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  • Judith Fleenor (ToIP - Director of Strategic Engagement)
  • Drummond Reed (Avast)
  • RJ Reiser (Liquid Avatar)
  • Wenjing Chu ()
  • Dan Bachenheimer (Accenture)
  • John Jordan (BC Gov)
  • Chris Ingrao ()
  • Scott Perry (Schellman)
  • Abbie (CVS)
  • Jessica Townsend ()
  • Steve McCown ()
  • Bryn Robinson-Morgan (Mastercard)
  • Mike Vesey (IDRampSuma Nair ()
  • Keren Leung ()
  • Elisa Trevino (LF)

1 minAgenda ReviewJudith Fleenor
2 minMinutes Approval

1 min

New Member ReviewJudith Fleenor

5 min

EFWG Deliverable ApprovalJudith Fleenor 
3 minsCall for Budget CommitteeJudith Fleenor 
3 minsMembership Renewal Update
5 minsLF Member Summit 

2 minsFall IIWJudith Fleenor 
3 minsNovember/December Meeting ScheduleJudith Fleenor 
1 minsUp-Coming Meetings - OctoberJudith Fleenor 
10 minsUpdate on Open Wallet Foundation and the TATF Spec
As Time AllowsOpen DiscussionAll 

  • Recording


  • Presentation (Google Slides)


Drummond Reed shared that the task force and spec has made much progress and they're working to have the new draft ready by IIW to share and delve into the insights of the spec architecture. He also shared that the spec is in GitHub for review and shared that they have a process for updating the spec. Wenjing Chu shared that he's created a recording on the presentation that illustrate the concept of the work they've been doing on the spec and highly recommends folks take the time to listen to the recording

Open Wallet Foundation -

Judith FleenorDrummond Reed shared an update on the OWF and provided a high level of the cadence they're currently meeting both from a technical and business perspective. He also shared that the OWF is schedule to debut at LFMS in November. 

Open Discussion -

Drummond Reed shared that the Task Registry TF produced a spec and they were looking for additional feedback to approve the spec. Recently there's new interest in the area and learned that there are other trust registries that may influence the efforts from this working group. They are hoping to spin up a 2.0 version with new community feedback. Keren asked for resources to help explain the efforts so that she can better engage in the efforts toward development (Trust Registry Task Force).
