SSI Harms (BGBU) Task Force

SSI Harms (BGBU) Task Force

Welcome to the SSI Harms Task Force. Thank you for checking us out! 

Our TF Meetings are every 2 weeks on Monday at 18.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST and a Thursday at 6.00 UTC = 22:00 PT =7.00 CET = 11:30 IST = 17:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand  

(see the ToIP Calendar for details)  All those with an interest in or expertise in ethics by design, responsible design and risk management (unlikely partners we know) and social sciences are especially welcome.  

You can join our slack channel here

You can join our mailing list here https://lists.trustoverip.org/g/SSIHarms

WHY?  "Digital identity is literally 'the keys to the kingdom'. It is the tool by which any entity— individual, group, company, community, nation—can be recognized, empowered, protected, and be held accountable in digital society. If we get it right, it can enable safer, more productive, and more equitable interactions. If we get it wrong, it can be a tool of repression, discrimination, harassment, and fraud. So we have an awesome responsibility to design and develop our digital identity systems to protect from these real-world harms." (Drummond Reed  2022)

PURPOSE Write a white paper and a practical self-assessment tool

  • Creates or uses existing framework for analysing the dangers, risks, potential harms and threats (DRiPHT) to people with a particular focus on excluded, marginalized or vulnerable people.
  • Articulates the inherent DRiPHT of digital identity and digitisation and how they are mitigated or exacerbated by use of SSI
  • Highlights any new DRiPHT introduced by use of decentralized architectures and SSI, and how they could be mitigated
  • Recommends practical and ethical approaches in governance, human experience and technical design and deployment for detecting, defending, predicting and recovering from DRiPHT 
  • Identifies key issues and questions for follow-on work e.g. academic research or other groups of stakeholders to consider

Don't forget to join our [ Insert Link to SLACK CHANNEL]


Make it easier for ToIP  members to design and develop SSI solutions that do no harm.

Links & Files 

Power, Politics, Hamlet & Harms, IIW discussion deck (14 Oct 2021)

Sovrin I4A Council Discussion Document: Potential Harms of SSI & I4A (Sept 21)

Sovrin Task Force proposal Dec


Deliverables & Milestones




Delivery Date




Convene & ShapeBring TF together, agree approach and target output plus timelinesend FebIn progress

Lit ReviewReview literature academic etc (NH)end Mar


HL Paper Design Discussion

Get wider community input at IIW use StoryBoard style of building a white paper (title, picture and 3 bullets) 

Focus on areas we are stuck on at IIW - float 



Personas & StoriesDevelop up to 3 stories and persona including groups so that we can address harms / risks etc for those peopleend April



DeliverPublish whitepaper end July


Nicky HickmanDarrell O'Donnell

Membership and Joining

Prior to participating in the meetings please ensure that you are a member of the Trust Over IP Foundation. Contributor level membership is available to anyone at no cost. Please add your name to the member list below.

Vikas Malhotra

Oskar van Deventer

Meeting Schedule


Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Patent, Source Code)

As a Task Force (TF) of  TOIP, the TF inherits the IPR terms from the JDF Charter. These include:

Mailing List and Communications

This task force uses the following for communications

  • Mailing List: <TODO>
  • Slack: <TODO>

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