January 21, 2022
- John Jordan
- David Lucatch
- Daniel Bachenheimer
- Wenjing Chu
- Chris Ingrao (Deactivated)
- Judith Fleenor
- Elisa Trevino
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
10 min | BLOG Updates and Approvals | Judith Fleenor | |
15 min | Action Item Updates | Judith Fleenor | |
3 min | PermaLinks for our Deliverables | Judith Fleenor | |
2 min | Rosie Demo | Judith Fleenor | |
2 min | DID Conference Korea | ||
5 min | Event Schedule | Judith Fleenor | |
5 min | Wiki Gardening | Judith Fleenor | |
2 min | LinkedIn Cover Photo | Judith Fleenor | |
5 min | Other Item Updates | ||
As time allows | Open Discussion | All |
Judith Fleenor initiated the meeting with a review of the AntiTrust policy and then ran through the agenda. Judith Fleenor GLIEF blog has been approved and we're awaiting approval from GLEIF team. They're working to align timing of release currently for end of January, then we will have @AlexMetcalf post on our website. Daniel Bachenheimer mentioned Drummond Reed made a few minor updates on the most recent blog and Judith Fleenor specified the title may need to be more appealing and asked for feedback from the Communication Committee. Judith Fleenor proposed we allow Drummond Reed and John Jordan to decide on title of blog. Judith Fleenor proposed a quick turnaround for the ToIP Foundation its First Official Governance Specification be approved quickly with a one day turnaround to be posted Monday January 24th, 2022. Judith Fleenor proposed GSWG and EFWG Blogs. John Jordan mentioned a blog called The Missing Link as areas for us to discuss and address in 2022. Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) suggested a quarterly blogs to include content to help drive traction for the community to recognize the ToIP community and the work we're doing. He wants to help announce our outputs but also consolidate and share what's happening industry wide. John Jordanagrees this is a good idea and mentioned that BC Government and this is something he's looking to do within his own work community and agrees this is a good idea for our ToIP Quarterly Roundup. Judith Fleenor asked if anyone is interested in joining this effort?
Deliverables action items were shared and Elisa Trevino provided updates on the AutoJoin process and the calendar invite for an upcoming meeting to discuss our website updates. Judith Fleenorprovided an update on the
Trademark registration David Lucatchhas not received any updates, but he will begin driving the effort again this month.
Judith Fleenor provided an update regarding perma links and announced the updates and changes that we've already adopted and implemented on our website. Judith Fleenorcalled for approval and the Communication Committee approved.
Judith Fleenor introduced the topic of Github and the adoption of the implementation of our continued work for specifications moving forward. Judith Fleenor mentioned the demos Elisa Trevino will be scheduling in the near future for management of this system and the demo for Rosie.
Judith Fleenor shared updates regarding the DID Conference and a request to use our ToIP logo. Daniel Bachenheimermentioned it would be helpful to mention ToIP members are participating in the conference. Chris Ingrao (Deactivated)asked for clarification on how they would present us as "sponsor" and to confirm they're not asking for funding. Judith Fleenorclarified that they're looking for us to promote via our ToIP channel. Daniel Bachenheimer, John Jordan, Wenjing Chu, David Lucatchand Chris Ingrao (Deactivated)all agree they're in support of the effort to promote.
Judith Fleenor provided updates on the upcoming events. She mentioned the Open Source Summit - Supply Chain Security Con might be a good opportunity that aligns with our efforts. John Jordan believes this is more designed for developers and this might not be a good fit for us.
Judith Fleenor mentioned needing an updated LinkedIn cover photo.
Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) has reservation about putting together a more strategic direction for 2022.
John Jordan proposed 2022 as the Year of Adoption as the focus for 2022. John Jordan believes this can help us tie things back to the ToIP model.
Action Items:
@JudithFleenor to send a note to the Comms slack channel regarding their input for the LinkedIn cover photo.
Judith Fleenor to schedule landing session for Wenjing Chu and Chris Ingrao (Deactivated) for 3pm on Monday January 24th to discuss focus for 2022.
Action Items from previous meetings:
- Past Action Item: Scott Perry and David Lucatch volunteered to work on Trademark registration recommendations.
- Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto work with Indicio on getting ToIP content into their Indy/Arise workshop.
- Past Action Item: Drummond Reed to create a Co-Branding Policy and work with Scott Perryto create a Co-branded version of out templates.
- Past Action Item: Drummond Reedto create a BLOG about the OIX MOU when that MOU has been created and approved by both SCs. Judith Fleenorto follow-up with Nick Mothershaw. Judith Fleenorto continue to follow-up with Jory on the re-write and resubmit to SC.
- Past Action Item: Daniel Bachenheimersaid help with a BLOG about mDL and VCs.
- Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto coordinate with Kaliya Youngand Chris Kelly about Cross Collaboration on papers and communications after Thanksgiving.
- Past Action Item: Judith Fleenorto add event schedule topic to the next Comms Meeting agenda.
- Karen Hand to present this in the next EFWG and identify who would be the best POC to drive the top priorities to drive deliverables and effort
- Scott Perry and Drummond Reed to update/changes templates and the style guide (1/14). We need to identify a POC to own this in the future.
- Drummond Reed to add the co-branding to the template documents and style guide Drummond Reed Introduction to White Paper & Design Principles Paper
- Elisa Trevino, Judith Fleenor, @AlexMetcalf, Drummond Reed, Jim StClair to help drive decisions on the look and feel of the website.
- Jim StClair LFX platform demonstration for project management in an up-coming Steering Committee meeting.
- Judith Fleenor follow-up on End of Year surveys