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3 minWelcome & Antitrust Notice

David Luchuk

15 minEditorial Calendar (draft) - Update

Ajay Madhok

15 minStrategy - key elements

Ajay Madhok & David Lucatch 

10 minLogo usage policy (draft) - DiscussionDavid Luchuk
5 minCommunications Products - contract updateDavid Luchuk
2 minNext meeting

David Luchuk



  • (Draft) Logo Usage Policy - 

View file
nameLogo Usage Policy - ToIP - DRAFT - Jan 2021.pdf


1. Webinars - plan for Q1

  • Jim StClair proposes that we have a schedule and prepare a backlog of content
  • Drummond Reed proposed that we establish a monthly schedule and an editorial calendar
  • Ajay Madhok The highest priority is to establish the editorial calendar, and the schedule should follow from that
    • It's okay if we don't start regular webinars until February
    • The highest priorty 
    • We need to discuss how we develop the ToIP brand
    • We need to focus on the value of the content that will be presented at each webinar
  • There was a consensus that the editorial calendar is the highest priority
  • Ajay Madhok pointed out that the webinar can also be a podcast, and that all of them will form a part of an overall storyline
    • This will help develop the editorial calendar
  • David Luchuk said we should get out that prospect to all our WGs
  • Drummond Reed channeled several discussions he had with Charlie Walton about having webinars, blogs, or papers about current market events, such as the current market focus on a travel/health pass as a verifiable credential.
    • Content that we produce for these types of topical events should be fit in alongside (or anticipated by) the editorial calendar
    • There was agreement that we should be producing topical content and building the reputation of the ToIP Foundation as a media source for information and positions on topics related to digital trust and decentralized digital trust infrastructure
  • Dan Gisolfi said that it's important to come up with guidelines around categories and types of acceptable content (so we can avoid vendor pitches)
  • Fran Rice asked if there was any particular feedback from the last webinar
    • David Luchuk said that there wasn't any specific feedback from the December webinar on ToIP and Governments
    • The feedback was good, and it inspired at least one ToIP member (Certizen) to do their own conference this month
    • One lesson learned was that it would be wise to always schedule a short prep/test webinar session among the participants
    • Karl Kneis noted how important it was to make sure all ToIP members have input, visibility, and opportunity to participate in comms events
  • About the editorial calendar, Drummond Reed asked how it would be developed
    • Ajay Madhok said that he and Will Groah and David Lucatch are meeting mid-next-week to develop an audience profile, story spine, and some examples of suggested content for that calendar

2. Communications Strategy - next steps

  • David Luchuk explained that we had two sessions in developing a Comms Strategy document that Alex Walz was facilitating. Do we still want to complete that?
  • Drummond Reed said it was very valuable, and it feels like it's now being handed off to the Communications Committee leadership (John Jordan as chair and Ajay Madhok , Will Groah , David Lucatch as vice chairs)
  • Charlie Walton then spoke to his concerns about if we are adequately resourced to fully address the size of the market opportunity of ToIP
    • "We have a tiger by the tail"
    • We are already attracting the attention of governments
    • Are we giving enough attention and resources to how we are communicating the story
  • Karl Kneis agreed that we are not resourced properly
    • We do need a strategy document
    • We also need policies and procedures to deal with how comms flow in and out of the Foundation—who can speak to what when
    • This group should be proposing milestones to the Steering Committee
  • We talked about "hot topics" in the market
    • Jim StClair pointed out that he agreed with Charlie and Drummond Reed that the travel/health pass topic is indeed very timely, and we should take advantage of that opportunity, but not let it define the Foundation
  • Ajay Madhok said that understanding the aspirations of the Foundation and Communications Committee members would be good
    • We need a focus on "what we want to be"
  • David Lucatch said that when he tries to take the view of our target audience, they still don't quite understand ToIP
    • We should take advantage of topical news
    • But we need to be very focused and tactical
  • Drummond Reed suggested that it should still be an action item of the Communications Committee to produce a Comms Strategy document in order to frame our other strategy and tactical decisions
    • David Luchuk agreed and asked for consensus on that action item
    • DECISION: We will complete the Comms Strategy as soon as possible, and to ask the leadership should drive this ASAP.
    • Charlie asked about how quickly this can happen
    • Drummond Reed suggested the goal should be to fully complete and approve that strategy document in our next biweekly cycle
    • ACTION: Leadership to prepare a draft of the Comms Strategy and completion plan and circulate it for discussion before the next meeting so we can ideally approve it at the next meeting

3. Charlie brought up the question of the ToIP Foundation looking at a sustained focus/task force on the topic of the travel/health pass since it is such a hot topic in the market—how should we proceed with this?

4. Timing of next meeting

  • ACTION: David Luchukto use email/Slack to figure out a new meeting time in John's window of 1-4PM PT

Action items

  •  Editorial Calendar to be developed for committee review
  •  Communications Strategy to be completed - target Jan 19, 2021
  •  Steering Committee to consider (Jan 2021) focus on Travel/Health Pass 
  •  New meeting schedule to be set - window: 1-4pm PT

Editorial Calendar - update

  • Ajay Madhok presented a preliminary plan for monthly themes that can be used to sequence webinars, posts and other modular content. The calendar can be viewed a Table of Contents for topics related to digital trust and the ToIP model.
  • It will be important to take a “Story Spine” approach to content that demonstrates how the ToIP model solves problems that are relevant to the target audience.
  • Will Groah observed that the calendar provides an opportunity for many members to get involved in content creation. It breaks the ToIP message down into a sequence that builds in an understandable direction.
  • Kimberly Linson asked what the intended audience will be for this ToIP content?
  • John Jordan proposed that decision makers in the public and private sectors, who need to better understand the key questions they should be asking about systems being pitched to them, represent an important target audience. 
  • Dan Gisolfi suggested correlating each monthly theme with deliverables to support our Q1 priorities emphasize the consumability of ToIP content.
  • John Jordan observed that communications materials should allow people to drill into the 4-layer stack and better understand how the decisions they are trying to make are reflected in the model.
  • David Lucatch described ToIP products a series of thematic presentations that all point back to a consistent set of core messages and a story-based narrative people can relate to. 
  • Drummond Reed emphasized the opportunity to respond to newsworthy items to create a reflex in the media to seek the ToIP viewpoint, as an authoritative voice, on important issues.
    • Good Health Pass coalition cited as a good example of a news item on which ToIP has relevant views to share, and which may benefit from incubating its governance work inside the Foundation itself.  
  • David Lucatch confirmed that, in support of this work, the PR firm hired by his company (KABN) will dedicate part of its time to working with ToIP.

2. Strategy - elements

  • Ajay Madhok introduced two key elements that will contribute to the completion of the Communications Strategy.
  • First, adopting a messaging “prism” approach will help ToIP deliver many messages to many audiences, striving to maintain a high level of relevance to a variety of actors in the public and private sectors. Our offer must consistently match the set of problems that our audience views as important - sustained relevance.
  • Second, taking a modular approach to producing content will lead to structurally rich, re-usable and adaptable pieces. ToIP should ai to produce micro-content in the form of modular building blocks, each with standalone value, that can be combined and assembled in different ways for different purposes - curated storyboards.
  • Drummond Reed asked how we can operationalize this advice to produce both the Strategy and content/products.
  •  Ajay Madhokindicated that the Vice-Chairs would meet next week (Jan 25-29) to further develop the framework for a strategy and the editorial calendar.
  • Will Groah added that this work will help clarify how priority deliverables can be reflected in the themes presented in the calendar.
  • David Lucatch suggested moving quickly to create a “message map” so that ToIP can start increasing its visibility in the market.
  • Drummond Reed recommended the Good Health Pass as a possible topic for a webinar or event in February.
  • Wenjing Chu commented that messaging needs to map clearly back to ToIP’s mission and goals. This should take the form of a clear understanding, when people attend one of our events or consume our material, of what action we are proposing they take. 

3. Logo usage policy

  • David Luchuk presented a draft logo usage policy for discussion, based on principles put forward by the Linux Foundation in their existing trademark policy.
  • Will Groah asked whether there will be a need for ToIP to trademark its logo.
  • Dan Gisolfi observed there is a cost associated with taking that step that needs to be considered. Is it worth the time and money?
  • David Lucatch suggested taking an approach that KABN has used in the past to reduce the cost of trademarking.
  • David Luchuk to follow up with Linux Foundation about draft policy and repot back.

4. Communications products - contract update

  • David Luchuk advised that Peter Stoyko’s work is advancing on communications products, and that meetings would be held with members of this Committee in the coming two weeks to discuss infographics and other proposed products prior to finalization.

Action items

  •  Vice-Chairs to continue working on Editorial Calendar and key elements of Strategy
  •  David Luchuk will share the draft logo usage policy with Unix Foundation for comment.
  •  Opportunity to contribute to Editorial Calendar to be raised at next All Member meeting (Feb 2021)