1) Report on the Rebooting the Web of Trust meeting last week in The Hague, 2) Task Force updates, 3) Presentation/demo from Markus Sabadello (based on his work with U.S. Department of Homeland Security Silicon Valley Innovation Program) on how DIDs can work with X.509.
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Agenda Item
3 min
Start recording
Welcome & antitrust notice
Introduction of new members
Agenda review
Antitrust Policy Notice:Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
New Members:
Pratyaksh Gupta is a student from India working on multiple blockchain projects.
5 min
General announcements
Updates from TSWG members of general interest to the group.
Updates from Rebooting the Web of Trust (held last week in The Hague)
Major progress on a credential profile comparison tool (work started by Andre Kudra, Torsten Lodderstedt, and Paul Bastion).
Progress on AnonCreds becoming ledger-independent. The goal is convergence (at some point) with W3C VCs.
Progress on more formats uniting under W3C Verifiable Credentials 2.0
ACTION: Darrell O'Donnell to work with Andre Kudra to get links for the most relevant papers from last week's Rebooting the Web of Trust (RWOT) conference.
Creation Process - Update on formalizing our content-creation and specification development.
We have been proceeding fairly informally, but now with the work to complete the ToIP Technology Architecture Specification — for which we want to move into the SDO community at some point — we need more formal process.
See screenshot #2 below for a description of how Darrell proposes to evolve our process.
The key point is the transition from early-stage development which we want to keep very lightweight and easy to participate into having a formal and rigorous system-of-record based on GitHub and pull requests (PRs).
In that formal process, PRs are always reviewed and approved by others.
We will also have a process for publishing a very human-friendly version of a GitHub deliverable such as a PDF.
Major changes in a GitHub document can be moved to Google docs (or another user-friendly editing tool) and then moved back to GitHub.
We need to concentrate on the transition process between the two modes. The key lesson is to have a solid freeze on the Google doc version and a quick turnaround into GitHub.
Abbie added that the editor's job is to dispose of comments as determined by a consensus of the WG members.
ACTION: Judith Fleenor to work with Darrell O'Donnell and Elisa Trevino and the rest of the TSWG to define and put in place a process for how a Working Group or Task Force can transition from early-stage development using lightweight collaboration tools like Google docs to a formal and rigorous system-of-record based on GitHub and pull requests (PRs).
Co-Chair - consider adding new co-chair(s).
Darrell raised that he would very much like to see volunteers for a co-chair of the group.
Drummond also brought up the role of vice-chairs — it could be a good way to help spread the role.
Antti Kettunen also expressed the value of the vice-chair role as it helps to spread the work.
Markus showed examples of how DID documents and DID resolution that can return the results of evaluating an X.509 certificate chain. See screenshot #3 below.
Several of the necessary DID document properties and DID resolution parameters have been registered in the W3C DID Spec Registries.
There was also a Rebooting the Web of Trust paper produced on this subject.
Steve McCown added, "This is really cool … X.509 <-> DIDs is a really powerful method for bridging verification methods."
Scott Perry added that ADIA is using both FIDO and DIDs.
Darrell added that "DIDs and X.509 PKI trust chains reinforce each other" and "A similar pattern exists with DIDs and DNSSEC where DNS can act as a trust registry endpoint."
We briefly discussed about the relationship of FIDO and DIDs. Abbie said that FIDO is really limited to authentication, and doesn't really handle identity or identification. There is no binding with an end-user. And Abbie believes there isn't interest in FIDO about increasing their scope. The current interest is in figuring out how FIDO passkeys can be used in a digital identity wallet.
5 min
Review decisions/action items
Planning for next meeting
Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)
Action Items
ACTION: Darrell O'Donnell to work with Andre Kudra to get links for the most relevant papers from last week's Rebooting the Web of Trust (RWOT) conference.
ACTION: Judith Fleenor to work with Darrell O'Donnell and Elisa Trevino and the rest of the TSWG to define and put in place a process for how a Working Group or Task Force can transition from early-stage development using lightweight collaboration tools like Google docs to a formal and rigorous system-of-record based on GitHub and pull requests (PRs).