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15, September


2020 — 11:00 PT,


14:00 ET,






20:00 CET

Send an email to to request a calendar invite (you can subscribe to the mailing list at


1 minWelcomeA. Kudra
2 mins

Antitrust Policy Notice

A. Kudra
5 mins

New Introductions

A. Kudra
2 mins

Review / Approve minutes from last meeting (01-Sep-2020)

A. Kudra
  • Motioner: Dan Gisolfi
  • Second: Drummond Reed
  • Approval: Confirmed
10 minsAnnouncementsD. Gisolfi
20 minsUtility Project Status UpdatesUtility Representatives
5 minsUFWG APAC InterlockA. Kudra
10 minsDecision PointsD. Gisolfi
10 minsDiscussion TopicsD. Gisolfi
10 minsReview Action and Open ItemsA. Kudra
10 mins


A. Kudra

Announcement Details




  •  What are the deliverables of the UFWG? 
    •  ASSIGN sub-group with drafting our WG deliverables process for next week.
      •   Understanding TOIP Deliverables Version 5 (work-in-process)
        •  Topics for draft considerations
          • Recap of our objectives - with specific focus on the assistance and guidance mode that the WG
          • How our GitHub repo will be used 
          • Utility Foundry decision tree
          • Workflow swim-lanes 
        •  Who is the audience for each of our deliverables?
      •  Volunteers via APAC meeting: Vinod Panicker
      •  Volunteers via US/EU meeting: Mathieu Glaude (lead), Dan Gisolfi, Andre Kudra, +1 from esatus tbd, Lynn Bendixsen (review)
  •  ASSIGN  sub-group to work on Utility Foundry Workflow
    •  Draft a intro-deck (Google slides) to introduce our workflow
    •  Do we have enough examples of sample projects use cases to get started with our Workflow Deep Dive?
    •  We need to Swim-lane Deep Dives
      •  Assign volunteers for each swim-lane
    •  Volunteers via APAC meeting: x
    •  Volunteers via US/EU meeting: x
  •  Andre Kudra will check with German UFWG community if they can entertain a German ToIP meeting
  •  Triage GitHub Issues


  •  Mathieu Glaude to PRESENT draft a proposal for UFWG deliverables at next mtg.
  •  Call-for-Projects 
  •  Education Topics for Presentations to be Scheduled
  •  Set Agenda for next meeting


  •  Horizontal Interop
  •  UFWG Sandbox Utility
    •   The members of the UFWG need to gain experience before writing guidelines and best practices.
    •  Challenge: Create a Sample Utility comprised of 3-5 nodes for testing purposes using the Blockchain Automation Framework (BAF)
    •  Goal: Leverage this research exercise as a way to create BAF artifacts for Hyperledger Indy
    •  Tools: Bootstrapping Node Hosting - Learn BAF
  •  Education Topics
    •  Trustbloc - no immediate need, can be re-raised if interest comes up
