27 July 2021
- Co-Leads: Jo Spencer John Phillips
Agenda Items
2 min | Welcome & Antitrust Policy Notice | John |
Introductions | John | |
Backgrounder and introduction to the WIP Addendum document | John and Jo | |
Discussion around taking the WIP Addendum document (see below) forward | Everyone |
Meeting Notes
WRT Action 2020-07-20 1)
Targeted message: Kaliya will go through the lists of participants and their organisations to see who might be well placed to give expert feedback and will reach out to them
General message: Kaliya will post a general message seeking input from these people.
In addition, Jo/John will reach out to their local (Australian contacts)
GHP BluePrint was approved a few hours before this meeting. Official communication will be from Kaliya out to working groups.
Key Resources:
- GHPC Blueprint Outline v2
- Guardianship Addendum for GHP Blueprint
- Sovrin Publications on Guardianship, in particular the Implementation Guidelines and Technical Requirements
Guardianship and other forms of delegated authority with self-sovereign identity (Manning Live Book)
Recording -
Topic: GHP Guardianship addendum drafting group
1. Welcome and Linux Foundation antitrust policy - http://www.linuxfoundation.org/antitrust-policy
Action Items
- Move Google Doc Addendum draft into the ToIP Google Drive Area - DONE (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HrijzntZZvodY0StfP-f9DuKkfhn1S0d3VVQ41Xcp88/edit?usp=sharing)
- Create Meeting Page structure under ToIP Guardianship Addendum on Wiki site - DONE
- Focused outreach for feedback on specific items in the Addendum document - DONE - and following up
- Seek subject matter specific expertise from Airline/Travel people who can review and comment on the proposed approach for each stage of the journey process for accompanied and unaccompanied minors and adults travelling with dependent adults, and unaccompanied dependent adults.
- Group to provide a "show and tell" or other form of simple communication about the ideas being generated by the GHP Blueprint Guardianship Addendum Drafting group.