2023-01-03 ACDC Meeting Notes

2023-01-03 ACDC Meeting Notes

Sam Smith  Kent Bull  Henk van Cann  Kevin Griffin  Ruth Choueka  P Subrahmanyam Mark Scott Nuttawut Kongsuwan Rodolfo Miranda Joseph Lee Hunsaker Trent Larson Michal Pietrus


  • Announcements

Reports implementation of ACDCs

  • vLEI
    • Cardano?
    • Provenant
    • ECR Provenant issues
      • Slack channel vLEI
      • Schema
    • vLEI EGF Issues
      • action to add or decide on repot to host vLEI EGF issues Kevin Griffin 
      • Community support from Henk to help with vLEI issues EGF
        • need more of a How To with vLEI EDF
    • Pending updates to Schema vLEI to add change required fields
  • ViRA
  • GS1
  • HCF


  • ToIP ACDC Meeting Recordings are not available until 4 weeks after meeting. Need more timely availability.
  • GLEIF Root-of-Official-Trust well known structure and formation details
    • GLEIF RoOT comprised of seven individuals and five "escrowed" participants used in creation of a multisig AID.
      • Uses establishment only events
      • Escrow participants are used in the eventuality that the root participants are unavailable (a designated survivor situation)
    • Establishment only means has no non-establishment events: https://github.com/trustoverip/acdc/wiki/non-establishment-event
    • GLEIF then created two additional multisig AIDs "Internal" and "External"
  • vLEI Schema Versioning EGF Doc: https://github.com/WebOfTrust/vLEI/blob/dev/docs/Schema_Registry.md
  • When the version of the schema changes the SAID of the schema will change. A new credential based on the new scheme, will be a different credential (because the semantics might have changed) ... An old credential based on an old schema (version) will still validate. "Do I enforce the latest version of a schema for all the credentials or just their own version at the time of issuance?" → This has become a business logic decision.

  • We don't have to have a protection against mutable schemas, like access control, because every mutated schema will lead to a new credential.
  • GLEIF decides what goes into a vLEI; this is a governance design decision. So other identifier systems might have different governance designs; e.g. a committee voting on what goes into a vLEI-like data structure.