Discuss (a) Mental Models Task Force, (b) how to relate with terminological work in other WGs/TFs, (c) progress on toolkit.
Agenda Items and Notes (including all relevant links)
Agenda Item
3 min
Start recording
Welcome & antitrust notice
Introduction of new members
Agenda review
Antitrust Policy Notice:Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.
New Members: none
5 min
General announcements
Any news and updates of general interest to CTWG members
Neil: input Input and semantics Semantics WG is winding down. Notice consentConsent, privacy Privacy and riskRisk, storage & portability tfs and Storage & Portability Task Forces are being reconsidered. N&C will go to governance. Data Agreements are central. What are the rules of consent? Do we need mental models for that? How would generic data exchange work? How about traceability, signing, etc.?
Nicky: continuing guinea pig activities. First, started templates on governance framework glossary (as one of the controlled docs). GA-TF seems to take a different approach. There may not be too much utility for glossary-related work at present. Second, SSI harms paper (TF of Human Experience WG). Embedded in that is mental model of harms, but needs more thought. Key concepts start to emerge from the thinking. 'Decisions' may be one of them.
terminology work is finding its ways outside of ToIP as well, and not just within TNO.
work Work is progressing on what provisionally is called QDX (Qualified Data eXchange), which is a way of thinking about how parties design and operate their information processes, focusing on how they can (i) request and obtain data that is valid for specific kinds of processing, (ii) securely store such data, and (iii) provide this data to others (in terms of syntax, semantics, assurances and provisioning criteria).
eIDAS 2 is very hot in (specific parts of) Europe. TNO is following some of the discussions, and participates in a few of them.
2 min
Review of previous action items
ACTION:Rieks Joostento updateSid Haniffwith any revisions to the Terminology Toolbox 2.0 documentation that would affect development.
ACTION:Rieks Joostenwill chair the agenda for the Sept 12 CTWG meeting.
Judith Fleenor sent out the all-members bulletin that gauged interest in the Mental Models Task Force. Feedback/responses haven't been received. Perhaps we miss something here as today is the Hyperledger Summit where many of us participate.
ACTION: Drummond Reed agenda item for next meeting: Mental Model TF (MMTF).
Neil Thomson Let's standardize on a tool, e.g. like the eSSIF-Lab stuff. Rieks Joosten explained that it's more a method than a tool (he uses powerpoint for the diagrams...). We may want to consider writing up how that's done there; perhaps that could be a first deliverable of a MMTF if it were to start.
Terminological work (building glossaries) is being done by various people, WGs and TFs. How do we want/need to be kept informed, and how to setup and maintain relations? This point was not discussed (except under general announcements).
ACTION: Drummond Reed agenda item for next meeting: discuss how CTWG and other WGs/TFs interact.
progress on the MRG tool: Development of MRG generator is complete as per the demo at last week’s dev meeting Need to create 1) a Docker file and 2) documentation for install and use and then ready for Rieks to user test.
outlook for progress on other tools. None at this point in time.
5 mins
Review decisions/action items
Planning for next meeting
Suggestion to skip Sept 26th as that is RWOT that both Drummond Reed and Rieks Joosten attend. This will be decided through a slack discussion.
ACTION: Rieks Joosten to discuss skipping meeting of Sept 26th in slack (because of RWOT)
Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)
No decisions were taken
Action Items
ACTION: Drummond Reed edit the Zoom meeting link/recording (in the meeting notes) so that it points to the recording.
ACTION: Drummond Reed agenda item for next meeting: Mental Model TF (MMTF).
ACTION: Drummond Reed agenda item for next meeting: discuss how CTWG and other WGs/TFs interact.
ACTION: Rieks Joosten to discuss skipping meeting of Sept 26th in slack (because of RWOT)