2020-11-12 Meeting

Meeting Notes

Roll Call


  • Verified Credential Mapping 
  • AdvCIS 1.2 Update  (focussed specifically on GDPR)
    • Consent Notice
      • Types of Notice Receipt (each type is tied to a GDPR Legal Justification)
        1. Directed Explicit Consent Notice Receipt
          • pre-defined consent
        2. Explicit Consent Notice Receipt
          • opt-in
        3. Implicit Consent Notice Receipt
          • consent based on action like walking through a door or filling a form
        4. Initial Consent Notice Receipt
          • based on PII principals and consent to use and automated decision making
          • include risks
        5. Legitimate Interest Notice Receipt
          • regular legitimate interest
        6. Not a Legal Notice
          • lack information for a legitimate notice receipt
        7. Contract Notice Receipt
          • needed for legal compliance to data subject
        8. Legal Notice Receipt
          • legal obligations to government
        9. Emergency Notice Receipt
          • vital interest of a data subject
        10. Public Notice Receipt
          • public interest for official authority
        11. Code of Conduct
          • operational risks

Use Case Form - iterate - 

  • List of Cases 

Non-Use Case  TF Planning -Tasks

  • Starting here ( to Frame  Roadmap & Tasks Deliverables )
    • Minimum - Utility Conformance Use Case - for OCA to test assumptions in schema application 
  • Assumptions List: (for Unified Data Control Vocabulary:
    • Open Notice Schema Creation Assumptions - 
      • what does open source mean? 
    • OCA - Trans-Domain Overlaying -
      • translating notice with OCA with legal information overlay comparison - does Legal field and meaning translate with OCA - (basic legal semantics - what is the quality of legal translation ) 
      • Does - legal to genetic to legal work best ?  is there an alternative ?  e.g. legal to legal? 
      •  ontology profiles - (separate from overlay profiles) ? 
    • Glossary for OCA for doing OPN schema work 
  • Test Assumptions / Use Cases with a generic  template for identifying the Receipt Type Profile for the use case
  • Planning Roadmap 
    • OCA- Generic Notice Schema
      • Base PII - Overlay as default - 
    • Flows
  •  Profile Types -
    • GDPR Notice to Base PII to (another Legal Jursidiction - CCPA) 
    • CoE 108+ 
  • Topics
    • Ontology / Legal Semantic Vocab Types
  • Data subject rights 
    • profiling them 

Chat from the call

From Me to Everyone: (5:35 PM)


From Mark Lizar to Everyone: (5:35 PM)


From Me to Everyone: (5:36 PM)


From Jim StClair to Everyone: (5:40 PM)

"catastrophic consent" :)

From Scott Whitmire to Everyone: (5:43 PM)

@Jim: That sounds ominous :-)

From Jim StClair to Everyone: (5:44 PM)

LOL +1

Sorry, which Confluence site is this?

From Mark Lizar to Everyone: (5:47 PM)

This is the AdvCIS - Wiki - which is the OpenConsent Workgroup — focused just on this spec work — this specification is contributed to Kantara

We are working n this wiki to become a resource

From Jim StClair to Everyone: (5:48 PM)

Thanks Mark! Open to join?

From Mark Lizar to Everyone: (5:48 PM)

Yep -

From Sal D'Agostino to Everyone: (5:50 PM)

transparency enabling as well

From Jim StClair to Everyone: (5:50 PM)

Could you throw the link in chat? Google took me to the Kantara wiki

From Mark Lizar to Everyone: (5:50 PM)


From Scott Whitmire to Everyone: (5:51 PM)

We’re just a tiny step away from generic virtual contracts, with all of the legal frameworks that come with them.

From Jim StClair to Everyone: (5:59 PM)

Hey, we're not recording :(

From Mark Lizar to Everyone: (6:00 PM)


From Jim StClair to Everyone: (6:08 PM)

Would the receipt ID have a DID?

From Mark Lizar to Everyone: (6:13 PM)

Yes this is what we are specifiying here

From Jim StClair to Everyone: (6:15 PM)


This could support a TSS I think

From Me to Everyone: (6:33 PM)


From Jim StClair to Everyone: (6:35 PM)

Is anybody else here besides me in the Governance WG or Trust Assurance TFs

From Sal D'Agostino to Everyone: (6:36 PM)

no here

From Me to Everyone: (6:36 PM)

Not me

From Scott Whitmire to Everyone: (6:36 PM)

I am in the Governance WG.

From Jim StClair to Everyone: (6:37 PM)

yes you are!

Scott, this is good input/guidance to coordinate with "other" Scott

From Scott Whitmire to Everyone: (6:38 PM)

Yes, it is.

From Jim StClair to Everyone: (6:43 PM)

Love this, but gotta drop