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14.00 UTC = 07:00 PT = 16:00 CET = 19:30 IST Zoom Meeting Link / Recording

(This link will be replaced with a link to the recording of the meeting as soon as that is available)Meeting Recording Here

Main Goal of this meeting: Next convening steps & Intro to project 1 - HX for Governance & Trust Building in Yoma


1 min
  • Welcome & antitrust notice

  • Agenda review
  • Antitrust Policy Notice: Attendees are reminded to adhere to the meeting agenda and not participate in activities prohibited under antitrust and competition laws. Only members of ToIP who have signed the necessary agreements are permitted to participate in this activity beyond an observer role.

4 minsIntroduction of new members

Alta Nel: Working on Yoma, incorporating SSI within the Yoma proposition, Product Designer, working on Yoma for last 8 months

Clayton Bond: Product Manager & Project Manager for Yoma to meet product roadmap & w/business to design product roadmap

Jacques Bikoundou- developer, involved in ToIP work for last year e.g. GHP, and on ToIP White Paper, there is a section on ToIP paper ref Digital wallet, want to introduce Human X / Design elements in the wallet so here to learn on that

Will Abramson - been working on SSI for some time - PhD student


White Paper


Terms Wiki

  •  Introduction to ToIP V2 white paper:  Second version of the white paper on the website, intro for muggles.  What is ToIP, what do we do, what are the WGs about, what do we solve?  Community writing groups, 1/2 updates, 1/2 new content.  In community review in last 3 weeks.  Please add your thoughts/reviews, comments.  If there are problems 
  • Judith explain Calendar (Calendar of ToIP Meetings) if you already have copied meetings, please re-subscribe rather than assuming no changes, new zoom links on some calendars.  Unsubscribe to old calendar.  Delete everything!!! and then subscribe to the new shiny new ToIP calendar.
  • Drummond - Terms Wiki - any special terms wiki's for TF or WG's can subscribe.  Also core ToIP terms - shared terms.  If we need our own terms wiki, then we can have our own terms.  any #ToIP terms go in this core terms wiki, any #HXWG terms go in their own terms wiki
  •  Kalin:  we will start w/core terms, and then move towards some HXWG terms
  • Judith:  Design principles document have some other components which overlap w/ human experience.  Understand the design principles of ToIP.
10 minsVolunteers for Chairs / co-chairs & Charter changeKalin
  • From previous meeting: Judith: Challenge Status Quo - calling out the group calls out what you are trying to do with diversity and inclusion - gives me a negative reaction, others might too. 
  • Current wording "Challenge the status quo that is predominately white, male, western, centralised and tech-centric models of identity,  trust, risk, privacy and security. "
  • proposed new wording: Challenge the status quo to acknowledge and represent all individuals and actors in society, independent of their cultural, social and technological background in each of the dimensions of identity: trust, risk, privacy and security.”
  • Approved by HXWG
10 minsRoadshow - Growing the HXWG externallyKalin
  • Updating the brilliant ppt  and expanding the community - important for the development of HXWG.  
  • Serve as HX Welcome (create 2 You-tube recordings, 5 mins walkthrough & full ppt)
  • Roadshow both inside & outside ToIP community to bring in new voices especially externally, e.g. social scientists.  Kalin to do the story to share, and then record and prepare for review by the HXWG members.  'Crit days / weeks' - expose to input for their time & critical thinking.  Hat tip to Andrew for the idea of 'crit days' .  What can we re-use, what's the compelling story line.  Kalin and invites you to add any of your ideas or add thoughts.  Alta will help with Kimberly, Alta, Andrew & Bentley.  Deliverable is clear.  1 month for the deliverable.
  • Judith - support from ToIP to use style guides.  Can IIW do presentation for intro.  Will use design language & colour language.  Peter's work .  
30 minsYoma HX of Governance & Trust Building


Alta Nel

Clayton Bond

  • Outline strawman of the project. (HX Project Format)
  • Intro to Yoma - acronym for Youth marketplace, convened by UNICEF - aims to expose more employment opportunities to african youth, mainly SA & Nigeria.  Points of friction, youth have main - we love your CV but you don't have actual experience. so closed loop paradox of not being able to get experience without experience.  Step in between, as a youth sign up to yoma and prompted to put together digital CV, then Yoma exposes through ecosystem 'opportunity providers' - train up and educate youth of africa.  Bring all together in one place, then we're all in the same place.  Share opportunities for you to take part.  e.g. you want to become web developer, do you want to take this course on web development, tasks and skills are listed.  Youth participate in the opportunity, get VC for successful completion of the course / task., VC's for skills.  All built on SSI framework for the VC's = skills backpack, then can go to employment partners, shares Digital CV, also receive token (ZLTO) to spend in the marketplace.
  • Judith: low-tech / no-tech solution for digitally excluded youth, so already an SMS solution for viewing CV and using & spending ZLTO, still challenges.
  • Not solved, but on roadmap. Currently all custodial / cloud-based wallet.  so not fully SSI, but if properly managed under the right GF (Drummond) still fully SSI.  
  • Kalin:  Have seen that this works for iRespond for vaccination use cases, still an important use case/ implemetnation or for excluded folks.  SSI Wallet may in a future version be split to CLOUD/CUSTODIAN and EDGE/INDIVIDUAL wallet - if those are linked and synced, will be opt-in  Then the youth participant will be empowered to decide if distinct / fully claimed.
  • Intro to Yoma Persona  - first intro' use to start with these persona and considering how we build HX trust.
  • Discussion on next steps
  • Link to Working Document
5 minsWrap-up / Action ItemsKalin

Next meeting  - more Yoma.

We will share agenda for the persona and deliverables.  Reach out to Kalin or Nicky on slack.
