2022-05-10 Meeting Page

10, May 2022  — 11:00 PT, 14:00 ET, 18:00 UTC, 19:00 CET

Send an email to utility-foundry-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).

RECORDING GOES HERE (North America / Europe):


Alex Tweeddale Lynn Gray Bendixsen

Jessica TownsendRichard Esplin


  • Assign action items for next meeting
  • Establish work plan for WG deliverables and workflow guidance
  • Gather agenda suggestions for next meeting

Antitrust Policy

Agenda Items

1 minWelcome

2 mins

Antitrust Policy Notice

5 minsAnnouncementsChairs & All

10 minsAction Item ReviewChairs
  • Glossary review - reference when ready and will link to deliverable
  • Evaluation criteria needs to be reviewed in more detail - for 2nd review - ask specifically to go in the criteria to review/provide input

    Deliverable Review

  • Deliverable 2: 
    • Best way to host/provide template - potentially a sub-section wiki with downloadable google sheets/templates for use and completion
  • Intend to merge the Utility WG with the Governance Layer 1 WG - everyone on Layer 1 task force should be invited to join the Utility WG calls on bi-weekly basis; workshop scheduled for 5/17 at 2pm ET

15 minsWhat's Next

A. Tweeddale

  • Send around for final review - Public Identity Utilities for Digital Trust Ecosystems - an Overview
  • Discussion on next deliverable to prioritize
    • New Deliverable Recommendations
      • DiD Utility Comparison - add a descriptor and purpose of the network to help in evaluation of networks
      • Priority Deliverables  - Public Identity Utilities for Digital Trust Ecosystems, Comparison document, DiD Utility Comparison
0 minsUpdates on UtilitiesL. Bendixsen

DID:Indy - How to scale decentralized identity , Tue, May 24, 2022, 9:00 AM   | Meetup
Tue, May 24, 9:00 AM PDT: The Indy:DID Method is about to transform the way we use verifiable credentials… wait—what’s the Indy:DID Method? We’re glad you asked! If you use any of the most popular 

0 mins





Task Force SOS (Scrum of Scrums)

TF NameMissionMembersStatus

Public Identity Utilities for Digital Trust Ecosystems - an Overview

This document provides a comprehensive framework on how to evaluate whether an existing Layer 1 Public Utility (Utility) will meet your needs as a consumer or considerations that should be made when looking to develop a Self-Sovereign Identity (“SSI”) ecosystem of your own.

Draft in final review - ToIP Layer 1 - Utility Foundry - Google Docs

DID Utility ComparisonRubric with criteria for choosing a utility to support evaluation

Decision Points

Discussion Items

  • Lynn Gray Bendixsenhas submitted to speak at Hyperledger Global Forum on UFWG deliverable; awaiting final decision
  • what other utilities are out to join in members - register with ToIP; target specific people with specific request for input 
    • make list of utilities up and coming - contacts - strategy for discussing to become members
  • Utility overviews - schedule for introducing other utilities/guest speakers; update and newly featured - work through updates of DiD Utility Comparison document
  • Relay to broader ToIP the other deliverables we have targeted to garner interest in carrying forward; how do deliverables use artifacts, order to be read - someone comes in new as a beginner and needs to get educated - target upcoming All Hands Call

Open Items

Low priority items that failed gain volunteers to champion cause.