2021-11-08 ACDC Meeting Notes
2021-11-08 ACDC Meeting Notes
- Kevin Dean - GS1
- Sam Smith
- Kevin Griffin
- Henk van Cann
- Steven Milstein
- Philip Feairheller
- Drummond Reed
- Robert Mitwicki
- Brent Zundel
- Drummond Reed thought it worth bringing the Own Your Own DID (did:oyd) method spec to the TF's attention—it appears to be a simple form of a KERI Event Log.
ACDC Spec List
- Status of Version 2 Charter of W3C VC spec (Brent Zundel)
- Scope of charter use cases. Good News.
- In scope includes a complete revision replacement of current spec. ACDC is in scope for the charter so no reason not to be in scope.
- Need people to participate in V 2.0 WG.
- Immediate action item is for us to review charter to clear enough to include ACDC work.
- Bad news. Because status of DID spec approval timeline is uncertain. This makes the next version of VC spec timeline uncertain.
- Scope of charter use cases. Good News.
- Congrats—the table on our home page has a number of new spec entries.
- Review of the ACDC spec.
, multiple selections available,