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1, February 2022  — 11:00 PT, 14:00 ET, 19:00 UTC, 20:00 CET


1 minWelcomeJ. Townsend
2 mins

Antitrust Policy Notice

J. Townsend
10 minsAnnouncementsChairs & All
  • Handover, new leads/voting
  • At inception goals was to review repository of utilities - 5 networks we covered weekly; documented how networks came about/formed
  • Started on other initiatives to create documentation on what WG was doing (more opportunities to expand)
  • More opportunity on governance related items
  • Decision made by Mathieu and Andre to hand over given time commitments
  • Lynn, Alex and Jessica up for consideration of transitioning leadership to
0 minsWhat's Next

A. Tweeddale

  • Finalize deliverable - Public Identity Utilities for Digital Trust Ecosystems - an Overview
  • New Deliverable Recommendations
    • KERI acting as layer one
    • Architecture and Compliance - deep dive on layer one set up (GDPR/Data)
    • Broader set of Layer 1 utilities, including DeFi, payments for identity 
    • How do we work towards interoperability in the space of Layer 1s?
  • Education sessions - which layer ones do we want to feature/learn more about?
    • KERI
    • EBSI
    • GLEIF
    • cheqd
    • Sidetree and ION
    • Kilt
    • Native Governance chains: Solana/Polkadot/Cosmos/Aleph Zero
0 minsUpdates on UtilitiesL. Bendixsen

includes those not in run phase

  • ID Union
  • Bedrock
  • KochiOrgBook - 
  • cheqd
0 minsDeliverable OverviewJ. TownsendPublic Identity Utilities for Digital Trust Ecosystems - an Overview
0 mins




  •  Go Forward Meeting Cadence


TF NameMissionMembersStatus

Utility Project Implementation Guide Task Force

Create the getting started guide for prospective Utility Projects.

IG0029: Utility Project Guide

A new repo has been created and the TF has issued its first objective. Lynn seeks assistance on repo publishing with Mac.

TF is discussing outline and questions to be answered for prospective projects. 

Draft Doc:

Initial released version:

Best Practices Task ForceAnalyze Project Interviews, establish list of Best Practices and submit each BP using ToIP Deliverables Process.
  •  Drafting framework for evaluating public identity utilities (BP0014) (v2)
  •   Drafting v1 of three BP documents (based on feedback from interviews with decentralized PIU conveners/providers)*
    •  BP0015 - Assessing Sustainability of a PIU (v1)
    •  BP0016 - Determining Affordability of a PIU (v1)
    •  BP0017 - Assessing Alignment to a PIU
  •  Backlog
    •  Dashboard Health / Network Monitoring (Example)

*At future point, consider consolidating all best practices into one comprehensive document

SUGGESTION: Interlocking with Saturn-V TF as a first user of these Best Practices.

Decentralization Task Force

Submit a BP deliverable and a design principle for what it means to be Decentralized.

Jessica Townsend  (lead) 

Dan Gisolfi 


Glossary Task ForceGenerate a UFWG Glossary in collaboration with the CTWG.RJ Reiser (lead) Still pending CTWG process. Submissions under review.


  •  any decenters appointing co chairs of Alex, Lynn, Jessica? UFWG in support of transition being supported
  •  Official transition in place from Mathieu and Andre to Alex, Lynn and Jessica
    •  Alex comes from legal background, GDPR and privacy law; currently works with cheqd (involved with Gov Framework development)
    •  Lynn works for Indicio (Director of Network Ops), prior worked at Sovrin primarily ensuring build and maintaining Sovrin/HL Indy networks
    •  Jessica works for Accenture focused on Decentralized Identity Credentialing and Certifications for Next Worker/Next Enterprise

Discussion Items

  •  -

Open Items
