2021-04-08 Rules Engines Drafting Group Meeting Notes
2021-04-08 Rules Engines Drafting Group Meeting Notes
- Chris B, Chair
- Drummond Reed
- Janis Valcins
- Jim StClair
- Harry Owen
- Kaliya Young, WG Co-chair
- Noam Arzt
- Rebecca Distler, WG Co-chair
- Rob Broere
- Savita Farooqui
- Trev Harmon, PM
- Viola
- Will Rosie
- Yochai
Agenda Items
Time | Item | Who |
2 min | Welcome & Antitrust Policy Notice | Trev |
5 min | Agenda and Overview of Next Steps | Chris |
30 min | Presentation from ICTS | Viola / Yochai |
20 min | Presentation from HLN Consulting | Noam |
3 min | Wrap up | Chris |
Presentations -
Recording - Link
- Reviewed IP / antitrust notification.
- Chris reviewed where we are in the document.
- Please try to avoid reading other input before reading and commenting on other people’s contributions. It makes the overall document more readable.
- The user stories section is still blank.
- After this week, we’ll be moving to filling out the template.
- The Governance Framework group is working on a glossary, and it should be ready for comments from the other groups by tomorrow.
- Noam is concerned that our group is a little on the small side, and we may want to take a small step back and recognize that we only know what we know through our limited experience. This is a large, complex topic, and we may be constrained by our naturally limited experience.
- We need to make sure that there is a wider reviewer pool.
- ICTS Presentation
- Yochai, ICTS’s CTO, is giving the presentation.
- Showed a chart of different requests coming in through the different channels.
- Every person is evaluated, and it’s determined whether or not they can be boarded.
- Incidents are broken down into three categories:
- Green — the passenger is cleared to fly without any manual check
- Amber — a manual check of some type is required for travel
- Red — Passenger cannot travel
- Right now, the amber group is a really large percentage, and this is where the airlines would like to see improvement. The amber group has grown from about 7% at the beginning of 2020, to about 77% today. This is a big problem.
- Showed an example of a request that was submitted through their web channel. The UI didn’t show any PII.
- Rules related to PCR tests aren’t just that they’ve happened, but there are often specific requirements for how those test results are presented.
- Showed the UI for the creation of a specific rule in the rules engine.
- Noam asked if there was a standard for the terminology and nomenclature used in the rules engine. Yochai responded that this isn’t standardized, and in this case has been worked out through working with their customers.
- Noam asked if the representation of the rules was proprietary. Yochai responded that it was, but that was primarily because they hadn’t considered that anyone else would want to ingest them. They would be open to that conversation.
- Showed a website that is available to passengers to see how the rules are used by the engine: https://www.traveldoc.aero/
- HLN Presentation
- Noam is giving the presentation.
- There are “Five Rights” of clinical decision systems (CDS)
- CDS is first a knowledge problem. Ingested data is often not created with a digital decision engine in mind. It generally starts as a narrative.
- The narrative needs to be moved from a narrative state to a structured format, which can then become executable code.
- AHRQ: CDSConnect: https://cds.ahrq.gov/cdsconnect/
- People in healthcare are very much into having standards and interoperability for all of this type of data (e.g., CQL)
- With immunizations, the immunizations have to be evaluated for validity. It is a bit of a special case, because the state of validity for immunizations because the passage of time can change the validity. There are a number of other factors that come into play regarding immunizations schedules and validity.
- The CDC produces a color-coded table to show all of the immunizations that should be administered to a child by the age of 18. This has four pages of footnotes.
Chat Log
Action Items
- Everyone needs to comment on the content in the document.
- Still need people to volunteer for the user stories section.