2021-05-04 Identity Binding Drafting Group Meeting Notes

2021-05-04 Identity Binding Drafting Group Meeting Notes



  • Bryn Robinson-Morgan (Mastercard)
  • Paco Garcia (Yoti)

ID2020 PM:

  • Todd Gehrke


  • Dan Bachenheimer
  • John Garratt
  • Scott Perry
  • Paul Murdock
  • Rob Haslam

Agenda Items

  • Antitrust Policy & Member Participation
  • Appoint glossarist (10 mins)
  • Review of comments (30 mins)
  • Cross reference review (10 mins)
  • The week ahead (5 mins

Presentations -

(PDFs posted)


1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy

  1. Appoint glossarist outline the role and appoint some to take ownership of this task. Rob Haslan - Todd to share links (Done)
  2. Review outstanding comments
    1. Outstanding issue of getting to get more examples of the process - Todd to add how it is done in the US
    2. Need to make wording from Gov.uk to align with GHPC common data set.
    3. We won’t be able to influence the issuers to adopt an identity binding process.
    4. Move diagrams that are unique to this document into the GHPC common space 
    5. We still have concerns because of local Identity Assurance Level (IAL) standards. Recommend is to go with ISO - We should do a mapping of local standards such as NIST to the international standard.
    6. We don’t need to mandate what level of assurance should be used, only what was used.       

Action Items

  1. Todd to push document to public review folder
  2. Todd to make sure Rob has what he needs
  3. Rob to review document to ensure use of common terms and add needed terms to glossary