2023-09-27 CEPTF Meeting Notes

2023-09-27 CEPTF Meeting Notes

Meeting Date & Time

  •   This Task Force meets every Wednesdays at 09:00-10:00 ET / 15:00-16:00 CET (see the Calendar of ToIP Meetings for full meeting logistics including Zoom links)

Zoom Meeting Recording


NA/EU Meeting

No APAC meeting.

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
    • Mirko Mollik - doing work in OWF on credential profiles and more, interested in possible collaboration
    • Stephen Mugisha
55 minsGeneral agenda updates from issuance protocol progress
  • Review updates to tables (Sankarshan’s and Mathieu’s)
  • Discuss any feedback from stakeholders
  • Review ToIP CEPTF Blog Post, and discuss IIW goals
  • Hakan
    • Synced with Vlad - worked on OpenID4VCI document, finalised it.
    • Next action item is to contact Torsten and have him review the document
    • Asked Accenture colleagues for feedback - awaiting feedback before next meeting
    • Vlad: suggested to put more information related to architecture - Vlad can comment more ont his next meeting
    • Realized that comparing protocols is like comparing apples and oranges
      • Issue credential v2 is very compact and simple, yet tons of dependencies on DIDComm, Problem Report, etc.
      • OpenID4VCI is less compact, but dependencies are handled within boundaries of spec
      • Having more information on architecture model would be perhaps more helpful to help readers understand expectations
      • If group is ok with above notes, the suggestion is to incorporate the architecture updates in the evaluation document for presentation protocols - which would then allow us to compare issuance doc vs presentation doc to see whether or not the changes add value
  • Mathieu


Action Items

  • ACTION: Hakan Yildiz and Vladimir Simjanoski to take a stab at filling out the OpenID4VCI Document (here)
  • ACTION: Subhasis to take a stab at filling out the ISO 23220-3 Document (here)
  • ACTION: sankarshan to take a stab at create a table view
  • ACTION: sankarshan to update table view
  • ACTION: @Subhasis to complete ISO 23330-3 v1 document
  • ACTION: Vladimir Simjanoski and Hakan Yildiz to complete OpenID4VCI v1 document
  • ACTION: Hakan Yildiz to engage Accenture architecture team for feedback on utility of document
  • ACTION: Hakan Yildiz to talk with Torsten and see if we can connect with ARF decision makers to get their feedback/thoughts - wait for review to happen prior to this.
  • ACTION: mathieu Get general feedback from Stephen Curran and Kevin Griffin on the documents they filled
  • ACTION: mathieu to reach out to Anil John to get his feedback/thoughts
  • ACTION: mathieu to also reach out for ARF contacts from Viky to get feedback


From CEPTF Meeting:

From TAS Efforts - early draft:

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