DID SCID Resolution Overview
This page describes resolution architecture for the did:scid
DID method. This architecture differs slightly from standard DID resolution architecture because did:scid
is a metamethod that works with other self-certifying identifier (SCID) based DID methods as described in the DID SCID Method Specification.
Terminology note: From the perspective of |
DID SCID resolution options
Per the DID SCID Method Specification, there are three options for resolution:
Peer-to-peer. There is no
parameter; verification metadata is exchanged directly between the peers.Web-based. A DID resolver uses the
parameter to retrieve the verification metadata from a web server.DID Linked Resources. A DID resolver uses the
parameter to retrieve the verification metadata from a blockchain, DHT, or other DID-addressable data store using a DID method that supports DID Linked Resources.
Option #1: Peer-to-peer resolution
This option does not involve an external DID resolver as resolution is implicit in the peer-to-peer protocol between the two DID controllers (e.g., DIDComm, TSP, etc.) Both the initial exchange of verification metadata and subsequent updates to the verification metadata are exchanged via a trust task over that protocol.
When verification metadata is received by a peer, the process of verifying it against the SCID is identical to the verification process specified by the source DID method specification. Therefore this process should be able to reuse the verification code from a DID resolver module for the source DID method.
Option #2: Web-based resolution
If the value of the src
parameter is a URL (either relative or absolute), then a DID resolver invokes its did:scid resolution module to take the following steps:
Parse the
DID URL to extract:The did:scid format type (to determine the source DID method).
The value of the
parameter (a URL).
Follow the source DID method specification to compose the source DID from the SCID and the
parameter value. Note: this is a fully deterministic algorithmic transformation.Call the source DID method resolution module to resolve the source DID.
The source DID resolution module:
Resolves the source DID to retrieve the verification metadata.
Verifies the verification metadata exactly as specified in the source DID method specification. No changes to the code of the source DID method resolution module are needed.
The source DID method resolution module hands the result back to the did:scid resolution module.
The did:scid resolution module returns the result.
In summary, the did:scid
resolution module only performs one simple algorithmic transformation and then hands off the source DID to the source DID resolution module to resolve exactly as it normally would, with no code changes.
did:webvh format
Example did:scid
Applying the algorithmic transformation, the resulting did:webvh
DID would be:
The did:webvh
DID is resolved to retrieve the verification metadata and verified exactly as defined by the did:webvh DID Method Specification.
did:webs format
Example did:scid
Applying the algorithmic transformation, the resulting did:webs
DID would be:
The did:webs
DID is resolved to retrieve the verification metadata and verified exactly as defined by the https://trustoverip.github.io/tswg-did-method-webs-specification/ .
did:jlinc format
Option #3: DID Linked Resources resolution
With DID Linked Resources, there are two sub-options.
Suboption #1: Full DID Linked Resources URL
If the value of the src
parameter is a full DID Linked Resources URL, then a the did:scid resolution module takes the following steps:
It parses the did:scid DID URL to extract:
The DID from the DID Linked Resources URL.
The remainder of the DID Linked Resources URL.
It calls the appropriate DID resolution module to resolve the DID.
It follows the DID Linked Resources specification to dereference the remainder of the DID Linked Resources URL to retrieve the verification metadata.
It returns the verification metadata to the did:scid resolution module.
The did:scid resolution module calls the source DID method resolution module with the SCID and the verification metadata as parameters.
The source DID method resolution module verifies the SCID against the verification metadata.
The source DID method resolution module returns the result to the did:scid resolution module.
The did:scid resolution module returns the result.
Suboption #2: Algorithmic DID Linked Resources URL
This suboption supports shorter, simpler did:scid DIDs than suboption #1. With this suboption:
The value of the
parameter MUST be a DID.The relevant DID method specification MUST define an algorithmic transformation from a did:scid DID URL to a DID Linked Resources URL.
NOTE: An example of this algorithmic transformation would be for the relevant DID method specification to define a DID Linked Resources URL template that accepts a did:scid DID as a variable that serves as a unique indexing value. Then the transformation would be as simple as filling in the template with the did:scid DID. |
The processing steps are identical to suboption #1 except for the first step. Instead of that first step, the did:scid resolution module would do the following :
Parse the did:scid DID URL to extract:
The DID value of the
Call the appropriate DID resolution module with the SCID and the DID as parameters to request the algorithmic transformation into a DID Linked Resources URL.
The DID resolution module performs the algorithmic transformation as defined in its DID method specification.
The DID resolution module returns the DID Linked Resources URL to the did:scid resolution module.
The did:scid resolution module proceeds from step #2 in suboption #1 above.
Experiment by Markus with did:scid:vh
Here is a working “source DID” did:webvh
(Click here to resolve via Universal Resolver)
The corresponding did:scid
form of this would be:
The location of the verifiable history is (try open it in the browser):
Now let’s try out what happens if we move the same verifiable history to a new location (try open it in the browser):
Then the did:scid
form changes as follows (same DID, different src
Then the corresponding “source DID” did:webvh
would be as follows: