2020-07-27 Weekly Meeting
2020-07-27 Weekly Meeting
27, July 2020 — 8AM PT, 11AM ET, 16:00 UK, 17:00 CET
Send an email to technical-stack-wg@lists.trustoverip.org to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at lists.trustoverip.org).
Stephen Curran
Dave McKay
Meeting (not recorded)
- Welcome
- Antitrust Policy Notice
- New Introductions
- Dave McKay, Northern Block, Toronto
- Review minutes from last meeting (19-June-2020)
- Refresh discussion on TIPs, TOIP Deliverables, Incubation Process
- Discussion topics
- Discussion of TIPs
- one TIP per vertical?
- agreement on horizontal interoperability
- clarity that TIPs are for reference implementations - not just interoperability
- TOIP Deliverables
- Discussion of TIPs
- Future Meeting Work
- Define process (lifecycle)
- Defining a TIP
- Defining the proposal process
- Incubation process
- Adoption Metrics (e.g., "Graduating a TIP")
- Define process (lifecycle)
- Please contribute to the terminology within the Terminology Wiki
- Q&A
Action Items
- Need to define Agenda for next meeting
- Need to add USE CASES to TOIP Deliverables
- Need to ensure that Tech Stack WG terms are shared with the Concepts & Terminology WG
- Need to establish chair duration and cycle times
- Possible library - collection of links
- Education Event Topics to be scheduled for upcoming meetings:
- Stephen Curran is planning to present Aries Vertical Interoperability: Pluggable DID Utilities to the TSWG as scheduling permits. Planned topics:
- the evolution of Aries -- notably, the use of Indy ledger and did-peer
- the goal of Aries to have interop at the ledger layer (but still did-peer)
- the current state of Aries - with the current state of the frameworks
- the likely evolution - BBS+ simplifying the ledger interface
- Kapil Singh (kapil@us.ibm.com) can present on Decentralized DID Namespace Registry (DDNR)
- Stephen Curran is planning to present Aries Vertical Interoperability: Pluggable DID Utilities to the TSWG as scheduling permits. Planned topics:
- Discussed the need to clarify what makes a TIP production ready and or adoptable for commercial purpose. Per the workflow model "A TIP represents a descriptive solution outline that once matured can be considered a market proven solution specification. " How is something market proven? If for example TOIP publishes a TIP based on Aries, what are the implications that Aries compatible wallets are not interoperable because versioning is relative? Each vendor can claim Aries compatibility and not be interoperable at the same time. What are the guard rails for underpinning frameworks and technology for interoperability, scalability, and performance? For POC investments these gaps are fine, but for production systems this is problematic. If there is a need, it will be represented in the lifecycle definition process. If there is misunderstanding, a white paper can be developed to close the gaps.
- Need to a process to aggregate Customer Expectations and Misconceptions so that we can focus outreach accordingly (e.g., white paper(s))
, multiple selections available,
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