This white-paper deliverable provides ToIP Foundation answers to frequently asked questions pertinent to successful ecosystems within a digital trust marketplace. It will be built on the provincial RFI response .
You can find GitHub repository following this link.
This repository can be expanded over time to be a resource for ToIP audience.
White Paper navigation structure
- Introduction
- Ecosystems:
- 'What is impact of sector participation?'
- 'Do application strategies matter?'
- 'What are the benefits of cross-industry collaboration?'
- 'Do application strategies matter?'
- 'What woiuld be a tactical digital wallet strategy?'
- 'How can ToIP aid ecosystems?'
- 'What use cases are most pervasive?'
- 'How can an ecosystem project optimize participation?'
- 'What are the minimum credential attributes?'
- 'How can unintended consequences be avoided?'
- 'How to mitigate privacy concerns?'
- 'How can ecosystem sustainability be maintained?'
- Governance:
- 'What is the approrpiate delineation for ecosystem oversight?'
- 'What regulatory changes are required?'
- 'How to identify guiding principles?'
- 'What are some key operating standards?'
- 'How is liability shared?'
- Technology and Operations:
- 'How best to define an adoption roadmap?'
- 'How to avoid solutions that marginalize citizens?'
- 'What funding models have been successful?'
- Risks:
- 'What are the risks?'
- Benefits:
- 'What monetization opportunities exist?'
- References:
- 'ToIP Governance Metamodel'
- 'ToIP Risk Assessment List'
- Help:
- 'Acknowledgments'
- 'Contact us'