2021-09-09 APAC Meeting Notes

2021-09-09 APAC Meeting Notes

  • Meeting link (click here)
  • Meeting recording (link)

    1. Pre-meeting messages (membership and antitrust notices)
    2. New member introductions
    3. Building a public, permissioned utility (Satish Mohan Dhiway)
      1. Satish proposes to share some of the lessons from building a non Indy/Aries utility (slides are below)
    4. Updates on the Community Workshops organized for
      1. Introduction to ToIP Whitepaper (v2) (link)
      2. Design Principles for the ToIP Stack (link to Task Force and link to document)
    5. Guardianship Addendum to the Good HealthPass Blueprint Recommendation (link to working document)