2024-08-20 KERI/ACDC Meeting Notes

2024-08-20 KERI/ACDC Meeting Notes

Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


Sam Smith Philip Feairheller Ed Eykholt @Ari Argoud Ruth Choueka @Khagesh Sharma Judith Fleenor Henk van Cann Lance Byrd @Daniel Lenksjö Kent Bull Kevin Griffin Joseph Lee Hunsaker Sai Ranjit Fergal O'Connor Steven Milstein Rodolfo Miranda 

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
5 minsReview of action items from previous meetingChairs

5 minsAnnouncementsTF Leads

News or events of interest to members:

5 mins


25 minsDiscussionOpen
  • KERI WG Proposal
    • Proposal to move our KERI/ACDC to a KERI Suite Working Group.
    • Leave spec license the same (OWF license)
    • Basically repurpose the Task Force charter for the new working group
    • Vote taken in Chat:  "Proposal accept moving forward as a WG opposed to a TF, proposed chairs SS, PF, KG
      • 11 +1, no 0s no -1.
      • Proposal approved 
    • Judith Fleenor
      • Seemed to be interest from members of KERI TF to become a working group
      • TSWG is considering moving back to W3C license for their specs
      • Proposal to have a meeting about the benefits of the different licenses.
      • Vote for Chairs should occur during the first working group meeting
      • Vice Chairs - Alternate chairs that can substitute in and take over some responsibilities when needed.
  • Ed Eykholt - Asking how to pitch the community to potential investors
    • What is the status of some of the projects
      • GLEIF-IT repos
      • Provenant potential launch
      • healthKERI
      • Cardano Foundation
      • NordvLEI
      • Finema
      • DTV?
      • Human Colossus Foundation
      • GoConfirm (previously Qui Identity)  - https://www.goconfirm.com/
  • What is mean by a promiscuous witness or watcher especially as it relates to Delegation.
  • Discuss the difference KAWA F and F* when selecting a witness pool threshold
5 minsAny other businessOpen
5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
  • Sam Smith - Create a charter for new KERI Working Group, appoint chairs for the working group, etc.
  • Judith Fleenor to schedule a meeting about licenses
  • What is mean by a promiscuous witness or watcher especially as it relates to Delegation.
  • Discuss the difference KAWA F and F* when selecting a witness pool threshold

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