Meeting Page - IP TF

Meeting Page - IP TF

2024-02-22 IP TF Meeting

17.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Share insights from our individual survey review

Attendees: Nicky Hickman Andy W Eric Drury Andrew Slack 

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?
10 minsUpdatesAndy

Eric Drury

- EFWG has been previously inviting lots of presentations - because this is the interest area, to understand use cases, adoption, ecosystem building opportunities, challenges and insights.  Focus on use cases and remaining challenges on business models and market needs.  Finding that failure point comes at HX layer/level on implementation.

  • this year want to do deliverables:
    • White paper on digital trust ecosystems - target c-suite, addressing business problems. 
    • Fit with Trust Interactions & Fit with digital trust ecosystem
    • Next generation ToIP Stack v2 - Ecosystem is outside of the core stack

Andy W 

20th All hands we will give feedback on wallet survey

  • HXWG members to review and contribute to EFWG whitepaper on Trust Interactions e.g. work that was done on IPTF for IP's and context, see Miro

  • Andrew Slack to clean up diagram and write explainer to support white paper
  • organise next HXWG session to review and work through this 'interaction pattern model'
20minsPlan for Survey Analysis & DiseminationAndy

A: Nicky to do data cleansing (today) complete by Monday 

D: Alta to do blog post graphic (today) Alta has worked on this but needs some sort of title  Andy W to follow up, Eric Drury shared Safe Wallet Guide  also in slack.   

Andrew Slack suggested on keeping it similar to the survey

A: Thurs 7th March

  • Alta to do prepare repository design and guide
  • Andrew draw insights into ppt and shape up ppt
  • Nicky draw insights into ppt and xls data sheets

D: 12th March Blog post draft

D: Weds 20th March All Members Meeting Andy W reaching out to confirm on deliverables timeline 

Blog Post (comms committee need to see the post for review at least 1 week before intended publication)

EFWG Session

20 minsAnalysis updates Nicky & Andrew

Andrew Slack no progress since tuesday.  working on analysis into slides also incl. using local AI model

Nicky Hickman progress on getting data into analysable form starting with the enterprise responses, focusing on next weekend

5 minsClose & AOBAndy

2024-02-08 IP TF Meeting

17.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Share insights from our individual survey review


5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?
10 minsUpdatesAndrew

40 minsSurvey InisghtsAll

Share insights from our individual survey review

See in g-sheets here and slide deck here.

5 minsAOBAndrew

2024-01-25 IP TF Meeting

17.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Reviewing Survey and agreeing analysis approach

Attendees: Nicky Hickman Andy W Alta Nel Andrew Slack 

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?
10 minsUpdatesAndrew
  • The search for new chairs 

Andy W  joined ToIP in the Autumn, and has joined a few TSWG meetings, interested in stepping up to co-chair this group as part of ToIP solution.  Currently working as a project manager and working in Wisconsin.

Andrew Slack commented aim to build the group out and encourage anyone who's a human to join with multiple backgrounds.   All about tech impact on humans.

Andrew Slack a solution designer at SICPA providing solutions for governments, banks etc  Andrew's role to rdesign solutions that are innovative and make the best of new tech.  Been chair for a while, but due to time constraints need to step back.  Current focus is Wallet Survey, for Interaction Patterns TF.

Alta Nel based in Johanesburg South Africa, Interface Designer working on a number of ID projects over last few years and now in a crypto project.

Andy W drawn to HXWG, tech background with engineering roles transitioned to PM, passionate about digital privacy, found SSI ecosystem through Atala Prism programme, then recognised the wider community /ecosystem.   Alta Nel also working w/Atala (see FIY: https://atalaprism.io/#start-journey).  Andy W a fan of tech but only if people can use it, so interested in making tech work better for people.

Andrew Slack many in the community working on this, to unlock trustworthy benefits of the tech, for widespread adoption to the benefit of humans.

  • OICD video and blog post post

Wiki page: 7. Using a Human Identity Framework to solve digital trust problems, 7th December 2023

  • Narrative Agency not Edge Agency in harms framework
  • Persona not positioning to accommodate healthy multiple identities and in fact conflicting identities, 
  • Upsides & counter-measures for identity weaponization

Action Nicky Hickman to complete

40 minsSurvey Review & Agree AnalysisAll
  1. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1OY6iLXmiyWOLPIbP3WP6_Xuu9weop9MKDFcdRczBOwo/edit

    Andrew Slack ran through local AI system, didn't provide great analysis / response - main insights

    Main User challenges :

    • lack of control and transparency (visibility )
    • reliability issues (not working)
    • silo'd nature of wallets ie different wallets for different functions - desire for more universal wallets.
    • lack of privacy lack of understanding about what was shared and how 


    • frustration around complexity
    • impenetrable legal jargon
    • understanding access is one of the main issues

    problems with the tool for this task, but interesting to see what the machine says, not necessarily an accurate analysis of the survey results.

    Andy W commented that AI tools need using to evaluate utility and reliability of GAI analysis

    Andrew Slack first time using this with a dataset, can't do 'what are the main challenges raised with certain demographics', no sanity checking so far.  

    Alta Nel we anticipated that more orgs would respond instead of majority end-users

    Andrew Slack also suggested maybe the reason for this was concerns / lack of confidence about answering on behalf of an organisation.

    Research Analysis against objectives

    1. Ensure TF deliverables meet needs of ToIP members for maximum business value
    2. Understand key needs/ issues for both organizations and end-users
    3. Gather input and content for TF deliverables

    1: TF Deliverables

    Global research requirements: need to consult widely to ensure capture the needs from across the world 

    Needed (Alta Nel ), challenging to do well! (Andrew Slack ).

    Andrew Slack Repository of resources second priority, and this could be lower hanging fruit, curating examples of existing work, already had this at start with more demo's of their work

    Library Alta Nel for solving interaction challenges  https://mobbin.com/browse/android/apps, focused on interface but also includes some flows note there is a paywall.  

    Andrew Slack not come across something similar in wallet space, meets needs from TF to create understanding of the common patterns across all wallets, what's working and what isn't and having a reference and a place.  This is a very tangible deliverable, could include rationale for choosing to do in a certain way for their context.

    3rd - guiding best practices - ties in well with 2 above 

    4th - component library / UI kit - advise pushing back on this, having best practices in a format where they can implement those best practices - a kind of copy / paste culture is what perhaps leads to in appropriate use, Alta Nel also commented that this was constantly changing, and big investment to keep up to date.

    Nicky Hickman commented that top 3 priorities are seeded by the survey, with consumer research and offers for other survey data to address 1. and also companies offering their UX to contribute to a repository (2).

    Alta Nel to take lead on repository

    Andrew Slack commented that it could also be on ToIP website and potentially draw traffic

    Alta Nel commented on speed of developments in wallets, websites are great, wallets all look similar. dreadful landing pages with no call to action.


    22 Jan - Survey closed  after promotion with Linux Foundation and other extensions

    25 Jan IP TF meeting Initial Analysis Org and Consumer - Publish initial Analysis in ToIP Community <--- WE ARE HERE

    Decision taken to keep open survey longer than initially planned. Behind ~1 week.

    1 Feb IP TF meeting Final Analysis Org & Consumer - begin feedback write-up including blog?

    8 Feb HXWG meeting review feedback write-up including blog

    22 Feb IP TF meeting finalise write-up & blog


    Need to co-ordinate follow ups with those that left details and comments.
    Suggest we try to do this before the analysis write up?

Nuo5 minsAOBAndrew


Nicky to add as CSV file and share link, explore data studio

All to review

Write up answer Q1 TF deliverables - Andrew Slack 

2024-01-11 IP TF Meeting

17.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Reviewing Survey and agreeing analysis approach

Attendees: Andrew Slack Erika Darling 

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?
5 minsUpdatesAndrew
  • Following the conclusion of the survey Andrew Slack needs to step back from being Co-Chair due to time constraints. Hopefully can still attend some calls! So great if others would like to step forward. TBD

  • The Organisation for Identity and Cultural Development expert series talk has been edited, should hopefully be up on YouTube soon.
40 minsSurvey Review & Agree AnalysisAndrew


87 Responses - majority consumer.


11 Jan IPTF meeting - Survey closed  <--- WE ARE HERE
Decision to keep open until next Friday after All Members for one final push.

25 Jan IP TF meeting Initial Analysis Org and Consumer - Publish initial Analysis in ToIP Community

1 Feb IP TF meeting Final Analysis Org & Consumer - begin feedback write-up including blog?

8 Feb HXWG meeting review feedback write-up including blog

22 Feb IP TF meeting finalise write-up & blog


Who will do main Org analysis?

Who will do main Consumer analysis?

Who will do x-analysis?

Need to co-ordinate follow ups with those that left details and comments. Suggest we try to do this before the analysis write up?

Nicky Hickman volunteering to do some part of analysis (consumer proposed)

Andrew Slack volunteering to do org analysis

Erika Darling volunteered to provide support with a local version of chatGPT to do analysis on the open ended questions

Initial analysis to be shared on next call.


2023-12-14 IP TF Meeting

17.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Socialising Survey and agreeing approach / plan for analysis

Attendees: Andrew Slack Alta Nel Judith Fleenor Nicky Hickman 

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?
5 minsUpdates from all members meetingAndrew

20minsSurvey Spreading / SocialisationAlta

Blog post edits following Comms committee feedback

  • edits made and prepared for publication Thursday or Monday

Social Media (linked in, X)


Where's the user manual for your digital wallet?  Creating guidelines for common digital wallet user patterns - we need your feedback.  Here's why <link to blog post>  #DigitalWallets #UserExperience #digitaltrust

Want a better digital wallet experience for everyone? 📣 Have your say now and be part of this exciting journey!👉 https://bit.ly/digitalwalletsurvey

#DigitalWallets #UserExperience #digitaltrust

Linked in post:

"Join us to build better digital wallet experiences! We're crafting a living guide, much like a manual for new gadgets, to navigate the evolving landscape of digital wallets. It's a collective effort to ensure they work for everyone.  Your voice matters in shaping a friendly and efficient digital wallet future. It's quick, easy, and open to all https://bit.ly/digitalwalletsurvey

➡️ Share your thoughts now and be a part of this exciting journey! #DigitalWallets #UserExperience #digitaltrust

Within members' organisations and ecosystems

Aligned or interested organisations

  • DIF - 
  • OIX, Nick Motherwell
  • OWF, Drummond
  • LISSI, Adrian Doerk
  • Sovrin, Line, Sankarshan
  • Kaliya
  • Matthieu Gaude Northern Block
  • Dave Birch 
  • Jamie Smith
  • Bryn Morgan Robinson

Family and friends

20minsSurvey AnalysisAndrew

What's the plan?

3 Jan results in

4 Jan HXWG meeting (review google sheets playback) - Survey Stats published

11 Jan IP TF meeting Initial Analysis Org and Consumer - Publish initial Analysis in ToIP Community

25 Jan IP TF meeting Final Analysis Org & Consumer - begin feedback write-up including blog?

1 Feb HXWG meeting review feedback write-up including blog

8 Feb IP TF meeting finalise write-up & blog


Who will do main Org analysis?

Who will do main Consumer analysis?

Who will do x-analysis?

Will we make data available to members for their own analysis? Check privacy policy terms to see if we can do this

10 minsAOB & ActionsAndrew

Happy Holidays!

Nicky to send to Judith & thought leaders

2023-11-30 IP TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Finalise Research Questionnaire

Attendees: Andrew Slack Nicky Hickman Alta Nel.

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?
5 minsUpdates from all members meetingAndrew

30 minsReview / Approve SurveyAndrew

Here is the survey:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tK2cC72dqv9fk0kdsHZKbxAhvbTv22TMn5tzRYaYMFE/edit

To be updated based on this document.

  • Linux Privacy Policy added
  • Add Thank you for participating final page, if don't accept privacy policy then should go straight here.

Comments Consumer

  • Age should be ranges selection
  • add intro to wallets and ask them what they think a wallet is?
  • remove overall how do you feel about digital wallets
  • make scales even numbers (e.g. 4 or 6 choices)
  • add an e.g. to public service uses of wallets, dream scenario
  • add one or two sentences and the beginning of each section explaining why we are asking these questions
  • remove text box from last question - 'thank you for participating'.
  • cross-check between doc and form
  • Add to last question / thank you for participating option to start again and answer in a different capacity
  • total time 12mins including chat....

Comments Organisation

  • add list of sectors
  • change to selection list for which wallets you like and add an other option
  • add one or two sentences and the beginning of each section explaining why we are asking these questions
  • try to change some of long text answers into options to make it easier to respond to and less bare
  • add question on accessibility
  • add question on adoption makers/breakers
  • 4mins time for organisational questionnaire

All to share with one or two folks to try the survey and spot gotcha's and check timing

Add progress bar

Andrew Slack to update form, Alta Nel to add notes to the doc on descriptions

15 minsReview / Approve Blog PostAlta

Here is the blog post: 

  • we all like the car analogy - accessible
  • Andrew Slack warned against using the term 'solutions' as it suggests we've got the answer
  • Alta Nel agreed with guidelines, and emphasising collaboration and importance of survey for this.
  • Andrew Slack may be slightly provocative
  • Alta Nel will send to HXWG for review then to Judith for comms committee approvals & publication in time for community call.
5 minsAOBAndrew

2023-11-14 IP TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Review research questionnaire 

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?
5 minsUpdates from all members meetingAndrew

Judith Fleenor from All Members Meeting recording available soon.

Main announcement - next All Members Meeting is 13th at 10am PT - Great presentation on 'Why Identity can't be Self-Sovereign' - BYOB and wear a silly hat.

10minsHXWG & IP going forwardAndrew

Capacity of chairs

IP Research plan


Other volunteers for chair - open discussion

Alta Nel offered to support and Erika Darling suggested lowering meeting cadence.

Judith Fleenor commented that research comes first and then this can inform decision-making in new year - e.g. with specific deliverable guided by survey results


 Comms Committee conclusions:

  • They will review the g-doc version of the questionnaires to make their own suggestions / input
  • We will send the g-form version to them as soon as possible
  • We need to leave the g-form in Andrew's G-Drive, there is no way of making ToIP G-docs open to non-members.  If you are not ok with that Andrew, please let me know and we can move to mine.
  • For outreach to other orgs OIX, DIF, OWF, they suggest we invite those orgs to change or tweak the questions so we need to write to them, explain what it's about and invite changes or comments if they feel absolutely necessary (we ideally don't want too many additional changes)
  • I will continue working on the questions in the form, I will circulate a final version before end of next week. So people can still make changes and suggestions in the documents if they have feedback.
  • Can approve via email and circulate w/comms committee
  • If somebody from the group is willing to volunteer writing a blog/social post that would be great.
  • Alta Nel to make start on Blog - aim 10th December blog post - Announce on 13th Dec at all members meeting..  Also provide image

Judith Fleenor Use Privacy Policy from Web Page for ToIP.

Surveys reviewed end-to-end and updated.

Nicky Hickman to move G-Form then update based on doc.

10minsAOB and next stepsAndrew

2023-10-19 IP TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Review research questionnaire 

Attendees: Andrew Slack Nicky Hickman @alta nel 

  1. Notes from the meeting are in orange. 
5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?

Updates from all members meetingNicky

Matthieu Gaude: Not sure if helpful or not, Nicky, but Gataca kicked off a new UX4SSI Working Group in September. They were looking to make it a DIF working group. https://hs.gataca.io/ux4ssi

Keerthi Thomas: Maybe you came across this work - https://dl.gi.de/server/api/core/bitstreams/675a91e0-5d5d-426d-9620-7d7ed978163a/content

50minsReview comments on questionnaireAll

Open questions from the slack channel:

What are the plans for recruiting? ToIP members or a wider group? (note: the current survey questions indicate a wider group, but would like to confirm)

Using the linux/toip channels to industry but asking for it to be shared amongst colleagues, customers, friends and family to broaden the pool of responses.

What number of respondents is the survey aiming for?

Will the survey tool used offer logic (to provide additional questions based on prior responses)?

Yes ideally - possible in google forms and survey monkey

Review the comments in the document: research questionnaire.

Nicky Hickman to follow up with Judith or Michelle regarding the tools that we can use through linux/toip. Google forms or survey monkey? Important it is not kept behind a permission layer

Everybody to run through the questions with small local test groups over the coming week, to refine the questions and test the timing. Andrew Slack to consult with Judith

Translating the survey would be great - French, German, South Korean Spanish currently possible within group network

5minsClose & AOBAndrew

2023-09-21 IP TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Review research questionnaire 

Attendees: Andrew Slack Nicky Hickman 

  1. Notes from the meeting are in orange. 
5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?

45minsReview research questionnaireAll

Review first draft of research questionnaire.

5minsClose & AOBAndrew

2023-07-27 IP TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Progressing with interaction pattern

Attendees: Andrew Slack 

  1. Notes from the meeting are in orange. 
5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?


Proposal to create an engagement questionnaire for the community to gather some info on what is working and what is with existing wallet implementations, to help us identify interaction patterns to focus on developing first.

Miro Board used:


5minsClose & AOBAndrew

Pausing sessions through August. Andrew will be away - should we keep the sessions in case others want to meet or shall I request they be cancelled?

Will announce in Slack channel and cancel August meetings for IPTF and HXWG.

2023-07-13 IP TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Progressing with interaction pattern

Attendees: Andrew Slack @Kimberley Nguyen @Michael Lockwood

  1. Notes from the meeting are in orange. 
5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?

Mick Lockwood - Lecturer in Digital Design at Salford University

Kimberley Nguyen - UX designer at BC Gov


Andrew walked through map introducing where we are currently up to.

Miro Board used:


5minsClose & AOBAndrew

2023-06-15 IP TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Progressing with interaction pattern

Attendees: Andrew Slack 

  1. Notes from the meeting are in orange. 
5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review

  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?


Trying to articulate what interaction patterns are and where they sit between behaviours, rituals, interfaces, actors, technology. 

Andrew worked on the miro board below: 

Miro Board used:


5minsClose & AOB

2023-05-18 IP TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Wallet walkthrough & scenario review

Attendees: Bentley Farrington @Kimberley Nguyen  @Hannah Sloat

  1. Notes from the meeting are in orange. 
5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?

25minsProduct WalkthroughKimberley

Walkthrough of BCGov wallet, exploring the product design decisions made; identifying design or interaction patterns being used.

Kimberley: Started the wallet end of 2021, for VC and Vaccine card, but dropped that to focus on one lawyer-centred use case right now, but more use cases on the horizon.

Demoed the BC Wallet using the showcase Webpage:

  • In app guides for user onboarding
  • Overlays Capture Architecture (OCA) used to inform the visual identity of credentials throughout the wallet
    • In the credentials list screen, but also in presentation request screens, etc.
  • Connections automatically accepted (pattern)
  • Scanning QR codes moves straight to offer screen (pattern)
  • Scanning BC Wallet can also be used for verify credentials for in-person interactions
    • Guard checking lawyers credentials on-site
    • Choosing a verification type from a list of different prepared proof requests
  • Quick look at how menu options and credential views are informed by the revocation status

Discuss the product design and UX research challenges faced by the BCGov team, as well as the solutions and successes they have had so far and what's next.

  • User research is showing users highly value speed and efficiency in all use cases, not just privacy and security.
  • User research heavily informs design & product decisions being made 
    • Usability testing, Creating concepts to test with users (not asking them what they want), etc.
    • User studies typically done with user more experienced with digital wallets; notification guide etc.
  • Working with organisations to improve the outcomes of their integrations
    • Can't always control what they do their product or service, but can inform decisions they make.
  • Design teams using a range of tools, not 1 key design tool / artefact solving all problems. Working on how we use this toolkit to collaborate with stakeholders.

5minsClose & AOBBentley

2023-03-23 IP TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 18:00 CEST

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842


Meeting Objective: Wallet walkthrough & scenario review

Attendees: Andrew Slack Ryan Koble @Kimberley Nguyen  @Hannah Sloat

  1. Notes from the meeting are in orange. 
5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?

Kimberley Nguyen - UX Designer @ BCGov

Hannah Sloat - Service Designer @ BCGov

20minsWallet WalkthroughRyanWalkthrough of wallet, identifying potential patterns
25minsPattern MappingAll

Review scenarios added to the board

Review archetypal tasks added to the board

Miro Board link used in the session

5minsClose & AOBAndrew

Andrew to follow up with Kimberley and Hannah to organise a walkthrough of the BC Gov wallet

2023-03-23 IP TF Meeting

16.00 UTC = 09:00 PDT = 17:00 CET

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842

MEETING RECORDING: https://zoom.us/rec/share/D9nrqU0UinWrOqdjHqECjIZ0r066j6kPpCgyi9lYRFEUKSNYBJJ-eTBDFaKYDjXP.VKIBxomI2YoR952X

Meeting Objective: Introduce some structure to the pattern mapping

Attendees: Bentley Farrington Andrew Slack Ryan Koble sankarshan 

  1. Notes from the meeting are in orange. 
5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?

45minsArchetypal Pattern MappingAll

Introduction to the pattern structure:

  • What assumptions are we making to do this work
  • What 'modifiers' have we identified that impact interactions
  • A working pattern template
  • Categories and tasks we want to focus on for archetypal flow
  • Proposal for a layered model for deconstructing our wallet observations.

Begin by walking through some archetypal tasks

Miro Board link used in the session

5minsClose & AOBAndrew

2023-03-09 IP TF Meeting

17.00 UTC = 09:00 PST = 18:00 CET

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842

MEETING RECORDING: https://zoom.us/rec/share/vp9C9ZjpC_UGosg--lvB4cXckvThcNcMia750Z5BroFLAbtzfKFbpZ3W0XqxRQDv.uKIO77JCGQ4b0Ad9  

Meeting Objective: Show & Tell walkthrough of wallets

Attendees: Andrew Slack Bentley Farrington @Gary Turkington @Alta Nel Judith Fleenor Shermineh Salehi Esmati 

  1. Notes from the meeting are in orange. 
5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?

40minsWallet Show&Tell & Pattern MappingAll

Walk through examples attendees have bought.

Begin to develop user flow and identify specific patterns within:

  • What are the predominant phases?
  • What are the core actions?
  • What are the bound of patterns that we can identify?
  • What information is being presented to users?
  • What concessions are being made for a specific context? How are adaptations made to context?

The goal is to begin defining the basic archetypal patterns. From which we will later expand across contexts, cultures, modes of interaction.

Miro Board link used in the session https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPeRJFKg=/?share_link_id=144137906693

5minsClose & AOBAndrew

2023-02-23 IP TF Meeting

17.00 UTC = 09:00 PST = 18:00 CET

Zoom Meeting Link  https://zoom.us/j/97652701890?pwd=N3NWVnpTYk9JZlRGTkhCVzVkcTh0Zz09  

Meeting ID: 976 5270 1890  Passcode: 193842

MEETING RECORDING: https://zoom.us/rec/share/QHOEnE--bxzXJ0sjwK4w9rWjgMA7p4oOCBXzrwHf-_umoT6Luci5dzZS53vp8fGJ.nxtJfyc68Pb570Cf?startTime=1677171641000 

Meeting Objective: Introductions to the TF - agree on vision, mission, process & tools

Attendees: Andrew Slack Bentley Farrington Ryan Koble AltaNel Judith Fleenor 

Notes from the meeting are in orange. 

5 mins
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

  • Join ToIP if not already a member
  • Consent to meeting recording?

Andrew Slack  - Snr Strategic Designer at SICPA

Bentley Farrington  - Previously at SICPA with long term experience in identity space

Ryan Koble  - Entida, Colorado building software for Farm Workers, including a wallet to interact with enterprises

@altanel - UI/UX Designer freelancing for YOMA, working on SSI products and a wallet

20minsOverview of the TFAndrew


Mission: To enable consistent, accessible and trustworthy data exchange experiences for all,
and to make it easier for those designing and developing in our community to implement wallet based interaction design.

Why: The experience and security of any system operated by people depends on the information conveyed through user interfaces, the response of the users, and the interpretation of their actions. Existing interaction patterns in wallets tend towards visual-centric models and rely on inconsistent representations and interaction patterns. Trustworthy data exchange is a foundational building block in the infrastructure of modern society, for it to function as a public good it must be available and accessible to all.

How: Create a living repository of resources for community that:
articulates opinionated principles on trusted interaction mechanics 
highlights existing standards and examples 
recommends research-backed best practices (potentially the foundation for standards or certification) 
identifies new patterns to unlock novel experiences

  1.  Initiation
    1. Consensus on vision, mission & process
  2. Problem Definition
    1. What existing or emerging interaction rituals should we learn from or seek to understand?
      1. What cultural differences can we identify?
      2. How might we interact with wallets peer-to-peer, in the meta-verse, through a browser, in passive exchange,...
    2. What do we mean by wallet based interactions? What is the scope we want to address in this TF?
      1. Wallets, wallet wrapping applications, agents & associated services balloon to a whole basket of functionality.
    3. What are the challenges?
      1. Sense of control
      2. Decision making ability of individuals - especially in a credential rich future
      3. Tensions between holder, agent, custodians, ...
    4. What existing work is out there?
      1. eg Accessibility standards, research into consent mechanisms
      2. Other WGs needs or developments
      3. Ongoing wallet work (OWF, EUDI,)
        Bentley Farrington  - we should go for a limited scope to begin with. Archetypical user journey and associated interaction patterns with that - standard presentation requests and response. Go for the low hanging fruit first.
        Judith Fleenor generic interaction patterns, does the ceremony stay the same in different environments or context though? 
        Bentley Farrington zoom levels of interaction pattern, there are transversal patterns across  different ceremonies. Start specific, then drive wider.Andrew Slack do we shorten this first phase and condense it or have this data gathering exercise run alongside other workBentley Farrington wallet tours! Reverse analysis of why wallet builders are making decisions they are in creating user focussed wallets. Should we focus on end users or issuers?Judith Fleenor invite to our TF to give us an overview.@altanel has done a competitor analysis on miro, and identified designers. Will follow up to request they join and present to us.When we are ready a blog post and announcement at all members could be the route to gather voices from across ToIP. Sooner rather than later. March 15th ideally.
  3. Requirements
    1. Use cases and contextual scenarios to address.
      1. Payment for groceries, stop and search, enter a legal agreement, share medical records, buy a house, cross border..
    2. Interaction types to address
      1. Social interaction types (cooperate, exchange, coerce, compete, conflict..)
      2. HCI (instruct, converse, manipulate, explore)
      3. real-time, virtual, mixed-reality...
        Bentley Farrington this isn't being explored in the community at the moment, thinking about 'modifiers' that impact user comfort. How should a software adapt to or support in these contexts and situations? To what extent should wallets direct users along safer pathways in these contexts? How does that affect agency?
        How do we make this thinking useful for others in the ToIP ecosystem - how does that become useful to, for example a product owner?Judith Fleenor my first wallet on my mobile asked me to scan a QR code but I only had my mobile device. The context made it completely unusable - where do interaction patterns breakdown?
        We should be stress testing patterns in context.
        Bentley Farrington use the wallet tours to gather info about how they are overcoming these challenges today.@altanel how to bring wallet flow into the chat flow, for example messaging apps, or communicating with ChatGPT. What is not going on yet in the space, anticipating changes.
  4. Design Principles
    Opinions to drive decision making and ensure consistent implementation.
  5. Proposals
    1. Foundations
      Guidelines for core elements - sensory feedback, language, interactive states, ...
    2. Macro patterns
      Task oriented interactions
    3. Micro patterns
      Component level interactions

      --- DELIVERY of v1.0 ---

  6. Consolidation
  7. Working Drafts
  8. Public Review Drafts
  9. WG Approved Draft
  10. ToIP Approved Draft


  • Propose to work towards a v1.0 draft approved by end of year
  • To discuss intermediary steps


  • Shall we setup a separate Slack channel or is HXWG sufficient? Do we want a mailing list?
  • Miro for collating references and for collaborative working sessions
  • Wiki to collect meeting notes, record intermediary outcomes and links.
20minsDiscussion on next steps, plan Andrew


  • Working session - what is the scope of 'wallet' we want to address?
    • Use scenario building tools to start answering this question
  • Start data gathering for problem definition! Build a collage of interactions. This will be ongoing work, perhaps we should get into the rhythm of opening or closing with a show&tell?
    • Examples of wallets, interactions
    • Challenges from those we work with, human stories, project insights, ...

Bentley Farrington start with a show & tell - work out which elements are most important and relevant for us.

Ryan Koble will bring in examples from entida

@altanel will show wireframes of wallet she is working

5minsClose & AOBAndrew

Judith Fleenor March 3rd deadline for blogpost. Blank template shared. Andrew Slack and Bentley Farrington to draft.

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