Referencing ToIP Deliverables

Referencing ToIP Deliverables

The purpose of this page is to assist authors in including references to official deliverables from the ToIP Foundation.

The following guidance is based on recommendations from:

  1. The Purdue University Online Writing Lab page for Reference Lists for Electronic Resources.
  2. The formatting rules for ToIP permalink URLs as specified in our Filenames and Permalinks wiki page.

Recommended Citation Format

Citations for ToIP deliverables should be in the following format:

Name-of-Deliverable-with-Version (Year, Month Date). Trust Over IP (ToIP) Foundation. Permalink


Introduction to ToIP V2.0 (2021, November 17 ). Trust Over IP (ToIP) Foundation. https://trustoverip.org/permalink/Introduction-to-ToIP-V2.0-2021-11-17.pdf

Design Principles for the ToIP Stack V1.0 (2022, November 17). Trust Over IP (ToIP) Foundation. https://trustoverip.org/permalink/Design-Principles-for-the-ToIP-Stack-V1.0-2022-11-17.pdf

ToIP Governance Architecture V1.0 (2022, December 12) Trust Over IP (ToIP) Foundation. https://trustoverip.org/permalink/ToIP-Governance-Architecture-Specification-V1.0-2022-12-21.pdf

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