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Meeting Date

Check the ToIP Calendar for meeting dates.

Zoom Meeting Link / Recording

  • (This link will be replaced with a link to the recording of the meeting as soon as it is available)

Slack Channel in ToIP slack: #gswg-museum-pass-tf


Neil Thomson 

Kent Bull 


  • New executive director for DIF. I want to echo that the business and technical aspects are very important.
    I focus on cleanup at DIF, primarily two things: education and making it easy for developers.
  • Telling the rest of the world is a challenge. If we are climbing Mt. Everest we are at the base camp.
  • Recruiting developer advocates to make it easier to work in this space.
  • My roots in the industry are cybersecurity. Once you have a stack and people start to implement it then you start doing security modeling and in-depth threat analysis.

Carly HidemaHuitema


  • founder and CEO of Passive Bolt. Our focus has been on using SSI for physical access control. Worked in automotive to do physical access control. What we've done in house is built every layer of the technical stack. In house verifiable data registry (custom blockchain). Designed, implemented connection protocols like DIDComm 2, DWN, etc, to establish connections and exchange communications. Designed wallets that are end-user facing that are in the app store today. At the top level we have gone out of our way to create DID-capable access control electronics, to get those things embedded so that anything from turnstyles to hotel locks to work with this. AFAIK we are the first implementation of an SSI-based experience. Hotel guest can connect with the property and get through all the workflows in an automated fashion without surrendering any PII. Using generative AI for the front desk experience. A member of the DIF.


  • Hoping we have an industry person to lead this group. It doesn't take a lot of technical knowledge to lead this group. Very deliverables focused.



  • we need to make sure we are clear of the goal of this task force:

    Standards for the industry
    Example use case


  • Museum Pass is an example, not for future museums to grab. We just happened to pick a relatable example of the Museum Pass.
  • It is not our expectations to build a prototype for a museum. We are creating a representative model.

Kent Bull

  • a coder, looking to lead the technical implementations, currently specializes in KERI and ACDC, would like to see other tech stacks and work towards their implementation.


  • I agree, this is primarily an example of a use case


  • I am willing to lead, though can't do it all, as a matter of bandwidth.


  • We spent a year refining use cases. We had sub-committees working on these use cases. Many of the use cases were not associated with each other.
  • Ran 37 hackathons across the world. I've spent a lot of time as an investor in the space. I've been through this before, though not in the Web 3 space.
  • Gene is in as a moderator, not as a hall monitor.

Alex (from chat)


  • suggest we have a meeting in two weeks.
  • Alex and Kabir stepped up, will get an email from me with an email listing of all the people who came here.
  • We need some structure in next meeting.
  • Next meeting should be about potential deliverables.


  • would like to contribute from the Governance side


  • happy to help with the use cases as well, maybe not the one leading the overall thing, though could help with what he has experience in.


  • looking forward to everyone's contribution


  • are you okay if I email the people on the board at Octo and tell them it's just a demo, a model?
  • Looks like there are things to be smoothed.


  • I am happy help smooth things out.


Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)



  • Sample Decision ItemNext meeting will be about deliverables

Action Items

  •  Sample Action ItemScott will reach out to Kabir, Alex, and Savita for the next meeting, the 25th of April.