. at 8 am EST, 2 pm CET, 5:30 pm IST)
  • Update on KochiOrgBook provided by Vinod (see above)
  • Suggested session for KochiOrgBook presentation for everyone
  • Suggested session for SaturnV presentation for everyone
  • Update from Paul Knowles: Re-education meetings in MyData context
    I am finalising putting together a 3-hour seminar for the benefit of the MyData Operators group at MyData Global to show them two core technologies in the Decentralised Identity community …
    Core public utility technologies for a “Next Generation” Internet
    Thursday, September 10th @ 9am US PT / 6pm CET
    We’ll be presenting KERI (for verifiable data inputs) and OCA (for immutable semantics) during the seminar.

Decision Points

  • None 

Discussion Topics

  • Co-Chair / Vice-Chair participation requirements
  • What are the deliverables of the UFWG? 
    • Understanding TOIP Deliverables Version 5 (work-in-process)
    • What is our WG deliverables process? 
    • Who will volunteer to start a proposal (intro deck)?
    • Topics for draft considerations
      • Recap of our objectives - with specific focus on the assistance and guidance mode that the WG
      • How our GitHub repo will be used 
      • Utility Foundry decision tree
      • Workflow swim-lanes 
    • Who is the audience for each of our deliverables?
  • Utility Foundry Workflow Update
    • Do we have enough examples of sample projects use cases to get started with our Workflow Deep Dive?
    • We need to Swim-lane Deep Dives
      • Assign volunteers for each swim-lane
  • Triage GitHub Issues

Action items

  • Education Meetings: David Luchuk to work with Dan Gisolfi to ensure these sessions are recorded and made available.
  • David Luchuk to provide HOST capabilities so that we can record the sessions
  • XXXX and XXXX to draft a proposal for UFWG deliverables
  • Call-for-Projects 
  • Education Topics for Presentations to be Scheduled
    • KochiOrgBook (APAC meeting)
  • Set Agenda for next meeting

Open Items

Low priority items that failed gain volunteers to champion cause.

  • Horizontal Interop
  • UFWG Sandbox Utility
    •  The members of the UFWG need to gain experience before writing guidelines and best practices.
    • Challenge: Create a Sample Utility comprised of 3-5 nodes for testing purposes using the Blockchain Automation Framework (BAF)
    • Goal: Leverage this research exercise as a way to create BAF artifacts for Hyperledger Indy
    • Tools: Bootstrapping Node Hosting - Learn BAF
  • Education Topics
    • Trustbloc - no immediate need, can be re-raised if interest comes up