2021-02-01 ACDC Meeting Notes

2021-02-01 ACDC Meeting Notes

Finalize choice of MkDocs vs SpecUp: Decided on MKDocs:

   Action Item: Sam work with TOIP to setup GitHub repo with MkDocs

EiDas Links: (See 2021-02-01)  Robert Mitwicki.  Discussion of SSI etc in EiDAS

Relation to Legal Framework for Digital Signatures



UETA  https://www.uniformlaws.org/committees/community-home?CommunityKey=2c04b76c-2b7d-4399-977e-d5876ba7e034

ESIGN  Act  https://www.fdic.gov/regulations/compliance/manual/10/X-3.1.pdf


       Advanced Electronic Signature  Qualified Electronic Signature  Notaries  with Certificate = Handwrittern Signature

Review Use Cases:

Semantic Containers: Pauls Knowles Semantic Container.  Nested Forms. Consent.

Distinguish between different types of containers as part of specification for ACDC