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Guiding Goal: Determining a naming convention for DSWG task forces.
- Welcome (Paul—2.5 mins)
- Newcomer Introductions (WG, 2.5 mins)
- Task Force Updates (WG, 5 mins)
- Imaging TF (Scott)
- Medical Information TF (Scott)
- OCA-FHIR FG (John)
- Notice & Consent TF (Mark)
- Discussion: DSWG Task Force naming convention (Paul—20 mins)
- Current Ecosystem Foundry Working Group (EFWG) TFs
- Current Decentralized Semantics Working Group (DSWG) TFs
- Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS)
- Standard Industry Classification (SIC)
- Ref.:
Proposal: Passive Identifier Task Force (Paul—10 mins)
Passive identifier. a type of identifier that contains a cryptographic hash of digital content which acts as an immutable fingerprint to identify a passive non-governing entity or an inanimate object.
A passive identifier can either be: (i.) governed by a governing entity or (ii.) not governed.
- Examples: Distributed Resource Identifier, Patient Identifier, etc.
FHIR-to-OCA transformation: Areas of friction, learning and progress (OCA-FHIR FG / John & Mukund—15 mins)
FHIR Core-defined Extension Registry
- Profiling FHIR
- US Core Profiles
- Logistics and miscellaneous (Paul—5 mins)
- Chairs
- Meeting schedule
OCA-FHIR FG weekly meeting
- Thursday, October 1st @ 07:00 US PT / 16.00 CET
- Zoom link:
- Decentralized Semantics WG weekly meeting
- Tuesday, October 6th @ 09:00 US PT / 18.00 CET
- Zoom link:
Meeting Notes
Participants (Name / Location / Time zone / Affiliation):
- Paul Knowles / Basel, Switzerland / CET / Human Colossus Foundation
- Robert Mitwicki / Graz, Austria / CET / Human Colossus Foundation
Leadership positions:
(Note: We plan to instigate an official submissions, nominations and voting process. In the meantime, please put your name down if you are interested in volunteering for either a Chair or Vice-chair position.)
- Decentralized Semantics WG
- Chair volunteers
- Paul Knowles (Human Colossus Foundation)
- Vice-chair volunteers
- John Wunderlich (JLINC Labs)
- Nick Nayfack (Team Ikigai)
- Chair volunteers
- Imaging TF
- Chair volunteers
- Vice-chair volunteers
- Medical Information TF
- Chair volunteers
- Mukund Parthasarathy (SemanticClarity)
- John Walker (SemanticClarity)
- Vice-chair volunteers
- Chair volunteers
- FHIR-OCA Object Transformation FG
- Chair volunteers
- Vice-chair volunteers
- Notice & Consent TF
- Chair volunteers
- Vice-chair volunteers