2020-10-11 Meeting
2020-10-11 Meeting
Meeting Notes
Roll Call
- Mark Lizar / Toronto, Canada / EDT / Open Consent Group
- Salvatore D'Agostino / Boston, MA, USA / EDT / Open Consent Group
- Ken Adler (Deactivated) / Oakland, CA, USA / PDT / ThoughtWorks
- Paul Knowles / Basel, Switzerland / CET / Human Colossus Foundation
- Jim StClair / Biloxi, MS, USA / CDT / Lumedic
- Scott Whitmire / Scottsdale, AZ, USA / Mayo Clinic
- Steven Milstein / Montreal, QC, Canada / EDT / Collab.Ventures
- sankarshan / Bengaluru, India / IST / Dhiway
- Former user (Deleted) / Stockholm, Sweden / Linaltec
- Steve Magennis / Seattle, WA, USA / PDT / PolyWug
John Walker / Bay Area, USA / PDT / SemanticClarity, CCI
- Juan Caballero / Berlin, Germany / CET / Spherity, DIF
- David Luchuk / Ottawa, Canada / EDT / Trust over IP Foundation
Scope of TF Work
- what are the use case requirements
- must start with notice / consent ?
- Verified Credential Mapping
- Deliverables for the TF Group
- Unifed Data Control Schema -
- contributions to the task force
- OCA Schema Management Toolset
- v1.2 / Operational Notice & Consent Receipt - via OCG + Kantara
Use Case Form - iterate -
- List of Cases
- Patient ID
- Next Call for this WG - Nov 5
- SSI - Application of use cases on SSI Framework
- Create a flow diagram
- what are the steps to get any use case on-boarded into the OCA schema format
- how do we use OCA to capture ?
- Issue, Holder & Verifier - expand with OCA
- Verifiable credential will have a specific form - each purpose is verified credential
- each form is formalist in Patient Consent Research.
- Create a flow diagram
- Consent Life Cycle - RFC - Hyperledger
- Map SSI to Consent Notice & Privacy Agreement
- Discussion around the semantic architecture for schema and overlays
- Stacking the Receipts**
- ON - ONC - DLC Ext - (provide the document)
- Contract Notice Life Cycle
- Project Kit & Specification that describes the flow for a SSI based solution
- - using an Operational Privacy Notice Profile -
- Patient ID
- New Use Case: Creating a Use Case Profile (table coming soon)
- <list use case> and < intent/intended contribution(s)- > and <name of project or purpose o use>
- Must be privacy/notice requirement first flow for (any) use case
- List Jurisidiction, sector, industry and brief scenario
- provide example of existing form - or provide form requirements
- <list use case> and < intent/intended contribution(s)- > and <name of project or purpose o use>
Non-Use Case TF Planning -Tasks
- Starting here ( to Frame Roadmap & Tasks Deliverables )
- Minimum - Utility Conformance Use Case - for OCA to test assumptions in schema application
- Assumptions List: (for Unified Data Control Vocabulary:
- Open Notice Schema Creation Assumptions -
- what does open source mean?
- OCA - Trans-Domain Overlaying -
- translating notice with OCA with legal information overlay comparison - does Legal field and meaning translate with OCA - (basic legal semantics - what is the quality of legal translation )
- Does - legal to genetic to legal work best ? is there an alternative ? e.g. legal to legal?
- ontology profiles - (separate from overlay profiles) ?
- Glossary for OCA for doing OPN schema work
- Glossary for OCA for doing OPN schema work
- Test Assumptions / Use Cases with a generic template for identifying the Receipt Type Profile for the use case
- Planning Roadmap
- OCA- Generic Notice Schema
- Base PII - Overlay as default -
- Flows
- OCA- Generic Notice Schema
- Profile Types -
- GDPR Notice to Base PII to (another Legal Jursidiction - CCPA)
- CoE 108+
- Topics
- Ontology / Legal Semantic Vocab Types
- Data subject rights
- profiling them
, multiple selections available,
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