2024-05-21 KERI/ACDC Meeting Notes

2024-05-21 KERI/ACDC Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Philip Feairheller Sam Smith Ed Eykholt Ruth Choueka Charles Lanahan Rodolfo Miranda Lance Byrd P Subrahmanyam Fergal O'Connor Nuttawut Kongsuwan @Rubel @Sai Ranjit

Edyta P Kent Bull @Erick Pacheco Pedraza Kevin Griffin Daniel Hardman 

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
5 minsReview of action items from previous meetingChairs
5 minsAnnouncementsTF Leads
  • DICE - June 18th - 20th
5 mins


  • Specifications
    • Sam is adding RFC 2119 formatting to all the specifications.  Capitalized MUSTs, SHOULDs, etc. 
    • The specifications should be more prescriptive than descriptive.
  • KERIpy
    • Delegation fixes.
      • Reversed the order of witnessing and delegation approval
      • Fixed command line to process delegables escrow.
      • Re-enabled delegate.sh script
    • Delegation fix
      • Reversed the order of witnessing and delegation approval
  • VID discussion on Friday
    • TSWG meeting proposal to create task force for did:tdw, put on hold pending discussion
25 minsDiscussionOpen
  • Nuttawut Kongsuwan - "meetings should be made more transparent and inclusive for the entire community."
    • Was referring to the meetings that were invite only.
    • Daniel Hardman asking about the level of discussions in this community and our current set of meetings.
      • Should there be discussions about higher level topics such as "credential presentation UX" or should this be focused just on KERI stack level topics
      • Kevin Griffin - Could we leverage the existing ToIP infrastructure to schedule more "special topics" calls?
      • Henk van Cann questions from the DICE organizers about KERI:
      • Questions about KERI:

        1. What is the legal status of what you do with KERI, how does it meet regulations and law?

        2. How to integrate KERI and the requests eIDAS organizational wallet at scale have.

        3. ARF eIDAS - a comparison with KERI features

        4. Is Bridging possible and if so what a the integration cost

        5. What enables KERI: what do you need to get going, what are the infrastructural costs, etc.

        6. My main question is: eidas2, EUDI wallet and basically the ARF is becoming mandatory for EU in all levels of industry. If you force all companies on EUDI, how GLEIF want to enforce keri in addition to the companies?

        7. Does KERI really brings so much value in comparison to the law-enforced eidas regulation, that companies would think for vLEI?

  • Lance Byrd - Delegation in KERIA
    • We are down to the decision of where process the escrow of delegables.  It could occur at every event processing API call, a bespoke "approve delegation" call or in a regular event processing loop.
      • Add escrow processing loop for delegables in KERIA
5 minsAny other businessOpen
5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

  • Discuss the new potential threads of discussions and categorize them into topics that would could address.
  • Philip Feairheller to create an issue and PR in KERIA for event processing of delegables.