2020-06-15 Weekly Meeting
2020-06-15 Weekly Meeting
15, June 2020 — 8AM PT, 11AM ET, 16:00 UK, 17:00 CET
Send an email to technical-stack-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).
Guiding Goal: Organize the working group.
- Welcome from the conveners (Dan, Matt—5 min)
- Introductions (WG, 15 min)
The meeting presentation is attached to this page. <<TODO>>
Meeting Notes
Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/4c8oLZbc-0xIZp3h81j4c_E_R5vJX6a8g3NIq6EJzGIBVTSGrMDP36Rs4HRhDcs
DanB shared TSS Concept:
- ToIP Technology Stack Specification (TSS). This specification includes:
- A technical description of each of the layers and their scope
- The required, recommended, and optional functionality at each layer
- The required, recommended, and optional dependencies on the layer below
- The interoperability certification testing standards for each layer