The purpose of the STTF is to produce and maintain one or more templates for formal ToIP specifications. In addition it will develop and maintain a set of policies and directives for the structure, content, and formatting of these deliverables. Finally, it will develop or contribute to open source tooling to facilitate drafting and review of these deliverables.
While this TF will operate under the purview of the TSWG, it is expected to be a polyglot TF having participation and contributions across all ToIP Working Groups.
The STTF needs to provide policies and directives for:
Document Format:
- Markdown (this is the format currently required for ToIP specifications)
- Kramdown vs. Markdown-it
- something else
Diagrams and images:
- Mermaid
- something else
Document rendering:
- Spec-up (this is our primary specification authoring tool)
- Respec
- MKdocs
- Docusaurus
- something else
Document Structure:
What sections are required? Examples:
- Introduction
- Clauses (ISO) vs sections
- Bibliography
- Appendix vs Annex (ISO)
What sections are required and should be pre-populated? Examples:
- Foreword (ISO)
Status of This Memo (IETF)
- Copyright Notice (IETF)
Document Style:
- How should normative vs informative sections be distinguished?
- Do we require any Internationalization and localization of specifications?
- What format should references and citations have?
- Format and capitalization of terms and definitions
- iso lower cases all term definitions, but their usages can be capitalized, but not other formatting is applied
- IETF capitalizes terms and definitions and their usages... and sometimes italics/bold are applied (cite)
Document versioning:
- Method
- Publication deliverable / permanent links
- Spec-Up versioning and git/github strategy - see concern
Image versioning:
- a sustainable way of storing and referencing source and (auto)generated results of diagrams
- a layered structure - and overall maintenance of this documentation for different user groups and levels in a consistent way
- Broken links checker
- A set of GitHub actions that render publicly accessible:
- Webpages?
- Word documents?
- PDFs?
Documentation for paths to further SDOs:
- something else
(W3C is intentionally omitted as they have a well established feeder organization through the CCG)
Updates to spec-up:
add support for `[[bib: XYZ, (http://example.com)]]` or similar construct should render
The original deliverable template for reference:
The table below lists all deliverables of the ACDC Task Force:
Acronym | Full Name of Deliverable | Deliverable Type | Link to Draft Deliverable | Lead Authors | Status/Notes |
ST | Specification Template | Template | https://github.com/trustoverip/specification-template | Draft | |
... | Specification Style Guide | Guide | https://wiki.trustoverip.org/display/HOME/Specification+Style+Guide | ||
TGG | Terminology Governance Guide | Guide | https://henkvancann.github.io/terminology-governance-guide/ | @henkvancann | Draft |
Proposed Chairs
Please add your name to this list if you wish to be a chair:
- Kevin Griffin Kevin Griffin
- Drummond Reed Drummond Reed
- Darrell O'Donnell Darrell O'Donnell
- Henk van Cann Henk van Cann
Meeting Schedule
Initial formal meeting then work is intended to be asynchronous using this wiki and GitHub Discussions and Issues. Zoom meetings will be called as needed.
Meeting Agendas and Notes
Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, Patent, Source Code)
As a Task Force (TF) of the Technology Stack WG (TSWG), the STTF inherits the IPR terms from the TSWG JDF Charter.
- Copyright mode: OWFa 1.0 (available at https://www.openwebfoundation.org/the-agreements/the-owf-1-0-agreements-granted-claims/owfa-1-0)
- Patent mode: OWFa 1.0 (available at https://www.openwebfoundation.org/the-agreements/the-owf-1-0-agreements-granted-claims/owfa-1-0)
- Source code: Apache 2.0 (available at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)
Mailing List and Communications
This task force uses the following for communications
- Slack: This TF has its own dedicated Slack channel: #tswg-sttf
- Github: This TF will use GitHub issues for substantive conversations on topics, not Slack. This way the conversation is source controlled.