2. Proposal - “SSI Orbit” Podcast
- mathieu introdcued the SSI Orbit podcast that has been launched by Northern Block as part of their effort to build the SSI community in Toronto and beyond. This podcast series was launched in February with several episodes already recorded, including some featuring ToIP leaders.
- mathieuproposed that Trust over IP feature in an upcoming episode, focusing on topics such as the stack, working groups and deliverables. He also and indicated he would be open to the possibility of having multiple participants spanning more than one theme.
- The committee agreed by consensus to support this activity.
- mathieu will share a draft agenda and suggested topics with the committee, which will nominate members to participate.
3. Update - "Financially Speaking" interview w John Jordan
- David Luchuk updated the committee on ...
4. Update - logo policy and contract (P Stoyko)
- David Luchukto ensure that the upcoming IIW event (Apr 20-22, 2021) is publicized among members.
- TBC mathieu to ...
- John Jordanto share recently launched Aries website with the committee for reference.