2024-05-23 TRTF Meeting Notes

2024-05-23 TRTF Meeting Notes

Meeting Date

  • The ToIP Trust Registry Task Force (TRTF) meets weekly twice every Thursday at the following times (to cover global time zones - see the Calendar of ToIP Meetings for full meeting info including Zoom links):
    • NA/EU 07:00-8:00 PT / 15:00-16:00 UTC 
    • APAC 18:00-19:00 PT / 02:00-03:00 UTC

Zoom Meeting Link / Recording


NA/EU Meeting

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
1 minReminder - TSWG2 Mailing ListChairs

Reminder that the Technology Stack Working Group has a new mailing list. You need to join this as it involves the new charter that TSWG is operating under. You can do that here:

5 minReview of previous action itemsChairs
1 minWeekly or Bi-Weekly Meeting
  • Do we need a bi-weekly/monthly meeting cadence?

no hard deliverables on the deck at the moment - as we are awaiting implementer input

Slack is the async/rapid input channel and doesn't change.

DECISION: monthly 

ACTION: Andor Kesselman to coordinate with Michelle.

10 minsCardano Fireside Chat
  • discuss preparation for the (later in day) fireside chat.
10 minsSpecial topic #3

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • Sample Decision Item

Action Items

  • Sample Action Item

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