2022-08-08 CTWG Toolkit Dev Meeting

2022-08-08 CTWG Toolkit Dev Meeting

Meeting Date



Main Goal of this Meeting:

Review progress with development on the various CTWG Toolkit initiatives. Resolve any questions, issues, or blockers.


Sid Haniff 

  • Close a couple of issues this week (term selection logic and alternative version tags)
  • Docker-ization and documentation to add 
  • Also need to incorporate the changes of approach that Rieks Joosten has made this week to some of the definitions and the MRG 

@Partha Pal

  • Time has been limited for the past couple of weeks
  • Plans to catch up with Henk van Cann this week

Henk van Cann 

  • Has been working on the glossary for ACDC
    • Daniel Hardman contacted Henk and added automatic glossary generation which does its work
    • HackMD used to serve up images which works for the moment
  • Has been working on KERI / ACDC concepts 
    • Whilst going through has found decisions made by Sam Smith that would benefit from calling out explicitly

Rieks Joosten 

  • Documentation, models, and specifications have been updated to reflect insights rom discussions with Sid Haniff , as summarized in the terms, naming, and identification issue (#14).
  • The concept term has been refined, and an issue (#15) is raised to solicit input for a usable reference-syntax.
  • This has been incorporated into the tev2 website and an update of the MRGT and TRRT tool specs.
  • A result is that it seems easier now to start specifying how term-ref resolution can be done using a plethora of different rendering options.


  • Henk van Cann has used a 1h video demo of setting up KERI / ACDC as a source to extract key terms  
    • It took 10h to extract the terms and involved a rewrite of the YouTube autogenerated transcript
    • It took a further 6h to create glossary items 
    • The new transcription has been added to the video
    • Question: Is it possible to have clickable terms in the transcript that will lead to a glossary 
    • It was noted that it would be nice if there were a way that we could produce video's (also non-YouTube ones) that had subtitles with clickable links.

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