2020-11-26 Meeting

Meeting Notes

Roll Call (needs edit)

Scope of TF Work

  • Use Case for Notice & Consent - Patient ID 
    • (thanks giving break)


  • Notice Receipt Schema Work 
  • Kantara WG - consensus process for new items 
    • Consent Receipt Update v1.2
      • explicit consent fields for proof of notice and consent 
    • Receipt Types for Legal Justifications (new item)
      • Update 
        • Creating a document 
    • Notice and Notification Events  (new item) 
      • Update 
  • Holder, Issuer, provider 
  • PII Principle, PII Controller,  PII Processor 

Use Case Form - iterate - 

  • List of Cases 
    • Patient ID 
      • Next Call for this WG - Nov
    • Consent Life Cycle - RFC - Hyperledger
      • Map SSI to Consent Notice & Privacy Agreement 
      • Discussion around the semantic architecture for schema and overlays
      • Stacking the Receipts** 
        • ON - ONC - DLC Ext - (provide the document)