2022-07-14 AIM TF Meeting Notes

Meeting Date & Time

    •  09:00-10:00 PT / 16:00-17:00 UTC 

Zoom Meeting Links / Recordings


Main Goal of this Meeting

This is the AIM TF's second meeting.

Our main goal is to continue on tasks we left over from the first meeting: agree on how we are going to work together (including meeting cadence, format, other channels - asynchronous channels), potential roadmaps, call for topics, and an introductory presentation from Wenjing Chu .

Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)

TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws.
  • ToIP Policy: Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • ToIP TSWG IPR Policy: see TF wiki page. AI & Metaverse Technology Task Force
5 min
  • Introduction of new members
  • New Members: If this is your first meeting, here is a chance to introduce yourself and your interests in the TF.
  • Maria SantaCatarina introduced herself
  • Chris Leong introduced himself
5 min
  • Recap of last week's meeting
  • Status update on action items
10 mins
  • How the Task Force is going to work
  • Meeting cadence and time :
    • Every week vs. every other week?
      • @Zaida - every week
      • Drummond Reed can we avoid overlap with the human experience WG?
      • Judith Fleenor- Alternate weeks between human experience and AIM. Vikas Malhotraagrees.
      • Wenjing Chu - We will have a meeting next week (July 21st) and then turn this meeting to every other week.
    • Does the current time work for you?
      • This time (12pm -1pm ET) is good.
  • Please join Slack: #tswg-aim-tf https://trustoverip.slack.com/archives/C03G3S7BH8U
  • Anyone interested in asynchronous methods: discord & flexible time range.
  • Formal deliverables: Github (to be created)
10 mins
  • Proposed roadmaps
  • Call for topics/presentations
  • Rough roadmap slide Wenjing Chu 
    • Wenjing Chuintroduced the intention and outputs of the work via a slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yKjtMfiTiNEE7-4WtoIQErYb4cIXc8MVUYOBD2jmHyM/edit#slide=id.p
    • New members may want to get familiar with the ToIP stack. Information at https://trustoverip.org/permalink/Introduction-to-ToIP-V2.0-2021-11-17.pdf and https://trustoverip.org/permalink/Design-Principles-for-the-ToIP-Stack-V1.0-2022-01-17.pdf
    • 4-layer model (ToIP Technology Stack and ToIP Governance Stack) discussed.
    • @Mary Lacity - AI & Metaverse are two different technologies. How do they intersect?
      • Wenjing Chu - In both AI and Metaverse, the line between human and machine becomes less obvious. 
      • Vikas Malhotra - Metaverse presents new way to interact, while AI is about how these interactions will lead to formation of new algorithms and new decisions. 
      • @Maria SantaCatarina - Who is setting up the algorithms? Massive ethical issues. Have to look at human values before building tech that is rewarding for human interactions. 
      • Wenjing Chu - Algorithms that suggest what to watch and what to read could be exhausting. 
      • Zaida Rivai - How do we collect data? Best data scientists etc. Which dataset you get? How could it be non-biased data? 
      • @Maria SantaCatarina - It is one thing if my actions are observed but it is another if my behaviors are analyzed and there is a deterimental action as a result.
      • Zaida Rivai - Reminded of an incident where there was a bias in employment based on gender.
      • Vikas Malhotra - Bigger problem is about scoring and analyzing human behaviors.
      • @Maria Santacatarina - There is a discussion of how AI should be structured. There is a discussion of how AI should evolve, maybe like a child learning instead of data input.
      • Vikas Malhotra - There is work going on in such new models but there is still a concern on what such AI will become, good or bad and how to define it.
      • Wenjing Chu - Start a big document, begin putting issues and how to solve them etc... reach a common way of working. One document (GoogleDoc) will be created and shared where we will share.
  • Call for topics - some had been raised in the last week's call - and volunteers to lead discussions
    • What is the problem in AI & Metaverse
    • How it relates to ToIP
    • What have been proposed as candidate solutions (survey state-of-the-art)
20 min
  • What is AI? What is Metaverse? How do they intersect with Trust?
Wenjing ChuPostponed
5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 
  • AOB

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • Agreed schedule: starting July 21, then bi-weekly from there. Same time: 9:00 - 10:00 am Pacific, using US daylight saving time.

Action Items

  • Wenjing Chu Set up calendar as agreed. Push out calendar invite to attendees. Publish it in the ToIP community calendar.
  • Wenjing Chu Create a shared Google Slide deck for the study phase of discussions.