2021-06-17 APAC Meeting Notes

2021-06-17 APAC Meeting Notes

Meeting recording (link)

Please see Calendar of ToIP meetings to be informed of the meeting time and Zoom link

  1. Pre-meeting messages (membership and antitrust notices)
  2. New member introductions
  3. Lessons from collaborative work on the Good Health Pass Interoperability Blueprint recommendations (Drummond Reed)
    1. Note that the public review feedback forms are available until June 17.
  4. Updates and highlights
    1. updates from TSWG (Trust Registry work and scoping of deliverables)
    2. updates from GSWG deliverables
    3. updates from EFWG White paper TF - see white papers in development
  5. Discussion around specific needs in APAC
    1. Review/response to any specific policy recommendations from governments, related organizations
    2. Specific whitepaper or similar content needed
    3. Any upcoming event where ToIP concepts can be refined for discussion