Principles of SSI Task Force

Principles of SSI Task Force

This page describes the GSWG Principles of SSI Task Force. This Task Force ("PoSSI TF") has been created as a result of a 2020-12-09 resolution at the Steering Committee meeting of the Trust over IP Foundation. The text of the resolution reads as

RESOLVED: that the Steering Committee recommends that the ToIP Governance Stack WG form a Task Force for delivering the Principles of SSI as a ToIP Design Principles deliverable for formal reference by ToIP-based governance frameworks and TIPs that choose to incorporate these principles.


To deliver the Principles of SSI as a Trust over IP Design Principles deliverable for formal reference by Trust over IP based governance frameworks and Trust over IP Interoperability Profiles (TIPs) that choose to incorporate these principles.

(note for later - add hyperlinks to Design Principles deliverables and the deliverables page for ToIP)


The mission of the ToIP Foundation is to define a complete architecture for Internet-scale digital trust that combines cryptographic trust at the machine layer with human trust at the business, legal, and social layers. The ToIP stack has two parallel halves Governance Stack and a Technical Stack operating at four layers 1) Utility (DLT Blockchain) Layer, 2) Provider (Agent/Wallet) Layer, 3) Credential (Issuer/Verifier/Holder) Layer and 4) Ecosystem (Application) Layer.  See further details in the ToIP white paper and the ToIP RFC.

As one of the first four Working Groups, the mission of the Governance Stack WG is to fully define the ToIP Governance Stack.

The mission of this Task Force is to make available a Principles of SSI document as one of our design principles deliverables. The desired outcome would be to enable, encourage and guide other governance frameworks and TIPs to incorporate these principles for the digital identity components.


  1. Drummond Reed
  2. sankarshan

Membership and Joining

Prior to participating in the meetings please ensure that you are a member of the Trust Over IP Foundation. More detail on this can be found at this link.

To join at the Contributor Member level, there is no charge, and you do not need to join the Linux Foundation.

  • If you wish to join as a Contributor Member only, please see these documents.
  • If your organization is already a member of The Linux Foundation please see these documents

To join this TF, add your name to this list:


  1. Principles of SSI (based on the ToIP Design Principles template). This is simply a formal listing of the Principles for reference by any governance framework that chooses to formally incorporate them.
  2. ToIP Best Practices Guide for the Principles of SSI (based on the ToIP Best Practices template). This is guidance from the GSWG and other ToIP WGs about adapting and implementing the PoSSI for a specific digital trust ecosystem or other governance framework.

Link to GitHub repository : See here

Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Patent, Source Code)

As a Task Force (TF) of the Governance Stack WG (GSWG), the GSWG P&R TF inherits the IPR terms from the GSWG JDF Charter. These include:


Key milestones will include, but are not limited to:

  1. Formation of Task Force Group members and finalizing objectives and deliverables.
  2. Drafting the Principles of SSI as a Design Principles deliverable and proposal for approval.
  3. Drafting the ToIP Best Practices for the Principles of SSI as a deliverable and proposal for approval.

The work of the this Task Force will be complete when final draft of the deliverable is submitted to the GSWG.


As this TF will focus on the formal deliverable of the Principles of SSI and the associated Best Practices, it will be engaged in conversations, discussions and consultation with a variety of ToIP WGs and TFs.

Meeting Schedule

(to complete)

Mailing List and Communications

This task force uses the following for communications

  • Mailing List: TBD
  • Slack: TBD

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