Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Agenda Item
3 min
Start recording
Welcome & antitrust notice
Introduction of new members
Agenda review
Antitrust Policy Notice:Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
Action: Kor Dwarshuis A YouTube instructional video on how to set up a spec-up-t project from the beginning would be great.
Add new terms OR underscore in the Spec-Up-T terminal menu The idea was brought in that we could also use Git branches (development versus main). This is, of course, true but requires another level of git user capacity. The underscore would be a workaround. Decision: postpone feature.
Freeze OR Snapshot: Snapshot
Action: We need links that are self-explanatory with version numbers in them. Because those links are what people are going to use to refer to the glossary as a whole and to specific terms. @kordwarshuis and @henkvancann could look into how the current fundamental tracking of commits could add to this concept. <base-url>/v1/#term:<term> <base-url>/latest/#term:<term>
Discuss a tutorial "How to use the Main Glossary". → Workshop planned between Oct 8 and Oct 11, options: Oct 8 6PM-7PM CEST, 9AM PDT Oct 9 5PM-6PM CEST, 8AM PDT Oct 10 7PM-8PM CEST, 10AM PDT
5 min
Review of previous action items
URL Configuration
@HenkvanCann: I think that can cause ambiguity with a "normal" header with the same name as a term. But I am not sure. We have to delve into this. Decision: This week, we'll decide on this proposal, but with the version numbers on board of the URL as well. Decision final: we stick to the #term to prevent collisions with normal headers in markdown.
20 min
Language support discussion
@CarlyHuitema: . I remember in Switzerland they would write the document and the translations but state that when there is a confusion the german version was the official one.
If we look at it from a broader ToIP perspective and the tools we're developing there, technically, it can be done as a sub dir of our term-defintions dir under spec in Spec-Up-T.Multilingual is another league for us at the moment. We'll concentrate on the versioning and proper URLs and a single point of definition of terms; which is the English language in the most comprehensive and sophisticated form (with regard to user-levels). From there, we suggest using a translation serve (chatGPT api?) in at least two directions: A. languages: make it available, but with links back to the English source. B. user levels: make it easier, but with links back to the most comprehensive and sophisticated form (reference)Note that a different user level could also be seen as a language. So, for example 4 languages in Switzerland, 3 user levels, means 11 extra languages to keep in sync for every term. Every language that is maintained (written, cured, voted upon) by humans should get precedence over AI-generated. Drummond Reed support this idea in the chat "I like this approach".
How to cope with multiple/singular versions of terms, with/without dashes. etc TEv2 tooling? Rieks has put a proposal in Slack in the July 1 CTWG chat. Already added as a draft to the Terminology Governance Guide. We will discuss this. This is a "Also Known As" challenge.
2 mins
Review decisions/action items
Planning for next meeting
Files/Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)