2022-10-27 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: Nicky Hickman Pyrou Chung
2022-10-24 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
18.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Meeting Recording to come.
Attendees: :Nicky Hickman ; Phil Wolff Jacques Bikoundou Darrell O'Donnell Trev Harmon Christine Martin Erran Carmel
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min | Welcome & antitrust notice Agenda review | Nicky | Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role. |
10min | New intro's & Updates | Trev Harmon Technical director at ID2020 and have been involved w/SSI community for some years previously at Evernym. | |
40min | Harms Paper | Phil Wolff huge input to the paper and many hours commenting and improving Nicky Hickman commented that some technical folks were still struggling with utility, hopefully implementation guide and technical requirements. Phil Wolff commented that the reverse of harm is increased benefit, have not sufficiently emphasised this connection with entrepreneurial ambitions. Nearside / farside helps with this but not enough start-up / entrepreneurial culture. We have natural bias for hope and good things. Example of new market opportunities by building for the need. Talk to their professional values, this is a framing challenge Main comments needed on Part 3 of the paper. Trev Harmon has 4.5 pages of notes at ID2020 will provide actionable feedback. General impressions focused on the frameworks e.g. STS, curious as to why it was chosen and then modified. Some places where systemic to society not identity specifically. Disconnect between the harms that occur and how SSI mitigates / exacerbates some sections stronger than others. Some seem overly reductive. P19 last paragraph, connection between philosophical sides and action side especially quoting chinese or indian philosophy without any citations or support Offered several recommendations on improving connections in text to be more straight forward. good to be working on this to avoid future harms from SSI. Darrell O'Donnell lots of explanations in document not quick and fast enough. Nicky Hickman need to reduce paper and make it more useful and more accessible to different types of readers. e.g. add requirements section at the end. e.g. remove moon analogy Trev Harmon the key elements are being buried behind the frameworks Phil Wolff suggested added frameworks as appendices. Return to simpler approach,
Trev Harmon suggested that systemic issues shouldn't go away from discussion but perhaps not right in same document. Some of the harm discussion was shorter than it needed to be, some of frameworks longer than it needed to be. Phil Wolff frameworks might help for systematic modelling of harms. Concerns many aspects of organisations in public / private sector. A framework for building on what you already have, should be advantageous, maybe as a separate blog post. Should not miss opportunities to identify harm. Nicky Hickman will
Trev Harmon will join the group to contribute to this work. Neil Thomson It's a great document - leave it alone and make it as a background document. Build one or more new documents from the different perspectives/audiences who will consume it. I am outside comfort zone, there are things that are harms not because of tech or intent but because of things outside our control. In discussing Harms, it would be helpful to flag which harms are within the SSI technology and governance stacks ability promote and support harms avoidance and reduction, and which are outside of ToIP's scope (e.g., political). Phil Wolff said we wanted to point out that you are also responsible for some of the negative externalities that occur. Because includes governance stack these should be addressed by the ecosystem as a whole. e.g. harms surveillance, or by regulators in terms of compliance. Neil Thomson highlighted the Canadian CIO Council's draft standards that identifier issuers are currently defined as only governments or other government-accredited institutions such as banks. It has not yet adopted the option of individuals creating an SSI verifiable identifier through a 3rd party (Sovereign Identity vs. Self-Sovereign Identity). SSI Governance must be careful not to make the assumption that adopters will enact all technical or governance aspects of ToIP's view of SSI. |
2022-10-13 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: Nicky Hickman Pyrou Chung
2022-10-10 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
18.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Meeting Recording to come.
Attendees: :Nicky Hickman ; Judith Fleenor
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min | Welcome & antitrust notice Agenda review | Nicky | Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role. |
10mins | Intro's & Updates | Nicky | |
40mins | Revised Paper | Nicky | Discussed presenting for internal ToIP review on 19th October. Nicky to finish by Monday. |
2022-09-29 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: Nicky Hickman - meeting finished at 20 past due to no other attendees!
2022-09-26 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
18.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Meeting Recording to come.
Attendees: :
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min | Welcome & antitrust notice Agenda review | Nicky | Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role. |
10mins | New intro's & updates | Turing Institute Trustworthy Identities Conference - Decentralization & Harms a constant strand, | |
25 mins | New Arc | Nicky | Considering feedback and comments on the current drat of the white paper - suggested new arc/perspective as an alternative to 'ssi harms'
Actually the far side of the moon is not dark at all, but it is different from the near side. See The far side of the Moon, photographed by Apollo 16 in 1972. It is much more crater-ridden than the near side of the Moon. Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far_side_of_the_Moon. Not all of the far side of the moon is invisible from earth due to a phenomenon known as libration "In lunar astronomy, libration is the wagging or wavering of the Moon perceived by Earth-bound observers and caused by changes in their perspective. It permits an observer to see slightly different hemispheres of the surface at different times. It is similar in both cause and effect to the changes in the Moon's apparent size due to changes in distance. " This paper is like the Apollo 8 astronauts who were the first humans to see the far side in person when they orbited the Moon in 1968. We are just mapping that side of digital identity which we all know is there and contributing to opening up debate and developing robust legal, technical, human experience and governance mechanisms for addressing this problem. e.g. https://privacyinternational.org/advocacy/4945/letter-global-csos-world-bank "We, the undersigned civil society organizations and individuals, urge the World Bank and other international organizations to take immediate steps to cease activities that promote harmful models of digital identification systems (digital ID). "
15mins | Potential Titles | Nicky | From discussion in HXWG
From story Arc Mapping the Far Side of the Moon: A new framework for understanding and mitigating the human harms of digital identity systems; ‘Overcoming the challenges of human harms from in digital identity ecosystems’ The Apollo 16 Paper: Considering human harms in digital trust ecosystem design / digital identity systems Vision based: Do no harm: creating digital identity systems that serve the public good On track for finishing 2nd draft end next week Darrell O'Donnell and Christine Martin to do Foreward |
2022-09-15 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: Oskar van Deventer sankarshan Nicky Hickman
2022-09-12 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
18.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Meeting Recording to come.
Attendees: : Phil Wolff Nicky Hickman Darrell O'Donnell Christine Martin
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min | Welcome & antitrust notice Agenda review | Nicky | Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role. |
10mins | New intro's & updates | Phil Wolff FTC public hearing on online harms (link) - 5 hours long so anyone who listens and can summarise - please share. sankarshan will take a look | |
40mins | Reviewing sections of paper | Nicky | Great discussion and feedback on ROUGH draft of paper overall - CONCERNS and arising discussion points
@philwolff commented that remove SSI & Harms in same sentence. As scope expands - expect harms to arise - thinking about 'the precautionary principle' earlier is better.
Darrell O'Donnell - main input interesting - stories are useful, but A-bomb might be distracting - what do we replace it with? Oskar van Deventer - not A-bomb, better use cars and safety belts. SSI is already safer than DigID (e.g. mitigations) . See comments in Discussion doc Phil Wolff commented that not sure why we would write a white paper format as a ToIP deliverble, storytelling is not so much what ToIP has been done, especially w/formal analysis. Part of scholarship is to remove personal opinions - have intellectual riguour & discipline, not sure what role this has in ToIP. Is there more value in scholarly approach vs blog posts that are snackable and might together build momentum. Christine Martin not sure about value of white paper vs blog posts e.g. Phil Wolff if I am a product manager considering my process for product design & launch - then a white paper might not be the first tool I would go for. Want a step-by-step toolkit for mitigating harms, and considering risks to human harms in our process, then does this have a completeness or 'doneness' then 'no'. Actions you can take on Monday - what are they?! - needs to be a concrete deliverable for the team monday to include in process of product development How do we identify most impactful harms and then keep working through? What is the systematic way that you are paying attention to harm? How do you know you have those systems in place? How does c-suite know it's being taken care of? How do you as a group / ecosystem look at these different types of harm? Embedding in standard risk management / security awareness processes Needs to start somewhere - acknowledging that harms exist is good but need tools for rigour. start by acknowledging harm sankarshan need to before white paper - perhaps do a design workshop w/ a persona, does the ToIP meet requirements to prevent harms? Does design-thinking include right questions to address harms. Make other groups accountable for actions to emerge from activities? e.g. influencing standards. How can we exert influence and then provide oversight? This group could then provide evaluation of output of other tasks. Otherwise there will be an air gap between a whitepaper and action? Also will help with collaboration. sankarshan close doc and then break out and share with group. Initiate a process, culture and capability w/in ToIP and wider community to begin addressing systematically over time. Transfer ownership back to the community and x-pollinate w/other groups. Applies to everyone - what's the litmus test. Nicky Hickman Use guardianship model - white paper followed by more practical technical requirements/ implementation guide. Darrell O'Donnell and Christine Martin do both . sankarshan has been looking at document and review comments also reviewed HXWG expert series - suggests continuously raising. Outstanding:
Key Questions: John Phillips created a web form for this - looking forward to finding out the responses on Thursday during APAC Call. Is this Fit for Purpose??? Does it say what you want it to say? Key discussion points are in this document: |
2022-08-04 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: Pyrou Chung Nicky Hickman
2022-08-01 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
18.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Meeting Recording to come.
Attendees: Darrell O'Donnell Nicky Hickman Phil Wolff
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min | Welcome & antitrust notice Agenda review | Nicky | Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role. |
10mins | New intro's & updates | Updates from HXWG - Meeting page Reviewed & considered the consent question: Mark Lizar and Phil Wolff are working on this, may be extendend from blog post to paper of series of 'nuggets' that discuss questions such as 'how to orchestrate consents within a digital trust ecosystem?'; This is the intersect w/ISWG Phil Wolff commented that smaller pieces to prompt discussion was more productive than long papers or set pieces Nicky Hickman is focused on producing a draft Whitepaper for SSI Harms this week sankarshan and Pyrou will be hosting a discussion at the forthcoming APAC IIW on SSI Harms Pyrou commented that next week is International Indigenous People's Week, 10 events in the region including meetings with legislators & policy makers around law making, others are celebrations. If indigenous people have self sovereign rights, how does that affect our work. Feels like progress, a platform for open discussion with politicians is Environmental harms & battle for resources & challenges of climate crisis - disconnects | |
40mins | Reviewing sections of paper | Nicky | The logic of harms - good starting point - but livelihoods approach is not necessarily useful for this paper. Nicky Hickman to introduce Pyrou Chung to Kelly Cooper to develop Case Study including a village community as a persona. The split of papers - makes sense otherwise too long |
5mins | AOB & Actions | Nicky |
2022-07-21 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: sankarshan Pyrou Chung Nicky Hickman
2022-07-18 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
18.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Meeting Recording to come.
Attendees: Nicky Hickman Phil Wolff Judith Fleenor
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min | Welcome & antitrust notice Agenda review | Nicky | Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role. |
5min | Updates & New Intro's | Nicky | HXWG last week - review of harms model Drummond Reed commented this paper much needed Nicky Hickman to x-check w/drummond key questions/ issues & drivers for this paper Judith Fleenor asked what we were working on
HXWG update on Weds 20th - Phil Wolff Phil to do Harms TF slide
HXWG update at all-hands; Question regarding terms that we understand and assume sankarshan to add link to document Expert Series - review and comment Task Force BGBU / SSI Harms USA / EU / Africa Every Alternate Monday 9:00 Pacific / 12:00 Eastern / 16:00 UTC Next call is Monday 1st August, then a break until Monday 12th September Asia & Australasia Every Alternate Thursday 18:00 AEDT / 13:00 Indochina / 11.30 IST / 6:00 UTC Next call is Thursday 4th August, then a break until Thursday 16th September |
45min | Review paper & Work on terms | Nicky | Harms White Paper Draft Phil Wolff
Judith Fleenor commented that we needed to ensure that the white paper that enabled members to 'get stuff done', other ideas about the socio-cultural issues are a 'thing to think about' Technology is not agnostic, it is political. Because of corruption - central authorities / governments are not Man is moral and SSI is a kind of moral technology - we are not neutral the status quo is insufficient - this is a better way. sankarshan Still need the basis even if this is socratic then build on the steps, still needs to be rights-based and addresses concerns Dangers of 'othering the problem' - being more direct comms of the paper would be a series of blog posts a) harms embedded and scaling of harms; b) concept of legal identity vs digital identity c) other ways of using SSI to express human identity Phil Wolff why should I care; b) characterising the harms; c) theory of how to frame harms d) turning concern to action, e) budget e.g. for harms assessment Judith Fleenor considered edge communities can create new harms to current power base (ie those that are currently benefiting) - zero sum game There is now a terms wiki and we should use a # for SSI Harms = #harmtf (see conventions) Here is the document to start working with for ingestion Working Document HXWG Terms |
5min | Actions & Close | Nicky |
2022-07-07 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: sankarshan Nicky Hickman Thomas Robin, Hannes Hahkio; Pyrou Chung.; Jo Spencer
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
2 min | Welcome & antitrust notice Agenda review | Nicky | Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role. |
13min | Updates & New Intro's | Nicky | Hannes Hahkio - based in Finland work for small consulting company called Hi Gear, Public sector companies are a focus of ours especially Citizen ID & SSI. Act as consultants for gov & public sector. Promoting SSI. Aiming to understand landscape and then join some TF's and WGs. Thomas Robin, works with Sezoo, based in Australia, specialising in digital trust & SSI models. Where are the weaknesses to ensure we don't repeat the mistakes. Update from sankarshan “Open Loop is a global program that connects policymakers and technology companies to help develop effective and evidence-based policies around AI and other emerging technologies.” Consider the ID of things (algorithms) and new TF in ToIP related to AI. HXWG Meeting updates sankarshan Sovrin Ecosystem governance Framework https://sovrin.org/, now 2 governance framework with Layer 1 utility GF and L4 ecosystem GF. The problem of ecosystems, lack of balance between big and small players. Fairness, transparency and accountability plus collective ownership - require balance of these forces. Prevents innovation and creates collusion, commercially unbalanced solutions and inappropriate evolution. Sovrin is a lived reality. We would like to request you to go through the SEGF available from https://sovrin.org/library/sovrin-governance-framework/ (see section "Proposed Revisions/new documents") Additionally, there is a document which contains a list of suggested additional reading - we think that this compilation would be helpful in understanding the context Also see this white paper from EFWG Trinh Nguyen |
20 min | Indigenous voices | Pyrou | Feedback from grassroots research ref identity, personal data and harms Major regional meeting last week with 10 countries across Asia with reps from 15 indigenous groups, main progress was to look at a framework for What is identity to you as an indigenous person Ability to identify themselves with land & territory which was consistent across all groups, doesn't begin to define how they interact Identity linked to environmental ecosystem, e.g. different languages inside forest and outside forest, how they defined their connection to territory that were linked to landscapes that were precious to them many under threat, deep spiritual connection, so when you remove natural resources they loose their community and their ability to communicate. Difficulty in interacting with society at large mainly because of lack of recognition - main barrier is driven by western centric way identity is laid out. they are defined by those that colonised them, not applicable in Asia as colonised by other non-western nations, so distinct hard lines that don't necessarily reflect indigenous people and identity. Their identity doesn't reflect their connection with nation, negotiating access to services e.g. if transboundary territories, e.g. China / India - how do they negotiate across these boundaries. Even if they are able to self-assert, how is that recognized across those national boundaries. EG in vietnam it is illegal to identify as indigenous. Discrimination is then based on the assertion of indigenous - especially if mixed race children of ethnic mother, no option for dual nationality so children are appropriated to national identity and lose their culture and ancestral knowledge. How do you prevent these harms if you can identify. EG caste system in India, 6 ethnic groups from India, if indigenous not part of caste system are below / beyond untouchable. They are not even recognized as a person. HOW TO!? Self-determination, no discrimination, being recognized, traverse admin national boundaries and engage w/society at large. Cambodian communities most fragmented, colonised by Khemir and gov has systematically tried to expunge indigenous identity & culture, Exceptionally fractured and deteriorated by lose generational knowledge, and loose language and culture. Jo Spencer - ecosystem must be well defined scope & common objectives - having defined and being able to self-determine, link between national & cultural definition ask IS THIS USEFUL. With SSI this is possible, but whether it is worth doing is the question. Pyrou - in Cambodia high % of people have smart phones but not indigenous people, don't even have power & connectivity despite progress on SDGs and resilience in face of covid - tech itself is alien to them. How do you address this & scale? Hannes - Differences with meaning and words even if same language - same in Europe, different slang different language. How do you convey meaning. All these elements need to be represented to convey meaning, that way everyone can ensure they convey meaning . Tied deeply to HX, how do you represent yourself and understand eachother, how do you resolve disputes? Pyrou - we struggled with different languages - much gets lost in translation. I am hopefully we can decolonise the tech ? Many elders don't necessarily want tech in their community, so another barrier especially thinking about life and spirit, computers don't have that. |
20min | Mental Model discussion | Nicky | Review the starting point mental model to support definition of terms and understand relationships between concepts such as agency, power, resilience and vulnerability. White Paper outline and progress |
5mins | AOB & Actions | Nicky |
2022-06-23 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: Nicky Hickman Pyrou Chung Jo Spencer
2022-06-20 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
18.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Meeting Recording to come.
Attendees: Nicky Hickman Drummond Reed Christine Martin
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min | Welcome & antitrust notice Agenda review | Nicky | Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role. |
5min | Updates & New Intro's | Nicky | There is now a terms wiki and we should use a # for SSI Harms = #harmtf (see conventions) Dr Karen Elliot (Newcastle University) has offered to 'academify' the paper and contribute with some of her RA's once we have shell / draft outline with abstract / exec summ Drummond Reed highlighted a paper on decentralized identity systems - anti SSI - as supporting gov & tech systems - should be carefully scrutinized and shut down. The paper is not unusual and made me think of this TF - will be a big advantage if ToIP is ahead of these kinds of key questions. Important paper will be supported from Avast. Christine Martin agree - we have problem with conspiracy theories - being politicized e.g. in Ontario. |
45min | Review structured outline draft | Nicky | This is the gDoc of the DRAFT paper in ToIP format using the Rumsfeld structure. This is the link to the Miro-Board Harms Frame This is the link to the harms folder that contains all our working docs
Discussion points Spirituality & connection with land is essential to identity e.g. 'once the forest is gone we use our language, because in some cultures your language changes inside vs outside the forest.' - importance of being able to express culturally specific concepts. How do you digitize ? Pyrou to provide notes on process of reviewing IDS GF e.g. Common good - not zero-sum game - different way of considering values due to cultural perspectives. |
5min | AOB | Nicky |
2022-06-09 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 8:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 16:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: sankarshan Nicky Hickman
2022-06-06 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
18.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Meeting Recording to come.
Attendees: Christine Martin Darrell O'Donnell Nicky Hickman Phil Wolff Kaliya Young
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min | Welcome & antitrust notice Agenda review | Nicky | Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role. |
5min | Updates & New Intro's | Nicky | There is now a terms wiki and we should use a # for SSI Harms = #harmtf (see conventions) Note film is being scheduled related to digital ID & vulnerable communities - relates to harms of centralized systems could be good alignment & shows importance of harms paper |
45min | Review APAC discussion & Agree next steps | for discussion see this Miro Board NEW (Google Slides): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Y404nJpSOkJFK5pc2aYUmJtrXtCkwcx-eIMC9ZMC0DU/edit?usp=sharing Phil has transferred to a G-DOC https://docs.google.com/document/d/151cqN0HY-ECmGwcS_SSBCeCHtszuwGyQebLRJq8sODA/edit?usp=sharing which contains the same material but in a doc format Johari window = personal psychology version of Rumsfeld https://www.communicationtheory.org/the-johari-window-model/ Kaliya Young Problem w/AI is it makes the blind spot big and run by computers - Darrell O'Donnell Identification & ID Systems Nicky Hickman - differentiate between identification & identity - problem of exacerbation Kaliya Young DISCO - fun SSI party approach - build your own avatar in the metaverse - new market niches in SSI - we need more diversity like this in SSI than just Gov use cases Participatory design approach - use of on the ground communities to prioritise our work and give us case studies / persona's, will help us with prioritization and be more practical for implementers. Many implementations are social networks backed by identity implementations - could have same problems as other social networks - always malicious actors - so how do we strengthen n/w's already to reduce risks of vulnerability associated with bad actors | |
5mins | AOB | Nicky | Schedule - Nicky writing week in next 2 draft for assiging sections & building on by mid june Draft for internal review by end July Aim to publish in September Agreed |
2022-05-26 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
7.00 UTC = 23:00 PT = 9:00 CET = 11:30 IST = 17:00 Melbourne = 14:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: Nicky Hickman Eric Welton Jo Spencer sankarshan John Phillips
2022-05-23 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
18.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Meeting Recording to come.
Attendees: Nicky Hickman Phil Wolff
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min |
| Nicky |
10mins | Intro's & Updates | Nicky | Eric Welton- discussions with Myanmar Responsible Business Coalition - tricky situation with hostile relationships in government - establishing a biometric identity - difficult choice as someone is going to do it. Can we do it in a more responsible, less harmful way. May be useful to have a session on this in this group. Difficult ethical questions for the team. Interesting presentation on how digital ID can be abused. sankarshan- biometric topic seems to be settling down from aid organisations - have to use biometrics, main focus is now on mitigating harms. Myanmar, Afghanistan and other examples. Uganda for example, optimistic programme, under-enrollment. (the harms of untrustworthy systems) - now starting w/genetic profiling! "The genie is out of the bottle" Jo Spencer Activity on NSW gov initiative - driving license initiative hacked, DNA & biometrics further reinforce the argument.
sankarshanMinimisation is not suitable for some interactions, e.g. Medical Records - much more important for secure and trustworthy data payload / exchange. Also Financial Transactions not very well suited to VC's. Jo Spencer use of verifiable presentations which present derived data. sankarshan taxonomy & semantics - quality & classification of data also needed VC's are not the solution for many forms of data. Biggest harm is derived data sets from small data sets. Eric Welton - Use cases - all non-cash transactions will be exposed to government, e.g. national security / tax collection is given as purpose coming in ??. Remember problems of correlation highlighted by Daniel Hardman Also use case of VCs to convey health information - presentation that key emergency information for medical purposes (e.g. in accident) - could use biometrics to unlock the data for emergency responders. VC is a PDF - convenience / emergency service. Similar to ICE contact, could have ICE Credential. Could be linked to IATA - Good Health Pass sankarshan Must be freeform data. Accept that this is a new attack surface. John Phillips Humanitech conference - could be some good material & input to this discussion. Great discussion and material. I'm now seeing an obvious connection between this work, and the work of the Humanitech organisation here in Australia (founded by the Australian Red Cross) who have been thinking about how they might "ensure frontier technologies benefit people and society". I was at, and spoke briefly, at their 2022 conference (https://humanitechsummit.org/2022/) - they've been considering the potential harms of the mis-application of frontier technology for some time. |
5mins | Actions | Nicky |
15mins | AGENCY | Nicky | Review of notes and insights from the AGENCY talk at HXWG last week. Here is the wiki page On fake news (and news) there's a good 20 mins conversation from Davos hosted by Polkadot - Rumsfeld Structure to scope "Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones.[1]" (Source: Wiki) Also for discussion see this Miro Board
20mins | Storyboard Next Steps | Phil | NEW (Google Slides): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Y404nJpSOkJFK5pc2aYUmJtrXtCkwcx-eIMC9ZMC0DU/edit?usp=sharing Phil has transferred to a G-DOC https://docs.google.com/document/d/151cqN0HY-ECmGwcS_SSBCeCHtszuwGyQebLRJq8sODA/edit?usp=sharing which contains the same material but in a doc format |
5mins | AOB | Nicky |
2022-05-12 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 22:00 PT = 7:00 CET = 10:30 IST = 17:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: Nicky Hickman sankarshan Pyrou Chung,
2022-05-09 SSI HARMS BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
18.00 UTC = 11:00 PT = 14.00 ET = 20:00 CET = 23:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Meeting Recording to come.
Attendees: Phil WolffNicky HickmanChristine MartinJacques Bikoundou
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min |
| Nicky |
10mins | Intro's & Updates | Nicky | |
10mins | Key insights from last APAC or USA meeting | Nicky or Sankarshan | Quick review of last couple of calls:
If you use SSI to make identifiers fluid even in application at legal identification layer, then to what extent can states deny it? some formalized identity, collectivised and then asserted towards goverment - can states refuse to acknowledge. - about power, assertion of rights as a collective (trades union advantage), should be possible w/SSI but deeply linked within state systems (e.g. census,). One particular challenge is that even if we make headway w/SSI, tech and solutions for SSI, the challenge is still are we able to negate the harms. Bargaining power still difficult, still depend on utilities, still need blockchain. _ different problem associated with connectivity / infrastructure Example in Cambodia, facilitating meetings w/indigenous leaders, whole concept of interjecting technology into the mix the biggest challenge is getting them to understand the concepts and relationships w/their rights. Disconnect between people who work in Human rights / indigenous rights - have idea of understanding international frameworks and conventions (drafted in 70's), these structural concepts of what hr/indigenous rights are - bright people are able to speak to these conventions this is the translation layer, so when you start shifting these narratives into local contexts - framing of conventions is to protect rights but they don't have them in the first place - so can't assert them. 'What do you want?' - they don't know. Layers of understanding / comprehension that need to be broken down. Difficult to design the tech first - need governance, engagement, HX. Requirement to from the outset start with a co-creative/ participatory approach so that we are asking communities on the ground about the harms they perceive and their impacts. e.g. Women in Identity - Aisha's story Pyrou will have some sessions w/indigenous leaders in Thailand, informal Work through storyboard and updates in there |
20mins | Storyboard | Phil | Continue on storyboard roundup from Slide 31. Sections: "Indirect Risk", "Approaches to responding to the risk of human harm", "Whose job is it?", "Thank you. What’s next?". NEW (Google Slides): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Y404nJpSOkJFK5pc2aYUmJtrXtCkwcx-eIMC9ZMC0DU/edit?usp=sharing OLD (pptx format): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KoWjJx8LMwqNHKhAs-gK1uLdDL6zniIR/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102748924597224658467&rtpof=true&sd=true
5mins | Actions |
2022-04-28 BGBU APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 22:00 PT = 7:00 CET = 10:30 IST = 17:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: Nicky Hickman sankarshan Eric Welton
2022-04-25 BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
15.00 UTC = 8:00 PT = 11.00 ET = 17:00 CET = 20:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Attendees: Nicky Hickman Christine Martin, Darrell O'Donnell Phil Wolff
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min |
| Nicky |
10mins | Intro's & Updates | Nicky | N/A HXWG - Expert sessions forthcoming in May (link to HXWG webinars) Good podcast ref exclusion in Aadhar - Christine Martinto get Reference - Potential Women in Identity ref their exclusion research as expert for Q&A |
10mins | Key insights from last APAC meeting | Nicky or Sankarshan | 2 clear harms to get started with
Requirement to from the outset start with a co-creative/ participatory approach so that we are asking communities on the ground about the harms they perceive and their impacts. |
45mins | Storyboard | Phil |
Problem w/SSI - in an effort to pursue |
5mins | Actions |
2022-03-17 SSI Harms APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 22:00 PT = 7:00 CET = 10:30 IST = 17:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Notes from the APAC Meeting are recorded in the Table below in green text
Attendees: Nicky Hickman sankarshan Jo Spencer John Phillips
2022-04-11 BGBU TF USA/EU TF Meeting
15.00 UTC = 8:00 PT = 11.00 ET = 17:00 CET = 20:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Attendees: Nicky HickmanDarrell O'Donnell, Phil Wolff, Jacques Bikoundou, Christine Martin
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min |
| Darrell |
5 mins | Intro's new members & Updates | All | Updates
5 mins | Update on Actions from Previous Meetings | All |
30 mins | Discussion Scope: Root Cause Analysis & Frameworks | Nicky | Scope & clarification from USA Call
Root Cause Analysis?
Possible Frameworks:
4. SECTOR-BASED - prioritizing the primary sectors of uptake that ToIP members want us to look at and which impact against sustainable livelihood outcomes Healthcare Public Sector National Identity & Legal Identification Financial Services & Fintech 5. OUTCOMES-BASED Sustainable Livelihoods framework . Based on the principle that your digital data is a livelihood asset, a new form of capital? Or a digital representation of other types of capital? Harms arise when the outcomes or consequences negatively impact positive livelihood outcomes
More likely a combination of a couple of these? Discussion - starting more messy and coming to frameworks, e.g. start with one harm and build out an approach of key questions:
Can also have ideation session - dropping a long list of harms - reference powerpoint storyboard - put in slack for other sto update then add one harm with above questions to get started. |
10 mins | Storyboard | Darrell | |
5 mins | Close & AOB | Nicky |
2022-03-28 BGBU Task Force USA/EU TF Meeting
15.00 UTC = 8:00 PT = 11.00 ET = 17:00 CET = 20:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/97159895478?pwd=emFjbU8xdWs0dE5iaE0zeDVZREFYQT09
Attendees: Phil Wolff, Nicky Hickman, Oskar van Deventer
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min |
| Darrell |
5 mins | Intro's new members & Updates | All | Phil Wolff - individual contributor at DIF and ToIP and sometimes Sovrin IoT, IEEE identity work also.- led several sessions on threat vectors and harms associated with digital ID. Oskar van Deventerleader at TNO and eSSIF lab (>50 sub-grantees). Leader on interop, also European Blockchain Service Infrastructure representing NL. Have developed prototype. At TNO ~20 people working on SSI, 4 working on standardization at DIF. Techruption project with banks, land registry, notaries, similar scope looking at harms. Coordinating
5 mins | Update on Actions from Previous Meetings | All |
10 mins | Oskar Insights | Oskar | Overview of insights from Oskar's work and blogs - where are the key gaps/issues? - perspectives on key deliverables / scope and direction for the group?
Rushing with eIDAS - on SSI - Danger is we all become 'vulnerable' people - we are not empowered, controlling your digital ID can sometimes undermine my rights. EG hotels that make me break the law by asking to copy my passport. Harms relate to many harms that can arise e.g. https://blockchain.tno.nl/blog/verify-the-verifier-anti-coercion-by-design/ Protections - e.g. chip in passport - but fingerprint data can only be accessed by authorised verifiers. - these protections are missing from SSI. Wants to see implementations: e.g. authorised verifier 5-6 items that all need implementation, standardisation and interop testing Does this change our deliverables? Supplier authentication, call centre use case especially outbound calling e.g. Bloqzone Gorilla use-case, I know who you are exclusion or discrimination if you don't accept data sharing - problem Knotty Problem: Privacy vs Access to food / services Rieks - one step back ie WHY do you need this data - data minimization tool, often not needed for business decision, also issuing information to be consumed by other gorillas (bring in Amos' work) KNOTTY Biz Problem conflicting regulatory requirements. Risk with SSI that we are going in a different direction because SSI gives higher assurances, now not only do you have to fill in the forms, now you can't lie about it and get it from an authorized source. Old LoA argument - economic resources and politics. Advise not focusing on excluded communities then risk that we ignore the issue that we all become vulnerable:
Different uses of persona, nature of harm and context - user research - better to talk to actual people rather than using persona, ethnography, interview people, e.g. those who have lived with harm. EG a black person obliged to add a photo indicating race, would harm professional career. Storytelling use of persona to make harms relatable - EG not defining gender, use of they, them pronouns in the group and research Remember SSI is transactions between two parties - relevance between the transactions that the two parties want to engage with. Assertion of our social norms considering what is harm? Harms only steming from those things which SSI is supposed to relate to. Could we simplify by focusing on Highlights any new DRiPHT introduced by use of decentralized architectures and SSI, and how they could be mitigated Over-identification problem - making it easy to add LoA3/4 creates new exceptional harms. END____ |
10 mins | Storyboard | Darrell | |
5 mins | Close & AOB | Nicky |
2022-03-17 SSI Harms APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 22:00 PT = 7:00 CET = 10:30 IST = 17:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567 Passcode: 082179
Attendees: Nicky HickmanEric Welton, John Phillips Jo Spencer
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min |
| Darrell |
10mins | Intro's new members & Updates | All | |
5 mins | Update on Actions from Previous Meetings | All |
10mins | Review HXWG progress | All | - APAC Group to consider speakers. e.g. This is the group that we're connected to through our work with Swinburne University a few years ago: https://sigchi.org/ |
10 mins | Discussion on items raised in Slack & APAC meeting | Nicky |
1) Group of indigenous people - Pyrou Chung Eric - could be related to Family Unit below 2) Family unit: (Phil) A family where the notions of family aren't modeled where they live or travel. A polyamorous truple with kids and the six grand-parents. (intergenerational, doesn't conform to norms of marriage, complex guardianship) - West Africa polygamous families. Eric: Clans or groups in S Asia, 7 or 8 houses clustered together, kinship group. Variations on a theme - depends on kinship structures. Insight, many grandparents don't know their own age. Eric has found potential collaborators / folks on the ground who are able to help us build grounded persona
3) Children |
25 | Storyboard | Darrell | Outline Storyboard is here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KoWjJx8LMwqNHKhAs-gK1uLdDL6zniIR/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102748924597224658467&rtpof=true&sd=true
Example from Eric - Living near a safe house for IDP (underground railroad) in west of Thailand (Korim) - He has all his papers and can move freely, he is becoming stateless so that he can get back into the camp in order to care for his elderly parents, familial obligations - giving up his legal identity to fulfill his duties. Corruptions in guards, violence associated with money and being able to leave the camp to work. Too strong an identity would prevent this. Harm of centralized model with biometrics = he is 'owned by the state' - can't remove yourself from the system. John: This is the group that we're connected to through our work with Swinburne University a few years ago: https://sigchi.org/ Eric: another group that is local to me, which may be helpful in identifying unique harms/risks is: https://kwahdao.org/ - their current director just graduated from law school and is one of their first students especially looking at stateless children. |
5 mins | Close & AOB | Nicky |
2022-03-14 SSI Harms TF Meeting
16.00 UTC = 8:00 PT = 17:00 CET = 20:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/98564220808?pwd=TlVHMDB2eHJGMlJHM2FnZVl2T0F1Zz09
Attendees: sankarshan Phil Wolff Jacques Bikoundou Nicky Hickman Christine Martin
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min |
| Darrell |
10mins | Intro's new members & Updates | All | Name change of group to 'Balancing the Good, The Bad & The Ugly' This has been posted on linked in, at an earlier time slot, so to be resolved for next meeting cycle. Christine Martin - work with Darrell at Continuum Loop. EA and topic of interest. |
5 mins | Update on Actions from Previous Meetings | All |
Observation: Sometimes the drive to design solutions for crisis situations, e.g. Ukranian Refugees can itself lead to unittended harms or consequences because of speed & emotion.
10 mins | Discussion on items raised in Slack & APAC meeting | Nicky |
3) Children: (Sankarshan) The topic of harms around minors in context of travel came about when we were noodling on the GHP Travel related recommendations. As in - whether adoption of SSI based patterns will inadvertently enable harms to be easier, higher primarily because of weak adoption of guardianship and identifier best practices. 1) Group of indigenous people - Pyrou Chung 2) Family unit: (Phil) A family where the notions of family aren't modeled where they live or travel. A polyamorous truple with kids and the six grand-parents. (intergenerational, doesn't conform to norms of marriage, complex guardianship) - West Africa polygamous families. Eric: Clans or groups in S Asia, 7 or 8 houses clustered together, kinship group. Variations on a theme - depends on kinship structures. Insight, many grandparents don't know their own age. See lessons from Aadhar. Main challenge is inability to understand how the design of the system was successful or failed, also depends on adoption, enforcement, liabilities. EG Financial crimes are better handled through stronger regulation and enforcement. Currently a reputational issue for SSI because of misunderstandings and perceptions. Raises common issues such as governance and its enforcement in decentralized systems and the rights/human dignity issues. Danger is that we create an inventory of risks with mitigations, but could be counter-productive, but in long run we need to design better ways of representing living entities in digital formats. Is there a need to uniquely identify humans, personhood. Is it possible to do so without being political? Must nevertheless start somewhere and narrow scope. Use persona as test bed to check our thinking. Start with one persona and encourage others to build their own and engage this way. Perhaps children as easy for all to relate to and understand. Groups to consider: Those that are biometrically impaired,
25 | Storyboard | Darrell | Outline Storyboard is here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KoWjJx8LMwqNHKhAs-gK1uLdDL6zniIR/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102748924597224658467&rtpof=true&sd=true |
5 mins | Close & AOB | Nicky |
2022-03-03 SSI Harms APAC TF Meeting
6.00 UTC = 22:00 PT = 7:00 CET = 10:30 IST = 17:00 Melbourne = 13:00 Thailand
Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/95121109567?pwd=UFBrWU5PcC9RZS9UaFg1UG81WGZZdz09 Meeting ID: 951 2110 9567Passcode: 082179
Main Goal of this meeting: Intro to SSI Harms - agree next steps
Attendees: Nicky Hickman sankarshan Eric Welton Pyrou Chung; John Phillips
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min |
| Darrell |
20mins | Intro's | All | Sankarshan - India, returning to ToIP following work absence, SSI Harms - harms created by solutionism and poor understanding, need to work through this topic to address Eric Welton - Thailand south of Myanmar border, been looking at SSI Harms for 5-6 years, because bulk of tech driven by heavily digitised communities (EU, USA) with civil liberties basis, but not the reality in countries like e.g. China, has SSI components but very centralised. Forcing view without asking people if they want to for example be financially included. No engagement, combined with new surveillance capabilities, many harms can arise, e.g. camera's. At the precipice of getting things done right or wrong. Pyrou Chung - Thailand Director at East West Mgt - Open Dev Initiative - focus on data governance meets tech meets human rights, one main focus related to Indigenous peoples for sovereign data rights includes identity, not allowed to assert their identity, so no existing rights within frameworks so if a new system comes in that doesn't take into consideration their right indigenous rights e.g. for accessing public services, could exacerbate existing Jo Spencer - (AUS) Initially drawn into the Guardianship WG realised that there was a model where we could put into place more certainty and controls with the right levels of trust and flexibility. Work in Sezoo with John Philips. Working with some parts of Gov. Indigenous identity a passion project, not the right people to do it. Once you have the tools, then can begin to tailor to needs of groups like indigenous peoples without the controls of government and surveillance capitalism. Not about the tech more about the social impact of what you are doing. Also some research w/ Universities around use of wallets. |
15 mins | Overview & Goals of the TF | All | Notes to ensure we include dissenting voices by having some outside sessions later on in the process
Open as to what happens once initial deliverables are provided Agree to focus on IIW for StoryBoard, and the stuff we are stuck on - where we have need for other views and help Keep the narrative - the tech won't save us!!! This is about humans, they are the builders of the good and bad stuff. 'No tech fix for the human condition!' APAC - Suggested change to Harms Mitigation Task Force. Example - Verifier pays issuer - what's the harm, what's the impact, what are the mitigations? Develop Persona to measure and manage harms/risk against. EG indigenous people, concept of collectivised identity is core to indigenous people, so we have a 'Persona Group' rather than a single individual, also link with Environment, e.g. things with digital identity, rivers in India, Uluru in Aus. How environment & lands are connected with identity of individuals and have their own (socio-centric vs ego-centric) - 'individual vs dividual'. (WRT respectful approaches to working with indigenous peoples, I've been impressed by the work of Terri Janke: https://www.terrijanke.com.au/true-tracks) Clash between two cultures e.g. Aus problem of indigenous incarceration problem. How can these interoperate when different social views of identity and ways of managing rights & accountabilities Example of Northern region crossing China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand - very many different ethnic groups forced into mountains and e.g. Thai Union is forced upon them. Long history - yes identity is a political tool that is related to power & control. Consider land, connection, associations & movements of people. But note the cultural and spiritual connections to the land and deep within their psychographic identity. Also needs to be considered and catered for. Their own sovereign ability to govern the processes associated with technology. This is where governance comes into play regarding collectivised identity. Colonial narrative and mental models for example in forms of identity and governance models. Connection w/state services - collectivisation builds social capital and bargaining power w/state. Perhaps go further and find these folks to participate and help us build real case studies and examples. On the ground reality, need to be careful that we have real people in mind. |
15 mins | Discussion on next steps, plan | Nicky |
5 mins | Close & AOB | Nicky |
2022-02-28 SSI Harms TF Meeting
16.00 UTC = 8:00 PT = 17:00 CET = 20:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link https://zoom.us/j/98564220808?pwd=TlVHMDB2eHJGMlJHM2FnZVl2T0F1Zz09
Main Goal of this meeting: Intro to SSI Harms - agree next steps
Attendees: Darrell O'Donnell Kaliya Young Kalin Bart Suichies Jacques Bikoundou @Shireen Mitchell; Judith Fleenor
Time | Item | Lead | Notes |
5 min |
| Darrell |
20mins | Intro's | All | Kaliya Young - Identity Women - IIW and 'Human First Tech' - advocating for more of these types of conversation, have threat model analysis paper . Naming harms of Web 1.0 & 2.0 Event Bart Suichies - No affiliation, active in SSI for 5-6 years, joined ToIP through SICPA. Interest in SSI in public sector, and use where active governance. Interested in figuring out where the lines are for what we can do as a community for solving societal problems. Paradox of powerful tools for dual use good / bad Kalin Nicolov - joined also as SICPA, currently co-chairing the HXWG - focused on connection point of HX design, interactions of ethics, incentive structures, points that are grey areas. Darrell O'Donnell - part of ToIP from beginning - focused on making it real and understanding harms. Affiliation - small boutique consultancy Shireen Mitchell - Here to have the conversation about harms - statelessness is only identifier we find racism, part of Human First Tech with Kaliya. Moments where we sit on the security line thinking about finance, but ignoring the impacts on 'real identity'. Some concerns with the white papers problem in defining people's identity by their vulnerability attributes Jacques Bikoundoublockchain developer, member of ToIP for 2 years, mainly involved in drafting GF documents, participated in CCI, interested because keen to understand how the technology can impact people Phil Wolffhere to contribute to the threat analysis & mitigate harms, possibly from a product management lens. Privacy advocate for 15 years, originally Oakland and now Pacific Northwest, consult for Wider Team on ID of things in healthcare. Led "Death to NSTIC" sessions at IIW to brainstorm and characterize threats to initiative success. Nicky: Freelancer Judith Fleenor, Director of Strategic Engagement for ToIP Jon Pinkes, technologist linked via Kaliya & IIW |
15 mins | Overview & Goals of the TF | All | Notes to ensure we include dissenting voices by having some outside sessions later on in the process
Open as to what happens once initial deliverables are provided Agree to focus on IIW for StoryBoard, and the stuff we are stuck on - where we have need for other views and help Keep the narrative - the tech won't save us!!! This is about humans, they are the builders of the good and bad stuff. 'No tech fix for the human condition!' |
15 mins | Discussion on next steps, plan | Darrell |
5 mins | Close & AOB | Darrell |