If you missed the recording, https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/ToIP?view=month has the meeting recording!
Time | Agenda Item | Lead | Notes | |
5 min | | Chairs | | |
5 min | Review of previous action items | Chairs | | |
5-10 min | Updated Spec PR | Andor Kesselman | Language Improvements To the Spec: https://github.com/trustoverip/tswg-trust-registry-protocol/pull/86 | |
| Github Hygiene | Andor Kesselman | Github Hygene Hygiene : Outcome: A single branch Only relevant issues are still live. All old PR’s should be closed.
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10 mins | Updated Diagrams | Drummond Reed | Wiki UpdatedToIP Trust Registry Query Protocol (TRQP) Specification Overview | |
10 mins | | DICE Updates | [DR] Used wiki at DICE. Good feedback. [DD] Lots of Trust Registry conversations going on. [DD] Trust Service Providers and Swiss e-ID team. [DR] Supposed to be focused on ecosystems [DR] Nationstate level, getting about ecosystems [DR] Lack of ecosystems showing up. [DR] 1.6 Version of ARF got released. [DR] 90 min sessions. [DR] Lots of people complaining. [SP] eIDAS 2.0 is an example of over-governance [DR] Unlinkability requirements are challenging. [DR] BBS not a EU standard yet [DR] Batch issuance : Verifier/Issuer collusion. [DR] ZKP the only answer here. [DR] How is the EU going to operate with the rest of the world? [DO] Students moving from EU to Japan [SP] A lot of countries have the own agenda. [SP] A way to do this is iterative. Big bang for implementers to implement. [SP] Iterative standards are important. [AK] Will ecosystems benefit from the model? [DO] Business’s are thinking about it as silos [DO] Trying to force it won’t work. [DR]: “Daniel Säuberli’s request — called “What is a digital trust ecosystem and how do you connect them” [DR]: To get relying parties to the table, value circle of the ecosystems need to be clear. [DO] “What is a digital trust ecosystem and how do you connect them” It’s not a helpful question unless you as a party in an ecosystem of ecosystems understand: That they are an ecosystem in a set of ecosystems That they need each other That there is a safe place to talk about the problems
[Sankarshan] It often turns into “am I (or are we) part of a digital trust ecosystem?” Before the “ecosystem thinking” kicks in.
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5 mins | | Chairs | Consider APAC call Close all motion to close tickets by next meeting assuming no action. Linux Foundation Looking For Updates Where should we point to?: [DR] Blog Post : Can provide context and the overview Wikipage for announcements
[AK] Won’t it get lost with the other annoucements [DR] Be on the lookout
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[SP] Modified Governance Driven Trust Registry:
Focused on implementation/governance can work together. How can they mesh.
Where published?
[DO] Under the overview, known implementation and guidance resource.
Screenshots/Diagrams (numbered for reference in notes above)
Action Items
Consider APAC call
[DR] Take the action item to figure out how to prepare the blog post
[ED] Find out more about LF
Update this: https://lf-toip.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HOME/pages/22996548/ToIP+Trust+Registry+Query+Protocol+TRQP+Specification+Overview#Important-Links
Note: Point other specs back