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TimeAgenda ItemLeadNotes
5 min
  • Start recording
  • Welcome & antitrust notice
  • Introduction of new members
  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
  • New Members:
5 minsReview of previous action itemsChairs
5 minsToIP Approved Deliverables reportScott Perry
  • Scott explained deliverables approval process once the GSWG has approved a Working Group Approved Deliverable.
  • It then goes to Judith who schedules it for review and approval by the ToIP Steering Committee.
  • Assuming that is done, the document is converted into a final form following the new ToIP Style Guide and published on our website.
    • Judith Fleenor suggested that it will speed up the process if the deliverable is put into the ToIP Style Guide format before going to the SC.
    • Judith also suggested that the blog post for the public announcement of the deliverable.
  • ACTION: Add links to the table of deliverables on the GSWG home page for each Working Group Approved Deliverable to the GSWG meeting page at which the deliverable was approved.
  • ACTION: Scott Perry and Drummond Reed to arrange a meeting with Savita Farooquito discuss preparing a blog post about the six GSWG approved deliverables that are ready to be approved.
5 minsTask Force reportsTF Leads
  • ToIP Stack Design Principles TF
    • See Design Principles for the ToIP Stack (Google doc draft)
    • Goal is completion this week - Draft is complete
    • Final Community Writing Workshop is Thursday at 17:00-18:00 PT / 00:00-01:00 UTC
    • ToIP-wide Comment Period may start as early as next week.
  • Governance Architecture TF
    • Savita's Governance docs are being reviewed by Steering Committee this week.
    • This is the next step in the Core Four (next topic) (Governance and Technical Specifications)
    • ACTION: NEED for Drummond Reedto coordinate the ToIP White Paper to be converted into Sytle Guide requirementswith Victor Syntez to convert the Introduction to ToIP V2 white paper into the ToIP Style Guide template.
5 minsReview "Core Four" progressDrummond Reed
  • See the description of the Core Four on the Introduction to ToIP wiki page
  • Introduction to ToIP ready for final graphics and Steering Committee approval
  • Design Principles for the ToIP Stack almost ready for community review
  • ToIP Governance Architecture Specification next in line
  • ToIP Technology Architecture Specification is the final component
15 minsPost "Core Four" roadmapChairs
15 minsToIP Core Terms WikiDrummond Reed
  • The ToIP Core terms wiki is up and running!
  • Now we need to start the work to populate it
  • This includes forming the ToIP Core Terms Task Force
  • Need to ensure that all terms in published ToIP documents need to have a wiki definition.
  • ACTION - Need : CHAIRS to add a requrement requirement step in our document publish process for adding terms.
  • ACTION: Need ALL to start populating ToIP Terms Wiki Repository.

Any other business?

5 mins
  • Review decisions/action items
  • Planning for next meeting 

Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • Sample Decision Item

Action Items

  •  Sample Action Item


  • None

Action Items

  •  ACTION: Drummond Reed to finish his review of the ToIP Governance Metamodel Companion Guide.
  •  ACTION: Add links to the table of deliverables on the GSWG home page for each Working Group Approved Deliverable to the GSWG meeting page at which the deliverable was approved.
  •  ACTION: Scott Perry and Drummond Reed to arrange a meeting with Savita Farooquito discuss preparing a blog post about the six GSWG approved deliverables that are ready to be approved.
  •  ACTION: NEED for Drummond Reedto coordinate with Victor Syntez to convert the Introduction to ToIP V2 white paper into the ToIP Style Guide template.
  •  ACTION: CHAIRS to add a requirement step in our document publish process for adding terms.
  •  ACTION: ALL to start populating ToIP Terms Wiki.
  •  ACTION: CHAIRS to add a requirement step in our document publish process for adding terms.
  •  ACTION: ALL to start populating ToIP Terms Wiki.
  •  ACTION: Drummond Reed to schedule Alex Tweeddale to present at the next meeting on the Cheqd governance framework for their Layer 1 public utility (